
Kate Upton — Guess Jeans Founder Fondled Boobs to Make Sure They Were Real

Detroit strip clubs
Using your position of authority to molest a woman is disgusting behavior. However, if I were the Guess Jeans founder, I might have to tweet "#MeToo."



  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Amazing how so many women want the world to know they are losers. When America was a strong, proud country, being a victim was shameful and hidden. Now that we are a weak, nothing, failed land, being a victim is a source of pride. Look at our competitors in the world and try to picture a #metoo movement in their lands. If you are under 40, you have no future. If you are over 60, depending on health, you might get lucky and die before it really gets bad here. By the way anyone notice that about 95% of the victims and 90% of the perps are all progressives? Really moral belief set lol.
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    ^^^Looks like the pot high wore off.
  • BlackMambaAwake
    7 years ago
    Skibum, care to elaborate about your source for the 90% stats?
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    the #metoo thing is ridiculous and like most leftist sjw movements, just a passing fad.

    these fucking morons will find their next weird fad to fixate on soon enough. Rinse and repeat. It's always that way. skibum is correct in that this is just more fear mongering by progressives.

    and kate upton is overrated as fuck and pretty gross, actually.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    With respect to skibum’s numbers, I think they are close to accurate. Since the movement seems rooted in the fashion and entertainment industries - there is a prevalence of progressives in those areas.

    On a different note. Are those big boobies real or fake? Seems like a reasonable question. Maybe his method of discovery wasn’t the best.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’m just trying to figure out how this is a progressive thing I don’t get it at all seems to me it afflicts both sides I’d categorize this as a male- female thing just sayin!
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    Because the progressives are the ones (for the most part) who just love to swarm social media and facebook and garbage like that and push their agendas and virtue signal everyone to death.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I see so you’re saying the right wing fanatics aren’t just as much, ideologues, as they appear to be I’m just stoopid, because you’re side is so smart they can never be wrong. Got it, makes a lot of sense!
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    “90% of the perps are all progressives”

    The other 10% are in the White House
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    twentyfive, I am not a right wing fanatic by any stretch. Both sides are dogshit. However, the left are much more egregious, disingenuous and just plain weird. Identity politics and pushing a liberal utopia concept that is unrealistic and unattainable. Pathetic.
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    Right. Let’s get back to 1950’s style GOP family values - like wife beating
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    I know, I know - Skibum and John won’t get the reference because Fox News isn’t covering the story
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    At least in the 50s what gender kids are wasn't such a perplexing conundrum lol

    At least in the 50s actual citizens of this country had more rights than hordes of illegal oxygen thieves
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    >Right. Let’s get back to 1950’s style GOP family values - like wife beating<

    Sounds about right

    >I know, I know - Skibum and John won’t get the reference because Fox News isn’t covering the story<


  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    But Clinton family values fucking rule!!!!!

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Don’t forger Newt
  • BlackMambaAwake
    7 years ago
    @ realDougster: You rock!!!
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    "kate upton is overrated as fuck and pretty gross"

    Yeah, really hideous.

  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive, JohnTitor has a good point (in there someplace) but since he’s been angry for too long that throbbing vein on the side of his head has cut off the blood flow to his brain, so John can no longer form a good argument, unless he calms down. :) lol He’s also got some sort of angry-white-male turrets syndrome so every other word out of his keyboard is progressive, SJW, leftist, and utopia. :) lol

    IMO, It is getting out of hand in that the #metoo is just turning into tabloid fodder instead of having a systematic way to deal with this and apply due process and justice.

    Here’s Tom Brokaw, making a point about #metoo that I agree with:

    @TOM BROKAW said, “And my big issue with it is that I think it's long overdue frankly to have the kind of disclosure that we're seeing. But there has to be some kind of codification, the difference between Harvey Weinstein and the Steve Wynn and the other people down at the other end who are getting the same front-page treatment, for example, don't have a chance to speak out. Don't get to confront the people who are accusing them. We've got to get some kind of a system in place for dealing with all of this beyond what we're doing now. It's all tabloid fodder and that's not good for the country. “

    (source: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/m… )

    Skibum is calling the men and women pussies for speaking out, period (if I understand him, correctly). And sure being stoic is in short supply these days. And in some ways, he’s been right, in that women who are victims of assault, battery, rape, molestation, violence, etc historically don’t or won’t speak out because:

    1. Who will believe me? / I’ll be dismissed.
    2. What good will it do / what is anyone going to do about? / Nothing will change

    I like the momentum of the #metoo movement, because the women feel secure about the protection in numbers. But I agree with @Brokaw that we need get an actionable framework else it’s just progressive SJW social media tabloid fodder.
  • BlackMambaAwake
    7 years ago
    Some very good points Dominic77
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago

    @JohnTitor, I post this for you. If you’re tying to make this partisan politics, I agree with Ms. Hunt in, “don't you dare because this is a problem that spans both parties … This is a pox on everybody's house. And it needs to be cleaned out.”

    It’s not partisan. I understand the snowflake kids are making it. But, you, should know better. Rise about it.



    And can I just add one thing to what we were saying about this issue with Hillary Clinton. Yes, it's about Hillary Clinton. But it's also about partisan politics. There are some men in Democratic circles who are trying actively to come out and find examples of harassment among Republicans and exploit those for their own political gain. I have talked to a lot of women who work inside Democratic politics. And I think their message to the people who would do that is, "Don't you dare because this is a problem that spans both parties.” I have heard plenty of stories --


    Stop making it partisan, yeah.


    -- not just in Hillary Clinton's campaign but other Democratic campaigns. This is a pox on everybody's house. And it needs to be cleaned out.

    (Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/m… )
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Can’t we get back to what caused all this arguing in the first place - are those cans real? If she just offered a response upfront - this entire mess would have been avoided!

    They look real, and they fit her frame nicely. But they could be an expensive set of fakes.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    O geez @Dominic not you too, this is not any more political than people make it if you are on the left there’s tons of examples of the right behaving badly and vice versa. Comment on the issue at hand stop making it R v D. No problem this country has will ever get solved untill some good old fashioned respect for another’s POV starts to be had.
  • l00ber
    7 years ago
    I need to check if they are real.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I can’t imagine that this is political on the men’s side. Unless a man is very ethical, and it has been established that use of power to feel more titties is somehow wrong, I think it would comenpretty naturally to them. Women don’t have the same connection w sex, or groping, that men do. I can imagine tho, that women would be in just as much trouble if abusing power got them designer purses, and shoes.

    As far as the women coming forward goes, I can see how their own political views could motivate, or dissuade, them. Personally, I feel ab it how skibum describes. I’ve never enjoying imagining myself a victim. It makes you feel less powerful, so why think ab it, or encourage others to see you like that? I don’t want other ppl to feel that way tho, and I guess they might have more confidence than I do.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    1) Kate Upton is hot as balls. It would take a lot of willpower for me to not molest her. But somehow, I think I would avoid the temptation. It's that pesky little "I don't have the right to force myself on someone" thing that would gnaw at my conscience.

    2) Having said that, this is now getting ridiculous. Kate Upton is one of the most famous models in the world and her uncle is a very powerful congressman. Is she telling us that the reason she didn't come forward earlier is because she felt powerless? That she lacked confidence to tweet her story? I'm sorry, but if you can be as well-connected as Kate Upton clearly is and still feel powerless, then I think we're going to have to rethink the whole gender equality thing. Because women clearly haven't gotten the message. I mean, who else got molested and wants to talk about it now after all these years? Oprah? Angela Merkel? Queen Elizabeth?

    3) If progressives are more likely to be high-profile abusers, it's probably because they're overrepresented in entertainment and the media... where the hot girls tend to work. That's one of the reasons why Trump, for example, allegedly molested women and John McCain, for example, didn't: because Trump was a long-time entertainment figure and celebrity before he was a politician. He was constantly surrounded by hot pieces of ass, 24/7.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It’s funny tho that he had to feel them and make sure they were real. No one seemed to care if Anna Nicole’s were real. Or maybe she passed the groping test.
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    John McCain didn't molest women (that we know of), but he did exchange USA intel to the North Vietnamese in return for cigarettes and Vietcong hookers prior to returning home and dumping his wife who had been in an accident for Anheiser Busch billionaire heiress Cindy.

    What a guy lol!!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    John McCain was tortured for years. If you or I were so much as threatened with the kind of torture that he went through, we would have betrayed our country in a heartbeat. Not to mention we probably would have blown our captors if they asked. Like, on day one. And by the way, what the hell does this have to do with what we're talking about?
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    Because you mentioned McCain to start with, insinuating that he is beyond reproach when the fact is that he is a traitor and a piece of shit.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m confused by this hatred for John McCain? A traitor? That’s a bit off.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    I insinuated no such thing. I used him as an example. I could just as easily have used Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz or any other political national figure. My point was that Trump was an entertainer (and a businessman) while McCain was a soldier (and a politician). It's just a different lifestyle and they had access to totally different people in totally different situations.

    I don't personally like John McCain (although I voted for him in 2008). I don't agree with him on campaign finance reform, or bailouts, or national service, or a thousand other things. But I'm not aware of any allegations of sexual abuse. And he definitely isn't a traitor. At least not in the way that you're claiming.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    Admitting that you were attacked or abused is stronger than keeping silent and letting the fucking bastards keep doing it....

    Fuck the 50s... Rampant child molestation, racism, closeted homosexuality, oh and the years the country ruining Baby Boomer started over populate this country. Been living off the shoulders of the "Greatest Generation" ever since they squeeze you out of there birthing holes

    1950's...good riddance
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ yeah. You make a good point.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Boob and vagina inspector right here!

    Credit, Shadowcat was the first.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Don't get me wrong, I fully support those who are coming forward and telling the truth.

    And I am glad that some of those who opposed this seem to have left TUSCL.

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