
Guys that have wives vs guys that dont as they monger

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 2:19 PM
Guys with wife's don't crave much time with providers just a quick fuck Guys without a S.O. seam to crave not just the sex but also the conversation and emotional connection with there providers What other things have you noticed that different or similar between the two monger situations


  • SteveSutton
    6 years ago
    Well, that may be true for many, but If that is the thesis, I'm the antithesis. Wife, check. Quick fuck, no check. Nothing happens without an emotional connection. Attraction -> Good DFK > Mutual Oral -> The "deed". It's why I've had way more success with strippers who I got to know vs. backpage escorts (not to mention they never look like the pic). Hoping SA will be better.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Yeah, no emotional connection here, ever. I mean its not like I have known my ATF for 12 years.
  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    Sorry, juice, I'm not married (obviously)...and I don't have a S.O. either (unless you count my bitcoins) so I can't really comment
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    SA is a million times better especially in the department of connection with your provider
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Guys that are married and are seeing strippers need either a marriage counselor or a divorce lawyer. SJG
  • impala
    6 years ago
    I'm in and out quick, and no SO either. If I wanted a relationship with someone I would just have one
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I've done both in my life and any time I had a wife or GF I used providers as a quick in and out When I'm historical single I'll seek a deeper connection
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    im married, but im just a pervert. nothing wrong with my wife. i think i go to SC more because i have a drinking problem and i can go by myself during the day.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ mdfmk888, do you ever do overnighters ( TLN - Toda La Noche ) with them? Seems just kind of easy and natural, and the way things will want to be anyway. SJG Glen Gould plays Alban Berg [view link]
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I am in the married category. I just have a very large appetite and am away from home a lot on business. I want the sex. But I also like the companionship. I absolutely LOVE to walk down the street with a beautiful girl 20 years younger than me holding my hand. People wonder who I am. I must be famous or rich if that girl is with me.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Ha Ha Ha SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    mdfmk888 +10 SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Sometimes TLN's will just work out that way, part of getting a girl personal and no longer directly on the clock. In this movie it works that way: [view link] SJG
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    Difference? I do what I want, when I want.
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    Not so with me Juice. I'm a married guy and I want more of a connection than just sex. During the 15 years I spent banging escorts, I had at least a small emotional connection with most of them, and a pretty strong emotional connection with a few. Used to go on unpaid dinners, took a few to the movies, etc. Then, a new wave of female started to become escorts in this area and that era was over, so I got out. I've been using SA right at a year now, and have had 3 significant SBs. My current is probably best classified as SGF (sugar girlfriend), as we do much more together than just meet for sex. Our dates are typically from early afternoon to late evening. If I can't spend the night, she'll stay at the hotel and then I'll schedule an early meeting or bike ride and go back to the hotel for wakeup sex. The only girl from SA I've met up with just for sex is a former Follies dancer, that I had ITC extras with, using SA as her escorting web site. That was while I was between significant SBs. Since starting up with current SGF, we have one stripper OTC with us twice. Another is on the schedule for near future. The SGF, trained using the Subraman method, is becoming quite the SC winggirl.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Married guy here. I like cum dumpsters and then leave me alone. Juice has it write and it seams I luv his spelling.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Bad read on me juice. I will stack you dude!
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I don’t know ab the guys looking for sex, but it’s the opposite w other customers. Most guys seem to miss the seduction and connecting most. They can get their wife to fuck them, but they miss back when she’d try hard to seduce them, sit back and cuddle and drink, and talk ab stuff other than bills and kids.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’m divorced - and I’m not looking for a connection. I’m looking to get off - and that’s all. I have emotional connections with many close female friends - so I’m only interested in sex with p4p providers.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i didn't monger until after i seperated from my wife. we were married 32 years at that point and then did the legal divorce a few years later. once i get back solid ground financially maybe i'll try the sa thing. i do enjoy the interaction with beautiful women!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    I've been happily married for over 15 years and have mongered for over 20. My wife knows that I go to clubs and will get lap dances, and she basically turns a blind eye to it. She knows I have a higher sexual appetite than her and that I won't ever let things affect our sex life. We still have awesome sex and I'm fully committed to exclusively having it with her. Also I never talk about my wife other than to say I'm married if the topic comes up. Over my years of mongering I have never taken things beyond LDK with strippers. Not even extras. I have had two ATFs including my DS that offered FS OTC but I won't do it. What I want is simple ITC flirting, dick teasing, and seduction fantasy before getting dances that ends in LDK. It's somewhat GFE but it doesn't have to be. I don't mind if we don't talk much at all. And the only connection I need is for her to be friendly and flirty with me and act like she wants my dick. I know it is all a fantasy and nothing more, so I simply want it for the time I'm there.
  • Cowboy12
    6 years ago
    I'm married and prefer the personal connection, flirting, and GFE with my CF.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Juice, I think that is a little overly simplistic. I like a bit of a connection too as it makes the whole experience more interesting. The only real difference for me is that I draw the boundaries a little tighter than I might if I was single. For starters, no overnights, ever. That is reserved for Mrs. Dugan alone, lucky gal that she is. ;) Second, I won't tolerate needy or clingy. As weird as that sounds, I've had a few get this way over the years after extended OTC adventures. I have females at home - I don't need any more making demands. If the entertainment value starts to decrease, so too does my interest. Now I don't mind listening to stories about their lives, even if there is bad stuff in them (which is often the case), because this is how you get to know someone and form a connection. But I draw the line at someone trying to use me as a source of comfort or help; I already have my own family to take care of. Third, I don't do a lot of non-sex OTC activities with strippers, besides of course my time with them ITC. This too might be different if I was single, but I'm not and my time has a lot of family and other demands on it.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Getting the girl, I mean it's like getting her to open up to you. You can still be giving her money, but to get her it's not just mechanical sex, it's getting her to really give herself to you. SJG Myth Of Osiris [view link]
  • JohnTitor
    6 years ago
    Unmarried, never will wed, no kids I am aware of, never want any. I can roll with just physical and getting rocks off, but truthfully totally down with an emotional attachment if things break that way. Have dated 2 or 3 strippers, so have experienced the physical + emotional together, but it's been quite some time. Pretty primed to have that happen again, if it falls in my lap as has happened in my past.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Juice: "SA is a million times better especially in the department of connection with your provider" ___________ That's been my experience. I spent last night with a cute, slender, 20-yr-old student watching "Black Mirror" on Netflix and ordering take-out pho. She's warm, interesting, sensitive, and the whole thing is just a better experience than anything I've had with a stripper. Less expensive, too. If you don't want any connection whatsoever, then just get an escort.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Biggest difference is that married guys are less likely to get clingy and attached emotionally.
  • TheDude954
    6 years ago
    I think one aspect missing from this convo is that no two married guys' situations are exactly the same. For me, I love my wife, kids, house, etc - but I have a wife who has basically zero sex drive, never has, don't think she ever will. I'd take it every day if I could, but she's content being intimate maybe 2-3 times a year. That being said, I flip flop. Sometimes I'm in the club looking to scratch an itch as quickly and inexpensively as possible, and other times I go looking for the intimacy that's missing in my daily life.
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