Stip Club Categories

avatar for GACA
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.

Think we need a glossary of terms where we can quickly categorize the strip club instead of long-winded explanations which are quite honestly a pain in the ass to have to type on the phone where I do most of my reviews.

For example: Follies -- MSHE PP Cola -- MLME UTCab- MXNE Papis Clubs -- BSHE

First letter is stripper predominant types : M mixed B black L latina W white

2nd Letter for size L M S or X(L)

Last two for expected extra availability High Medium Low


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

Give me a WSHE club any day. But it’s hard to identify a race unless it’s a black dive. Most clubs will be mixed.

Might want to think about adding price

C Cheap K. Kinda expensive E. expensive I. Insanely expensive

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Being able to classify them in some simple code, but on the main listing for that city would be very helpful.


avatar for GACA
7 yrs ago

^^Good point

avatar for GACA
7 yrs ago

Ya JS69 really good point

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Then we can just deploy bit masks to search for what we want.

Want to distinguish between dives where anything goes, and show clubs and Deja Vu places. Also want to identify places where front room makeout sessions + DATY + DIV are likely, and also places where you can just walk a girl to a motel, without her having to take off her stripper shoes. Just a cover up needed.


avatar for mark94
7 yrs ago

I’d find these 4 categories most useful

  1. Top tier, true gentleman’s club with upscale decor and drinks, classy service, and 7-up dancers
  2. Second tier gentleman’s club with decent decor and a mix of dancers rated 6-8.
  3. Smaller club targeting a local clientele.
  4. Dive with cheap dances and drinks and no dancers higher than 7.

Along with a mileage measure U. Majority of dancers offer extras in VIP and/or high mileage floor dances H. Extras are available from the right dancer in VIP and floor dance allow some mutual contact L Extras not available in VIP and limited contact on the floor

I think these 2 categories would tell me 80% of what I want to know about a club.

avatar for GACA
7 yrs ago

Those are some pretty good categories Mark, But ethnicity is definitely a driver for a lot of us to venture into clubs. I want to know what club flavor I'm walking into .

And the assumption that only top tears have hot chicks 7up not really a true correlation, I've been to plenty of Dives where there are some pretty hot girls so that's why I suggested the category should just be small, medium, and large with maybe a tear for how expensive it is (JS69) as an indicator as to what type of Club it is IE gentleman's, local mid, dive etc

So maybe the codes could be

Predominant ethnicity (even in the mix Club there is a predominant ethnic group, and I'm using ethnicity and race interchangeably not going to break it down by irish, italian, Greek or Mexican vs. Colombian like who gives a shit)

Ethnic: W white B black L latina A Asian M mixed (when there isn't a true predominant group)

Size: L M S X(L)

Cost: V(ery expensive) E(xpensive) R(easonable) C(heap)

Extras: U(ltra High) --like Follies and Detroit H(eavy) -- happens often enough but YMMV L(ow) -- 2way contact but probably OTC N(o go zone) - Air Dances and low OTC%

Attactive: 7(and up) 5(mostly average) 3(desperate time) 0(no go zone)

So Follies Day Time would be: MSCU5 PP Greenville could've been: WMRH7 Any club in Augusta: MSRN0

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


Best would be:

I love it. It's OK. It blows (not figuratively).

Truthfully, I don't care what other say about a club. The only category of yours that would concern me is the first.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

This is stupid

avatar for GACA
7 yrs ago

^^^stop patronizing me @realDuckster

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Sorry, I ran amok. I only meant to patronize 25.

avatar for Huntsman
7 yrs ago

I’ll have a wshecu7bbbjncimnqnsfivinviporotc, please. And can I get a beer with that?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 yrs ago

-- Dive -- Not dive


avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Well then@ Realducksauce stop patronizing me.

avatar for bvino
7 yrs ago

Clubs I will go into and clubs I will not.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Need to include classification by front room makeout sessions, and by options for walking a girl out the door, and straight to a motel.


avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

What speaks to me in reviews is very different from what most guys seem to see as important.


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