
One way dances - are they discriminatory?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
One-way dances have been discussed b/f, some are ok with them, some don't like them.

I don't like them b/c for me I go to SCs to be able to touch and feel hot women, thus one-way dances I find boring and frustrating and poor value, and I'm made to feel like I'm some kind of wild beast that has to be made to keep his hands to his sides.

But yet the dancer/female *is* allowed to touch - not saying that's a bad thing, but could that be considered sexist, i.e. allowing the women to do something but not the men (given that the dancers are all women and 99% of custies are men) - and I assume one-way dances are so due to local-ordinances vs being club specific.


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I think it’s bc they are the “entertainer,” not bc they are female, kinda like how a masseuse (the real kind) can touch you, but you can’t touch them. As far as hopping up on your lap goes, I guess they could put a warning sign up, but I think it’s implied that things like that may happen if you go in there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Nah - I think it's b/c they are females that "need to be protected" from "bad aggressive men".
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    OOOOH, I love it when you talk dirty, Papi. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    VM - what goes down b/w you and me when you come to Miami is b/w you and me
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'm not sure of what guys mean when they say 1 way dances. I have had dancers that only touched me with their asses and did no groping. Is that 1 way? Or do they do some stick shifting but you aren't allowed to grope them? I have never had that.

    To me it's been either a no touch dance or a grope fest by both.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I think one-way means dancers are allowed to dance/grind on you but you can't touch them with your hands
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Like the reason behind anything that happens at a strip club, the reasons are widely open to interpretation and often can be traced back to whim or money.

    I see the main reasons as being:


    b) Of course it’s one way in the $25 room. The $100 room is for two way. If you weren’t cheap or gay, that would have been obvious.

    c) I’ll make it worth your while. Trust me.

    Ok, look, when I said that, I thought you were talking about one way. We can do two way but you’ll have to tip an extra $60 because the bouncer is super jealous after he saw me blow the pizza delivery guy because I hadn’t made tip out yet.

    d) We apply the same rules to lopaw and wives when couples come in! (well, ok... we don’t, but they’re women and have the same parts, so it’s really more of a casual thing like how the male customers stroke each others’ cocks in the men’s room)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Then that is a misnomer because my dick is touching her ass. :)
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    There was a time when i was perfectly content with one way dances. I was more gentlemanly back then, believing that most dancers hated being touched by strange men and had no problem keeping my mitts to myself out of respect. Not that i had much of a choice as the clubs i first visited were low or lower contact. As i went to clubs with more contact and mileage, i just kept on having epiphanies or paradigm shifts and found i really couldn't go back to the lower contact dances without feeling that i wasn't getting the same value as the lower contact dances weren't that much cheaper. Or less expensive, i should say as they were never really cheap (i still can't really wrap my head around $5 nude, two-way contact dances; i have had $10 versions though, but with limited contact). The more i was able to touch, the more it became a need. I was still able to enjoy a one-way dance, but not being able to touch (and not necessarily tits and ass or more) say even her back or shoulder, arm or leg often made the dances feel cold and it was just ironic that customers would often touch girls in those areas (or more sometimes) in the front for free.

    I've also noticed that most dancers don't really touch during dances outside of motorboating, grinding (and usually not with the pussy) and stick shifting (and not always with the hand). Some might do a little amateur massaging (mostly neck and shoulder), but not much in actual sensual touching. So if i get a very sensual dancer, the one way dance can be quite nice, but at the same time doubly frustrating as i feel she might even appreciate a nice touch herself.

    When i first started going to UHM and extras-friendly clubs, a whole new door opened and the fun just became a lot more real. There was a lot more fantasy fulfillment and i just could no longer justify paying similar amounts of money for a much lesser experience. This all came to a head with the current ATF. Yeah, i knew just had to bring her into this discussion. But every other dancer and dance just feels like a lesser experience (if even so slightly) now. Even the sexy new dancer feeling, while usually exciting and nice, is still a lesser experience. It's kind of like being able to rent a Ferrari or an entry-level BMW at the track (where you can actually use them as intended) for the same amount of money. Sure the BMW is still nice, but it just can't really compare to the Ferrari. When you have no choice to take the BMW, it's not a bad car at all, but you just notice things that are different or missing and it's just less satisfying. It's the same way with different dancers and different types of dances.
  • loper
    7 years ago
    In my experience, often the 2-way dance is really a 1-way dance where you can touch the dancer all day long, but she doesn't touch you at all. On the other hand, in many 1-way dances, the dancer will touch you in sexy and creative ways all the while grinding skillfully. I often prefer the latter experience.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Sometimes it depends on where you live. Some areas in the USA do enforce a customer no-touch policy in their clubs. I lived in such an area for the first 2.5 years I've been going to strip clubs. During that time, it was consistent from one club to another, to the point that I thought such rules applied to ALL strip clubs I would ever visit.

    If one-way contact during a lap-dance really is a deal breaker, I do strongly suggest to stay away from any strip club in Wisconsin. The one thing these clubs do have going for them is that most of them are fully nude stage dancing and they are allowed to serve alcohol (with the exception of Milwaukee, where the clubs are topless stage dancing).

    During the time I lived in Wisconsin, it was very clear I could not touch the dancers at any club I visited. I never tried, and I don't ever recall seeing any other customers try either. One club even had signs posted warning customers that touching dancers is not allowed. It would be very common for dancers to grind on me during lap dances, though.

    There was one dancer that would do a ton of heavy grinding and a ton of stick-shifting when I got dances from her. I made absolutely sure that I got dances from her when I was at her club, which was easy because if she saw me in the club, she would always approach me first. She was the only one that did stick-shifting, but there were several other dancers that would do some heavy grinding during a lap dance. A lot of them would get me to LDK in just a couple of songs. There were a couple that did find it disgusting, but most seemed to be OK with it. If I had to guess, maybe about 5% gave a negative reaction if I did LDK.

    Those days are long gone. After moving to metro Detroit, I soon learned that there are dancers that do allow customers to touch them. It is amazing how your perspective on what is allowed at a strip club can drastically change based on where you live.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "There was a time when i was perfectly content with one way dances. "

    Damn, there was a time that I was happy as a clam with air dances.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I've never been to a pure air dance club although the Admiral Theatre in Chicago comes pretty close sometimes, especially with the $10 floor dances which are mostly air. And the pure air dance has never satisfied me, although i'm not that hard to please for $10 even now, considering that i've often (but not usually) stage tipped $5-10 over the course of a song for mostly air but good views.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    One way dance = FUCKING USELESS

    I'm sure I'd have a different opinion if I were an LDKer, but I'm not. In clubs I can't touch at all, I'd rather just have fun sitting and drinking with her at the table (where, ironically, I can almost always touch her), and work to arrange OTC -- I have no interest at all in paying the club and her for a dance I won't enjoy, I far more enjoy paying her under the table for surreptitious groping and socializing and OTC arranging (and bonus to her -- she doesn't have to split any cash I give her with the club)
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