
Opening More Clubs

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
So, no longer do I see San Francisco as being under attack by a large strip club operator. They are just business people trying to make money for their share holders. They know what they are doing, and actually they run some wild places. So we need them as there are good things they bring to the situation. And that 2008 financial melt down would have closed up strip clubs which would be hard to replace because of zoning.

The real issue is LE, otherwise here it would be just like it is in TJ. Our culture would be different if guys were accustomed to front room makeout sessions followed by TLNs.

So how do we open more clubs, and of what type?

To me, smaller opens easier and cheaper, and is more likely to be something which can be considered disposable.

So I notice that with AMPs, LE closes them and closes them, but then they reopen right away with different girls in charge.

LE has tried to get ordinances passed to stop the property from being used again for another AMP, once closed. But this is unconstitutional, violates the rights of the owner.

So as the unit is already renovated for an AMP, it just reopens with another girl running it.

So as I see it, want to look at the best aspects of an AMP and a Strip Club, and figure out how to combine them, get the essentials of both, for a better operation. AMPs have better back rooms and showers. Strip Clubs allow front room fraternizing, which opens the door to GFE auditions. And in Houston, on Old Telephone Road, there are Asian Hostess Bars which combine both of these features. Guys have talked about the Front Room GFE auditions in reviews.

As I see it, the membership club model is an outstanding one, much harder for LE to crack. And no alcohol is better, safer, less problems.

And of course you don't ever want to call any of it massage, as in CA that requires a special license.



  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^So why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us how it can be done.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I thought the membership club model was just used to comply with regulations involving selling alcohol: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-legal…

    At least, I have never seen a club that was no alcohol and required membership. I have been a member of an alcohol club that was strictly air, though.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I won't show you, as my F2F identity and my online identity will remain separate.

    I have lots of big plans, but still not quite sure that I would want to be a principle in such an operation, or getting money out of such doings. But I am getting closer.

    Right now I am just bouncing the idea off of people, see what they think, see if they have any constructive comments.

    I have though about the idea of a special VIP card for a group of AMPs. The card costs no money, it is a trust card. But if you show it in an AMP, the girl scans it, maybe asks you to type your pin number. If it clears, then you are given special treatment and special pricing.

    In most AMPs the dolling up and slut wear level is not as high as in strip clubs. But in San Francisco it is still closer.

    So if your card clears, you are led from the lobby to a VIP selection room. A girl give you a fruit drink, suggesting that you are to relax and be comfortable, not the norm in AMPs. Then a girl, wearing strapped on stripper shoes, not always so in AMPs, will approach you in a TJ manner, likely sitting on your lap and ramming her tongue into your mouth. If you opt to session with her, there will be a special pricing and a longer time formula, so you can have a nice MSOG session. The shop might be "Relaxation" instead of massage, though LE looks harder at these.

    But the women and the shop will make money reliably and safely from these members, and likely contact info is exchanged so that future sessions will be OTC.

    This would be an easier way to start than opening special Members Only establishments.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @SJG how long have you been contemplating this, you come across like Cervantes main protagonist.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    ppwh, the members only model was pioneered by swingers clubs, and usually independently owned. They need this because most everywhere has laws against public sex and lewd conduct. Retail strip clubs are not exempt from these. Just in some places they aren't going to enforce lewd conduct.

    But swingers clubs want those who like it to do sex in front of others, and so long as it is consensual, they want all manner of public pawing and makeout sessions.

    The Lifestyle

    But as it is no longer public or retail, they can no longer sell alcohol, cannot hold a license.

    So the solution then for many is BYOB.

    So swingers clubs had always been residential, to further be able to stand up to LE, "My House My Castle".

    But more are starting to be in commercial buildings.

    Some strip clubs starting to do something like this. Not exempt from law against prostitution, but in practice very hard for LE to enforce, hard to get any political mandate.

    Now consider the highly regarded Club Sights in Newark NJ. Closed now, but legendary. They decided against BYOB, and just instead went with no alcohol. They said it was for those who "appreciated the art of nude dancing". They said that it made for a safer and saner environment and with less problems. So it is simpler.

    I believe that in Sights anything went, front room, back room, and especially since it was after hours walking girls out the front door was probably very standard.

    So what I am suggesting would be made simpler if there was no alcohol. Remember, most people will be arriving by motor vehicle.

    Swingers Clubs don't have meat head bouncers, they have "Care Bears". And I have never seen an AMP which needs any kind of bouncers.

    And really, once you select a girl, you are going to be with her in the session room. Shop doesn't want customers or girls to be intoxicated.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    25. I've been thinking about these issues for lots of years, going back to when I was in a death trap marriage, as I have continued to learn more, and as things have continued to evolve. Learned much about the rest of the country and TJ by being here on TUSCL. But still not sure I would want to be getting money from such. Also, from private conversations I have recently learned a great deal about the strip club biz, getting me to change my negative view of a particular very large operator. I don't see them as the enemy anymore. Now I see LE as the only enemy.

    In AAMPs ( Apartment AMPs ) excellent GFE service is standard, as soon as the girl gets you in and gets the door closed. At least it was when we had Red Book. RB-GFE = DFK + DATY + BBBY + covered MSOG. And that second pop is outstanding in the context because the girl has to do more to make it happen.

    And the girls who are good at this make sure you find this out before they ask for any money. And the way they do this does not require using words.

    But the problem is that there is no window shopping, no non-committal fraternizing, and the women are often too old and not Americanized enough to be able to communicate with, and they don't really live here.

    But we had a place in San Jose, no front room fraternizing, but still an AMP which was very AAMP like. Nice looking young girls, and offering AAMP style service.

    But as things are today, most of the time that was more of a waiting place for the girls, meaning today guys book with the girls by cell phone, for ITC or OTC, not just by walking in.

    Not members only, very high profile, and much loved, but very easy for LE to take down, compared to a real AAMP or a members only place.

    One of its neighbor places, same building, very similar, they got routed out by a Sheriff's eviction. Think about that for a moment, no one even accepting responsibility for the biz, so no rent getting paid. Abandoned business. Girls don't care because the biz had shifted to cell phones and OTC, so they did not need any more walkins. That tells you that they must have been doing some things right.


    Pink Floyd
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @SJG Just for the record I have never been to a MP Asian or any other in my life, been married raised a few children and have a good relationship with both my children (most important) and my ex wives and even have some past lady friends that I see to this day.
    You keep telling everyone here that they are wrong yet you can’t make the same statement that I just made. Don’t you think it might behoove you to do a little introspection? Just askin!
    Thus my reference to Don Quixote.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I do endless introspection.

    But I do think the ejaculation services sort of strip club practice is idiotic.

    And from lots of conversations with dancers, local and SF, but always experienced in such, they seem to see it the same way.

    And yes, we have LDK clubs in stead of TJ style clubs because people are stupid.

    And yes, marriage and the middle-class family are really dumb.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^So I guess you think you are smarter than I am. What we know about your life doesn’t make that even a remote possibility.
    Not only are you not as smart as you think you are you are possibly the most unhappy poster here, your introspection doesn’t appear to be beneficial in any way.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "I won't show you, as my F2F identity and my online identity will remain separate."

    Ok, whatever you say Lloyd. :D
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    25, you can't brag about failed marriages, especially 2 of them it sounds.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Who is bragging about failed marriages I’m bragging about successful relationships with people over more years than you have been on this earth.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ 25, you speak without knowing, you speak with your asshole, and probably let the base of your spine to your thinking for you too.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Again with your insults I must have struck a nerve.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Not really, its just that you've bashed you head into my privacy wall, triggering the first of its numerous defense mechanisms.


    Four Horsemen
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^That is hilarious. And so very sad.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    25 need to deal with that cut on your forehead.


    I never said that my privacy wall was warm and fuzzy. If you collide with it, it can be bad.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Trust me on one thing you are not equipped to take me on, either virtually or F2F.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well, virtually I don't need to. F2f, if called to, remember I'm not interested in bar fights, only in claiming trophies.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Whatever ;
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So what do people think about opening more clubs:

    1. Smaller, AMP sized

    2. Combining best of AMP and Strip Club, but not calling it massage

    3. Members only, but maybe even starting with a Trust Card, getting one special service

    4. strapped on high heels, like strip club, maybe girl wearing something, but nothing underneath?

    5. Starts with TJ style selection process, girl on your lap ramming her tongue into your mouth. Can't tell them to do this, but can make it conducive to it. AAMP girls were coached to do it this way, soon as they got the front door closed.

    6. Hard for LE to crack membership club, but if they do take one down, just like AMP, re-opens soon with another girl running it.

    I am no longer opposing a very large strip club operator. Rather, it is LE which screws the entire thing up.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    @SJG, I would visit a club set up like this, except maybe the kissing part. I have a soft spot for strippers, but I'm pretty selective about men, so the idea of BJ backwash makes me a little squeamish. If another man's semen is going to cross my lips, I want to choose him and savor it straight from his glans as we exchange that "it's not gay if your balls don't touch" gaze.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    One clarification, if a guy goes to this AMP and clears his TRUST card, then he is shown to a hang out room, limited hang, out, given a fruit drink. The girls enter in unison. So no serial line up, parallel line up.

    One he selects one, she is on his lap making out with him.

    Girl will be in strapped on stripper shoes, ones which will stay on. Maybe in thigh high stockings, maybe a garter belt or waist chincher too. This makes for an upgrade in the AMP costuming.

    SF is better than South Bay, less LE pressure, more competitive, maybe more sensitive to strip club competition. So this upgrade will make it all better. They can wear simple dress on top. Some like those uniform dresses, snaps down the front. Or some like wrap around dresses, etc.

    No the broader idea, actual members only club, that might be in an AMP building, but it is not an AMP.

    DV seems to get clubs when they are going under due to LE, or like in SF because of the 2008 recession. So they get them on the cheap.

    Same thing will work for AMP facilities, LE always taking them down, so easy to get in. Changing it to something members only will make it less of the public nuisance which LE worries about.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So would you want to be a member of a club which offers TJ style service, starting with a girl getting both hand on your head and ramming her tongue into your mouth?

    Would you be willing to pay a little bit to join, and than an entrance fee for each time you enter, and then what ever the girl who demos that way wants?

    And would you want a Gold Trust Card to visit an AMP, and get a similar service as an interim measure to get this started?

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Opening more clubs is how we get people willing to take more risks and push the limits.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The people who run AMPs are great, and the girls are fantastic. But they still don't usually understand how to do it so that it could include more of the best aspects of UHM strip clubs.

    And then we've got the crowd which is just clueless, LDKer, Extras hunters, etc.



  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Being clandestine enough that LE leaves you alone, but open enough that you get some biz, that is the problem.

    Most of the time it has to be done by using the women or their images, hence strip clubs, hence RedBook.

    At our AMPs, they might accept trust cards and all and go more to an AAMP service level and closer to a strip club constuming level. But for trust, the cards could only go to people I know. The girls would not hand them out, they would just say, "You come back and see me Honey, I take care of you Honey."

    So not only is there no money in it, would not even know who to give them to.

    Here on this forum, many still balk at AMPs, let along FS and Makeout sessions. So could never pitch it to general public.

    Would have to be online promotion, but that means people I don't know.

    If the Trust Card Network existed, that AMP women would probably recognize the cards, if not actually looking them up on a web site to verify. It could lower the risk.

    Now the original more involved idea, of new members only clubs, how to get members. That is the issue, don't want to draw LE, but need to some how sell it. So it would be online. But that would be just like RedBook and AAMPs and Escorts.

    Swingers clubs usually charge $100 for a single man. Would people pay $100 for a visit, plus whatever the girl wants?

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Trust card idea does not seem to work. Trust means I know the person, not just that they signed up online.

    How does one know mongers?

    And walk in businesses are vulnerable to LE.

    Need to suspend that idea.

    F2f Members Only Club would work. Need to advertise on adult site, like new version of Red Book. Explain about high entrance fee and no guarantees, and need to 'negotiate with women'. Use some drawings and then actual photos and stage names for women.

    Sure, LE could register and pay and get it, but unlikely they would. And then it would still just be between them and the women. The women are not dumb. No applicable law to prohibit anything except prostitution, in that environ.

    Start by renting one night per week in one of these newer looser commercial building swingers clubs.

    Interesting thing, these newer swing clubs which allow swing club escorts, really encourage it.

    Read, "a lot of women earn their living by being a swing club escort"

    Paid to be the company, the door ticket, of one guy. That is all. Probably he has already fucked her enough. So she fucks other guys. So probably could be fucking them outside, and then having one be my door ticket.

    But trust card only works with people I know.

    Still, these new swingers clubs interesting. I have zero desire to fuck some Republican Striver's Wife. But these swing club escorts, probably blessed with both brains and beauty.



    warning, possibly unsafe site:

    Well, this is Amsterdam


    They might have changed the terminology, but I am sure these escorts still exist and are the norm in some of these clubs on some nights of the week.


    Humble Pie, Catfish Blues

    Iron Butterfly

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Here we go, crossing over the line, in The Lifestyle.



    Good escort friendly TJ hotels, just outside of the Zona. Rates tend to be better, and certainly quieter and more laid back.
    You can look these up, their web sites, and Street View.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Some Swinger's Clubs encouraging swing club escorts, some going to direct on sight P4P with strippers.

    Need to open more clubs. I say membership clubs starting in Oakland. But again, need lawyers!


    Peachtree Software, Peachtree Ln, Atlanta, GA
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    'You raped women, Bill Cosby': How a bit in Hannibal Buress's standup led to the takedown of an icon

    Led Zeppelin, Danish TV 1969




    3 years ago
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