I guess TUSCL will NEVER IMPROVE!!! The supposedly mature have not JOINED MY CRUSADE!!!
They are MISSING THE POINT!!! I will not REST until it is made!!! Whenever you see a TROLL TROLLING A GUY I'll be THERE!!!
Do you cowards like it when the VILE ATTACK DOGS drive off people like Vince?
I am the SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE aiming to drive off the IDIOTS and BARELY LITERATE!!!
Who will STAND UP for the SJGs of TUSCL???
Oh he posts stuff you DISAGREE with. How DIRE!!! So you tolerate ASSHOLES who fill the board with CRAP and harass the guy. That's just PROFILES IN FUCKING COURAGE!!!
I am giving the CRAP MERCHANTS a taste of THEIR OWN MEDICINE!!! If you supposedly mature adults had any COURAGE you'd do the same!!!
Oh yeah, we are all grown ups (well most of us) who can figure out on our own who the assholes are. At least in years when there is no election.
Debunking the Gurus of Personal Finance !!!