
Follies meetup

avatar for vincemichaels

As we head into winter, it's getting colder up here in the North. Atlanta in the winter months is tolerable, yes it gets cold and snow removal down there is not as good as it is up in Yankee territory, Atlanta shuts down with a relatively minor amount of snow. I've been there and had no major problems getting around. Anyone up for a Follies meetup sometime this winter ???


last comment
avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

VinceMichaels is gay!


avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Nope, you are a stupid cocksucker. I'm not gay, you are faggot. ROTFLMMFAO Eat some more shit, it's the meal of choice for you, ya stupid gagging fag. Now be an acquiescent little baby boy, and go fuck yourself. LMAO

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

Sounds good to me. The week between Christmas and New Year might be a good time.

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

I'll try to make it. But I probably couldn't be there between Christmas and New Years.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

The trouble with a Follies meet up is where to put a group in a club that is always packed. That is why I have never tried to organize an official one. There have been 2 or 3 times that 5 or 6 of us have gotten together and that was about all we could find room for.

But if one does get scheduled, I'll try to attend. I think after New Years might be best.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago
 I agree with shadowcat, space will be at a premium.  If you think you would attend, PM me.  I just sent shadowcat a PM to see if he'd be willing to be PM'd.  The holiday week between Christmas and New Years might be good, depending on crowd size of us and how busy Follies might be. Shadowcat has a good point of doing it in January of 2018. 
 We've got time to put something together or not. Let me know guys. Lopaw, I don't mean to slight you, if you wish to travel East, you'd be very welcome. 

  Let's do it.

  Follies became of my ATF clubs the very first time Shadowcat drove us down there.
avatar for DroidX
7 yrs ago

I'm in. I would suggest a 10 am brunch on a Saturday, followed by walking into Follies when they open. That would likely guarantee seats for everyone.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Being born in the Caribbean and raised in Miami, I don't like cold-weather and thus avoid leaving FL from October - February (ATL is in northern GA thus a bit up there towards the center of the country and can get pretty-cold).

But - I'm overdue for a ATL trip (I always seem to have that feeling) - but December would be a no-go for me not to mention airfare, hotels, and car-rentals, are more expensive during the holidays - a mid-January or past would be a 50/50 proposition for me.

avatar for magicrat
7 yrs ago

Plus Shadowcat's birthday is in January!

avatar for VeryBigDawg
7 yrs ago

Always fun time at Follies. Shadowcat's birthday would be great.

Recently the club has not been that busy, so meetup would be good.

Looking forward to seeing my fellow TUSCLers.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago
  With the input so far, I'd say a January meetup would be more likely.  Traveling into Atlanta, booking now on airfare is going to be very expensive.  In January, I can travel round trip, Detroit/Atlanta for $132 on Orbitz.  Cars on Orbitz would be around $185 for a week. Auto Rental.com should be cheaper.  I'd be going down to the Florida panhandle coast during part of the time to enjoy the warmth on the Gulf Coast. 

  Shadowcat has a birthday on January 13 per his friend, magicrat.  He'll probably be with his family on that day, but it'd be great to have the emperor of TUSCL at the club to guide us with choices of dancers.  What does everyone think ??
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