
Social media, the young & dumb versus work

Monday, August 14, 2017 11:34 AM
How many of you spend any time on social media.
The 10 or 20 minutes I take a day to go onto this website is as close to social media as I get.
No face book, twitter nor any of the others past and present I can't name.
We all have seen the young dancers that are more interested in their phone than the customers.
What else have you seen:
A contractor I was consulting with hired a young boy(20 years old) to help on a project he was finishing. There was potential for permanent employment for the kid if he worked out. He was told that upon hiring. It seemed very time he looked we saw the kid not working messing with his phone. At lunch he told him no more phone on the job. later in the afternoon he saw him messing with his phone again and reminded him at the end of the day to stop messing with his phone. The next morning he kept the kid with him and reminded him to leave the phone in his pocket. He had the kid holding a 12 ft. trim board steady he was trimming with a jig saw and the kid only had to keep holding down so a clean cut could be made. The contractor is 1/2 way through the cut and the piece shifts on the support screw ruining his last piece of trim. He looks over and despite the repeated warnings the kid had his phone out answering a face book message. His only answer to his boss about not leaving his phone put away was "the message might have been important" when ask what could have been important it turns out he was waiting to her if his buddy was going to meet him that night. Needless to say the contractor told him to finish his post off the property. I was told this was just one example of phone crap. The guy now hires semi retired guys who show up on time, work steadily, and do not let their phones distract them to the point of getting someone injured or ruining material.
Is it any wonder no one wants to hire these wastrels.


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Funny I just read some commentary today saying liberals are into social media because none of the work. Conservatives aren't into social media because they're too busy working. They may be right but some conservatives are too busy golfing too.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Social media seems like a waste of time. Never tried it.

    RE: smartphones: I remember a study, it might have been fake news, that people don't like to be alone with their thoughts anymore. Plausible.
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