Brothers stick together

avatar for hoarker
Stop paying big bucks for bump grind. It’s ok to leave a club with all your cash intact. It’s actually extemely liberating. I’ve read countless reviews from guys that drop 300-400 and their happy without even getting a bj. That’s insane. Hj? Wtf? You can do that yourself for free. If we collectively set our own standards, all of us are better off. Maybe some clubs are just too tight on monitoring. Eg. cameras, staff. But then the girl needs to offer OTC. If you go into a club during the day shift and the girls far out number the patrons, you have all the power. Say the girl will give extras, but quotes 400. That’s ok. She should be doing that if she’s smart. But you counter with $150. Same smart girl will come back with say 300. Then maybe you settle at 250. If you can’t agree, then decline. You still then have all your hard earned cash. And she has nothing, except some false pride that “I will miss rent or car payment before I blow a guy for 250”. Party on girl and wait for the imaginary guy that will miraculously show up and pay the 400 in the near empty club.


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Why stop at 250, let's do 40. FIGHT FOR FORTY!! ;)

But go home if you can't play. Any guy is free to spend what he wants as long as he's satisfied with the experience he's getting.
I understand the sentiment, but the reality is that there will always be guys who lose control of their wallet when they have a hard on.
i dont think its that simple, you need to build rapport with the girl, because the girls that find your offer offensive will report you to management and you will be known as the john. Also, whenever i go to club, and a new dancer approaches me with an offer i always turn it down. you have to buy at least 1 lapper, especially if its a 7up factory.
I agree salty. Negotiating is all about developing trust. Buy her a drink or two. Ask her some thoughtful questions. Some clubs are factories. The dancers don’t want to socialize. They immediately want to know if you want dances and start talking $.
Don’t be the guy who answers NO when the dancer asks if you’ve been there before. If you do - you will be quoted the full MSRP - and it will be very difficult to talk the dancer down.
There should be a (no homo) in the title of this discussion - just so there is no misunderstanding.
I will spend my money as I see fit without any regard for the butt hurt feelings of my poverty stricken fellow pl's.
A fool and his money are soon parted......a horny fool and his money are parted at a faster pace.....

On a more realistic note how much of the general male population do you think frequents this board? I doubt we are even 5% of the guys that go to strip clubs. We are the tail wagging the dog.......we might be the informed tail but none the less..

Recall the story about a month ago posted on here about the idiots that were contractors or oil guys and every time a girl would go to another table they would come over to the table and and throw 20's at her until they had every girl in the bar............

That is the mentality of the uninformed and small egoed and sadly there are more of them than us.....
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
"Why stop at 250, let's do 40. FIGHT FOR FORTY!!"

40 sounds good to me. :D
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