
Good stories for the young buck and the stripper

Wednesday, August 9, 2017 9:04 AM
So I'm always hearing bad stories of negative experiences of Strippers/escort with us young folk. Isn't there at least one situation where a stripper/escort was happy to have a young person (or pleasantly surprised) to have a young person as a patron?


  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    One time I was waiting the LD area for the next song to start, I was 18 or 19, and to make small talk I was talking about electrochemical fuel cell research we were doing in the lab at work at as a university undergrad. She said, "Honey, I appreciate the whole-trying-to-impress-me thing, but I'm kind of a sure thing." Another time around 20 or so, a dancer was doing a nude table (floor) dance and was on me straddled cow girl style and said, "it's not every day you can feel wet pussy through a pair of jeans but damn you're hot." She wasn't lying as she had made quite a large wet spot on me that I soaked through my demin. Shortly after turning 21, a dancer, blonde with hair that said I just went to the hairdresser trying to look expensive with b cup titties, also recently 21, asked if I would buy her champagne, as that all she wants to drink from now on. She was so happy when I said yes, because none of the old guys would buy anything more expensive that bottle beer.. Neither of us realized that it's sold by the bottle, since unlike wine, it can't be re-corked. These days I hear it's possible to get single-serve bottles of champagne, and many clubs stock this. I think it's a funny story about two young idiots, so I laugh anytime I tell it. Once a dancer just blurted out, I'm glad I have someone like you in here. With all of these old perverts here that only thing that keep me sane is I got home each night and play Grand Theft Auto video game and pretend everyone are the customers, else I would go crazy. So I'm like, "so tell me how you really feel, lol!" Leans, grabs my shirt, and screams into it like a pillow, a lets out a real yell. So I'm like, "um, better?" She say, "Yeah, thanks. Want a free dance?"
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    There was a time a dancer followed my clubbing buddy and I out to the parking lot. It was late afternoon, so it was still light outside. It was a dive place, either the Foxes Den in Cleveland or a place in Fort wayne Indiana, it was around 2000. She was jogging in heela and wanted to see us before we left. She gave us hugs then said (a first for me), "you guys really need to come back with basketball shorts or swishy pants. ALL OF MY REGULARS REALLY LOVE THAT. Trust me." That was back before I know LDK or lapgasms were a thing. But here she was, unbrashly, unapologetically, an enthusiastically selling just that. I hear you get kicked off StripperWeb for less these days. Wow! Times were simpler back then. Pepperidge Farms remembers. ;-)
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    One time I met a girl up in Canada. When I met her I kissed her and she said, "oooh, a hott guy... what's the catch?" I miss her.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I met my ex stripping. I stopped and we were really happy. I was very in love w him and we were married for years. We broke up over non stripper type related issues. Normal marriage stuff. I do enjoy my younger customers. There's just more pressure a lot of the time bc I'm in dating age for them, so they don't have as much logical divide. They know they are young, and elligible, so it's harder for them when the stripper isn't actually into them.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    My first club visit was at age 27 and here I am now age 34. According to most of the members on these boards I still qualify as young. I've never really very many experiences that were truly awful. I made some mistakes early on, but I learned from them. Strippers and escorts are people. They all have different personalities. Some are really nice. Some can be a real bitch. If you have thick skin, you'll be just fine when dealing with them. On several occasions, I've had strippers and escorts express to me their appreciation for dealing with someone that is younger than most of their customers typically are. In addition to being young, they appreciate the fact I act like a complete gentlemen when dealing with them. It makes them look forward to seeing me again. I would mention specific experiences I've had over the years, but if I did, this would get into TL;DR territory.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Set an alarm clock Dominica so you can wake up from that dream. ;-)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ Dominic
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Sure we younger face discrimination in teh club but hey i still do pretty well. No specific story but i always have a good time.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    When I was 20 me and a bunch of buddies went up to Montreal to drink and go to strip clubs. For three days people at bars I didn't know kept buying me beers because I looked like a guy who played for the Montreal Alouttes CFL team. I was getting lap dances from this French Canadian stripper asked me if we could take it out, i obliged and she started with a hj and then gave me a BBBJ and didn't ask for any extra money or upcharge i did tip her. This was like my 3rd time in a strip club and home state had lame clubs, so I had no idea this could happen.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I'm not that young anymore, but I know my fave appreciates how getting me hard isn't part of the process. I've had a few girls who liked shooting the shit with me when it was dead.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    When I was much younger I met an older escort several times who was a real cum swallowing freak. Couldn't get enough. She said she liked younger customers cause she could get them off 2 or 3 times in a one hour session. She probably wouldn't see me these days. :-(
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Huh? So few responses. You John's don't even hear good stories from your own stripper s? Didn't know us young bucks were that bad .
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Okay. Not sure what you're looking to get. There was a small period from end of Jan through the beginning of Feb 2016 where I went to the same club 3 times within the span of 10 days (and blew through my savings as a result) to see what different nights of the week were like. On the third visit early in the week, about 3 dancers came up to me and said in almost unison: "Nooo! What R U doing here. No! DO NOT become one of these guys that always go to strip clubs. You're not like that! Not you." It was a short visit because I was like, eh, I am not really seeing the point either. So I took 3 or 4 months off.
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