
Mission to educate PLs

After reading through Papi Chulo's discussion about ROBs, i was seriously irritated that ROBs (and not just poor and/or newbie dancers who won't last long anyway) still had a steady supply of income, at least in the intermediate term before they're caught or quit. They're kind of like telemarketers and telescammers (how do they still exist?) or overpriced brick and mortar retailers (which i guess aren't that bad). I thought that most people valued their money too much to just piss it away like that. I want so much for the ROBs to be weeded out and be forced to earn a real, honest living so only the more relatively honest strippers (okay that's a bit of an oxymoron, so the relative part) are left, improving everything for everyone, except for the ROBs, but fuck them (not literally of course).

As much as the SW girls bitch about extras girls, the ROBs and snitches cause so much more harm and damage to a club in the long run; they really lower the tide for all boats. They take money and time from PLs to use on the more honest strippers and just sour their experience for that club and future visits. And you know that pissed off customers tell ten times as many people and ten times as loudly as satisfied customers. But something tells me that many of the SW girls probably have no problem employing many if not all of the ROB tactics. Extras girls, especially hot extras girls (and it needs to be allowed ITC or else the majority of business will just be done OTC) or even just their reputation, can definitely provide a sustainable business model and a very steady supply of customers. These ROBs, if there are enough of them, will burn the business to the ground, but they don't care as long as long as they make their money and run to the next club to damage.

Unfortunately, outside of TUSCL there really seems no way to reach the PL masses. Even shitting all over the ROBs (who still need to be clearly and unequivocally outed first) on stripclublist isn't going to do much as that site isn't that much more, if any more at all, known and the ROBs themselves and other PLs(?) can also shit all over other dancers just mucking everything up in the process.


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    it's a learning experience. a school of hard knocks. it has taken me a long time to learn my lessons. and there is still so much more to learn.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I just wish there was a better way, especially with modern technology and social media these days. Heck i work with a kid that just turned old enough to go to strip clubs and he went to one that was on my semi-favorable list and he told me about his first visit. He brought about $200 so he was more prepared than the average newbie that has no idea how expensive it can get.

    Sure enough, the first girl started toward the end of the song and charged him $30 (without even offering the $20 topless dance) for a minute of two of almost no contact. Fortunately, he stopped right there and learned quickly. By the end he was asking girls about their rules and waiting for the song to start. Too bad he struck gold at the very end with his last 20 bucks and found a girl that was GGG with big hair to hide his activities from the bouncer. The girl tried to initially ROB him by offering a $40 nude dance, but he demurred and said $20 was fine. He then asked her rules and she said he could do anything as long as the bouncer didn't catch them. She foolishly took her panties off anyway and on that one song he was sucking nipples and fingerbanging her and then he stopped, giving her his last $20 and then he just high-tailed it probably leaving her in shock =D
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I don't think he'll need a lot of schooling, but i've definitely offered him some tips in general and specifically for that club...
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Robs exist partly for the same reason that pyramid scheme con artists exist; someone is always looking for a deal that is too good to be true. You can’t feel sorry for a lot the guys who get taken by the ROBs, anymore than you can those greedy investors. There are some straight up thief’s tho, and that’s different. I hate the mean ugly girls who bottom feed by ripping off the very drunk guys who’d never give them any money sober.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I don't feel sorry for idiots. They have to learn the hard way just as IRL. But i definitely feel the ROBs are the more nefarious often preying on the more vulnerable not unlike the Nigerian scammers (often sophisticated) preying on the elderly.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    It's law of the jungle out there. ROBs gotta do what they gotta do. I actually don't fault them. I just avoid and give them absolutely zero business and never just give in to their demands just to avoid a scene. I have no issue taking my issue with them to club management and let it be a big stink. I'll gladly take my business elsewhere if the club doesn't like me. To me once I know a ROB exists she becomes invisible. I just pretend she's not there anymore. And if she doesn't like me she can cry me a river.

    And if PL gets ROBbed more than once it is on him for being so stupid.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    That was a SW-ish post by BJ99, justifying the ROB behavior by implying the custies deserve it - most ROBs ROB indiscriminately, their business model is to ROB *anyone* they can by over-counting songs, lying about dance prices, bait-and-switch, etc.

    If a custy asks for something a dancer does not do, or he wants too pay an inadequate price, she can just say no, the answer is not to ROB him b/c of what he asked for - that would be like a dancer asking $30/dance in a $20/dance club, the custy agreeing, then getting dances from her, and then not paying her anything afterwards b/c she was trying to overcharge him in the first place.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    It might seem easy for you and i to easily dismiss ROBs and the PLs that fall for them, because we have ATFs in waiting and our club experience is largely unaffected. Heck, in some ways it might even be improved by a club being slower by making us more valuable to our ATFs. But i've been to too many slow clubs (including the one with the ATF) where so many of the dancers look almost distraught that they aren't making any money, some of whom i want to help, but i won't because they pale in comparison to my ATF (who was pretty distraught herself recently) who is getting all of my money. I can't help but feel that the ROBs (who probably have long left the slow clubs) probably contributed to this situation.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler understood on the contributing factor of a ROB slowing down the club business for personal short term gain, but I just see it as a laissez faire market scenario where it will eventually correct itself provided that there is always a market for the non-ROB strippers. Meaning, as long as we experienced PLs don't ever enable ROB behavior by giving in to it, then eventually we will also help to correct the market issue by driving the ROB away or making her change her business tactics.

    Sure, the non-ROBs and the naive PLs lose a little in the process, but eventually the market will correct itself provided there are always experienced PLs to keep stripper pricing "honest". Remember too that those naive PLs learn too and eventually they don't enable ROB behavior for too long.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Point seen, but i just don't think a lot of clubs will survive, let alone thrive in a pure laissez fair business model. Especially with social media and haters giving bad reviews making it even harder for businesses of all types.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Or put another way, if a business owner could improve his business by actively firing ROBs way more faster than ratted out extras girls, they would only improve their business making it more attractive for dancers and customers alike. Win-win-win. Is it only a no-brainer to me?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Both ITC extras girls and ROBs can cause problems for the club, and for other girls. I think it’s kinda self serving to only see it one way, and both types theroretically force more girls to go one way or the other. If you are looking for the ITC extras experience, you will have to navigate past the ROBs, and if you can’t manage that, get a new hobby. Dancers have similar risks, and learning experiences.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ But the difference is that going one way is a sustainable model and likely that's the way it's heading unless strip clubs just become a meeting place to negotiate OTC activities which will also eventually lead to clubs going bankrupt. Going the other way (which often happens) will lead to the common example of no one making money as the old tame strip club experience is losing favor and value among the newer and even older PLs.

    How else, should i put it? Hot extra girls are like golden geese for a club. They're always busy, make the club a lot of money, bring in a lot of customers that just come for them or want that specific dancer experience. However, they only see a handful of customers on days they work even unable to see many of their high spending regulars or fans, leaving them available for all other dancers. If i'm an owner i will prize this goose and hope to have as many as i can. This goose is the aforementioned tide raiser that enables an environment (a busy club with a lot of dancers) that even ROBs or the most prototypical SW dancer can still make money. If extra girls and extras were impossible and the word got out that the club was strict non-extras the ROBs and strict SW girls couldn't "sell" VIPs even by lying, because there really is no sex in the champagne room. There is no real contact/mileage in the lap dance area.

    Some clubs can still survive like this, but they don't really have ROBs, since the average experience isn't that different from a ROB one but there is much more transparency. Example: Admiral Theatre in Chicago. No extras and variable contact, although much more than what was once allowed depending on the dancer so even a club like that isn't immune to the changing requirements and tastes of PLs. They also have on average the hottest girls in the area so that's been going for them. And the actual VIP and floor dance prices are much lower than the competition despite being the only one that is nude along with the stage, so the market has spoken.

    Now the ROBs on the other end are like explosive mines, just leaving destruction to all that run into them. They'll often be the first to snitch on popular dancers and just redistribute money, time and customers in the least favorable ways burning through as many customers as they can leaving as little for anyone else . If i was an owner, i want every one of these gone as they are definitely tide killers, that just lead to dancer and customer attrition.

    Now there is a wide spectrum of dancers in between, but i believe they will do better in a scenario where the hot extras girls run the show instead of the ROBs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Extras-girls bring custies into the club - ROBs takes custies out of the club (generally).

    w.r.t. experienced SCers being able to regulate things I'm not so sure:

    1) experienced SCers may be the minority (especially if they're not TUSCLarly educated, i.e. some "experienced" SCers can still be semi-clueless)

    2) there are always newbs and inexperienced SCers walking thru the door (particularly at large popular clubs) that can sustain continued ROB behavior
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Since owners/managers can't rely on customers (especially newer, less knowledgeable ones) to improve the "service and value" to sustain the business, they have to be proactive and regulate the dancers that don't provide the service and value, or outright ROB customers.

    For instance, when a VIP host enters a room with a PL and dancer, he should let it be known that there is agreement between what they are going to do. That doesn't mean that the dancer has to do what the PL wants, but there should be honest communication. Now of course the PL can't demand a refund because he wasn't able to suck and fuck, and of course he won't tip, but if the dancer did even less than what goes on in a normal dance or even worse BS, the customer should be allowed to end the dance early and told that he could get a full refund from the dancer's portion and a pro-rated refund from the room fee to show that ROB behavior will not be tolerated and give less incentive for a ROB to try to sell a VIP as a club getting a VIP this way is biting the hand that feeds them. Yes give a reasonable and easily undestandable refund policy for VIPs that requires early walking out, say a 5-10 minute trial period.
    The customer still loses a large share of the room fee to discourage PLs from getting free shortened VIPs.

    Every chump station should have an accurate and vigilant counter or counting system. Even though dancers are independent contractors that can set their prices, the suggested set price is the only one the PL can legally be held to in terms of non-payment.

    Management should just ignore and discourage tattling from other dancers; dancer's should really mind their own business. Only customer complaints about being ROBbed should be taken seriously and dancer complaints of not being paid their fair share. I'm not saying PLs can do whatever they want to the dancers. Dancers have their autonomy and voice. And that is also what security is for.

    These are just a few ideas that will almost certainly never get implemented.
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