
Dancers becoming bartenders

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I know there have been numerous threads about hot waitresses and bartenders becoming dancers but this is new to me. A super hot twenty something dancer asking me if she I thought she would be successful as a bartender. She informed me that she is taking classes to be a bartender because she really doesn’t enjoy being a dancer. Her exact words to me I hate a lot of these pervs that keep trying to test my boundaries. She also gave me some good information about it was mostly the younger guys that came in that were most disrespectful to her.
This girl is about 23 a mulatta and I’ll guarantee that she would be a 9 in anyone’s eyes maybe higher for those that like women that are tall and busty with long dark hair and a beautiful slim physique.


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    One of the hot dancers at my fav club also takes shifts as a waitress. She's one of the best when she's doing it. She gets a paycheck and a w2 doing it - even reports some of her stripper cash as waitress tips (see other thread about credit).

    She acknowledges that she has no other skills and wanted to practice doing something that she could still do even after stripping wasn't an option.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I kinda assumed that some dancers transitioned to bartending when they got a bit too old for dancing - but I assume many hot SC bartenders one sees either tried dancing and didn't like it or felt it was not for them from the get-go.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    One of the HOT 30-40 year old bartenders told me she used to dance; and you could tell. She has the smile, the graceful walk, the shape... In this club the waitresses are allowed to sell dances but she doesn't. I told her she was saving me a LOT of money!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I know girls who have left to be bartenders, but I know more who started as waitresses/ bar tending, and then go into stripping when they see how much money we make, and the freedom we get.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Im sure there are more that go the other way as you said but there are some that just for whatever reasons decide That dancing isn’t for them I know some of the bartenders and in my younger days did some bar tending myself if you are good and friendly there is some good money to be made there as well.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Well, dancers see girls go from wait staff to dancing bc we still see them after. I don’t know what a lot of girls do when they leave tho. I’m sure it’s pretty common.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I know of to bar tenders at Follies that were previously dancers. Some of you may remember Angie, that bar tender that got run over in the club parking lot earlier this year. I think she was the most popular bar tender in the club and I heard it from her that she had danced at Cheetah and Tattletales. A short time before her accident, I saw her climb up on the bar top and do a little dirty dancing with her clothes on. She is so popular that she made a couple of hundred in 3 1/2 minutes. She felt so bad that she gave the regular dancer on stage a big tip.

    The other is a very cute, petite black dancer. 6 months ago she quit dancing and started waitressing. Now she splits her time between waitressing and bar tending. What's funny is that when she was dancing, she never came near me. Now I get hugs and kisses. I have seen her showing off her engagement ring.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    DS II used to work as bartender and door girl on slow nights. She said that she made more money that way because she could charge extra for lap dances. She also wanted to get a job as a bartender, and this was a way to get experience.
  • impala
    7 years ago
    I've seen a lot of dancers over the years that have made the switch to bartender. Usually it's because their tired of dancing and management sees them as reliable. Can be a good thing or a bad thing, as they are fully aware of what goes on in the back. Had one place I use to frequent that a former dancer now bartender flat out told be who provided extras, and knew of another place that when one was tending the bar didn't let anything go on (as she told me she was to keep a close eye on everything).
  • ArtCollege
    7 years ago
    At a club I visited afternoons, a dancer was aging and became the bartender. No bouncer before 6, so she had to monitor the dancers. One dancer told me the bartender was really strict, even about OTP. I said, "Really? She liked to put her hand down my pants when she was a dancer."
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    I knew a dancer back in the old days from The Trap in Miami. The club wasn't anything then as it is now. I ran into her years later as a barmaid in South Dade. She was an excellent "informant" as to the dancers in the club. She would even call me if a new dancer came in that she felt I would enjoy. Great intel.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "...maybe higher for those that like women that are tall and busty with long dark hair and a beautiful slim physique."

    No, I don't think anyone likes that type. J/k

    I think all the bartenders at Inner Room are former dancers.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    What type do you like @flagooner ;)
    Don’t patronize me motherfucker ;)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Think of it as an honor to be patronized.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    I know of at least one dancer who tends bar during the week at well known local sports bar in one city, and dances on the weekend in another. Only reason I found out is because I happened to visit that bar one day. She seemed to be very popular and her tip jar was full. In the club she tends to only see regulars and was quite content sitting at my table for an hour just chatting before getting a dance. I haven't seen her in a few years.

    Now this is probably just bunch of SS, but when I asked her about this the next time at the club she said dancing was just a hobby and she makes a lot more money bar tending. The reason she danced was because the owner of the bar liked the waitresses and female bartenders to dress sexily and flirt with the customers to keep them entertained. I noticed this myself when in the bar.

    By the time the weekend hit she was ready to work off all the sexual tension she built up at the bar between fending off overanxious drunk customers and the hot guys who often showed up at the bar. She said she enjoyed teasing and denying all the drunk and obnoxious customers and having a good time with her regulars. At his point she obviously laid on the BS. Although she did seem to get a lot more enjoyment than other dancers toying with groups that were there for some sort of celebration and usually too drunk for their own good, especially bachelor parties.
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