Gawker wrote in the "Plans for the Night..." Comments "l left my ATF at my house.... Shortly after this (police was called by neighbor, but he explained, they left) we got down to business and she slept into the new year. Lots of questions for Gawker: Why is she back? Wher is the boyfriend? You said they were leaving? How is her addiction going? I hope your share most information. I hope you find a new ATF that helps you to be happier with less problems, drama and danger. Like I mentioned before a good friend in a similar situation is safer, and happier because of a better nicer ATF. In any case good luck to you Gawker and your ATF and Happy New Year.
Okay, @vincemichaels. Let me see. You have admitted to being a pedophile, but it's other people who are truly the scum of the earth because they point this out about you? Okay. Got it! Makes perfect sense.
Well, nothing makes sense to you, Douchesterlickingmyballs. You don't have a brain. Bend over, you dropped one of your counterfeit Bitcoins. Oops, someone buttfucked you while rushing to pick it up. Must be your buttbuddy, txtittyeatingshitagain. LMAO
Lots of things make sense to me @vinceygirl. One thing, however, that does not make sense to me is how a guy like you can admit that he is attracted to underage girls and also admits to having sex with at least one of them but not consider himself to be a pedophile. How does that one work?
Dumbass, noone else takes years to explain how 1 and 1 makes 5. You are a waste of everyone's time. Just die, dodo, you are a waste of everyone's time.
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