No doubt Juice will start buying Bitcoin now

avatar for joc13
firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!

What is the benefit of businesses taking Bitcoin directly? Should the customer get a better exchange rate if converting at the POS as opposed to converting to cash and then spending the cash? If Bitcoin is on continuing rise, I can see the business liking this, since they can hold the Bitcoin a while before converting to cash and make more money on the appreciation.

Although, another article I read said Bitcoin was down 37% in last month.


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

LMFAO...been out since five Kay

avatar for warhawks
7 yrs ago

When Juice starts actually being able to afford to fly instead of riding a bike or taking the Greyhoud bus, you’ll know the economy is overheated. Time to get out if he’s not running out of gas everyday. It’s like watching for the dead cat bounce.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

Had lunch at KFC today. I guess my Hicksville subburb location hadn't gotten the Bitcoin memo yet.

avatar for MackTruck
7 yrs ago

I buy bitcoins and I went broke

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