
OT: meaning of Skull and Crossbones?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
We are familiar with this from the Jolly Roger, or pirate flag. But what does it mean? Is it just to scare people, to mean that they seek no quarter and will offer none?

In part yes, but we also know of it from Hitler's SS, and their initiation rituals. And then there is that Skull and Bones society at Yale and associated with the Bush Family. Many believe that they do the SS initiation rituals, and that this is derived from an Egyptian coffin ritual.

Depicted in a movie:




But we also here tell of this coming from the Knights Templar







And so people see the Masons as the continuation of the Templars. And there are rituals known as "headless rite", pertaining to Osiris. And the Orsirian Mummy pose has crossed fore arms, but it is actually a double cross, with a cozier in one hand and a flail in the other.

See page 111 ff

So there are lots of elements in this. But they also talk about the Templars carving a skull and cross bones into their coffins, and even of dismembering their corpses.

So what does it mean?

Well as I know, when archeologists find human remains, the first question is, how did this person die? Because that tells them the sort of place they have found. So nicks on bones can indicate edged weapons, as used in battles.

But if you find smashed skulls and broken long bones, then you are seeing the results of executions.

So as I see it, when the Templars carved that on coffins, they are saying in effect that their people don't die of over eating and sedentary lifestyles. Their people die in violent conflict, and usually at the hands of state authorities. This is consistent with how it is for pirates. But what they really mean is that their people are a threat to the state. While they might not always die that way, in contrast to the Christian ideal of martyrdome, dying as an Uncle Tom, they are holding up as the idea, being executed, and being executed as what we today would call a te**o*ist.


The Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum

This book is in high demand and I think well worth reading to understand the dire plight our nation is in:


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: it means you're a fag.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ Still hasn't changed, even though he is technically dead, but he just doesn't want to admit it.

    When I die, I do want to be honored with a skull and crossbones. I want to earn that honor. I don't want to follow Walt Disney and Dougster and be frozen.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago


    A Modern Gnostic View on the Purpose of Life

    "Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -- a rope over an abyss."
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    hey san_jose_guy you stupid lying dickhead. how could you post on my thread about you raping women in their sleep if you have me on ignore? lying fucking troll

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    We still have pirates today, but they are small timers.

    Are there independent big time te**o*ists still, maybe like in the 007 movies?

    I try to think of a better way to put this, is there still armed revolution?

    We see John Paul Jones as the founder of the US Navy. But the British see him as a pirate.


    Lori Graves playing Pirates Of The Caribbean on the Lowrey Organ

    The American Revolution with Yale's Joanne B. Freeman
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    meaning of Skull and Crossbones?

    hey san_jose_guy that’s so obvious. it’s your fantasy of two guys crossing bones as they skull fuck you that you told me about in your last therapy session but i thought you didn’t want anyone to know about it. glad to see you coming out of the padded cell as we in the mental health profession like to say
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    In hand now:


    OT: Who Performs A**a**inations?


    A customer grabbed this waitress’s backside, so she took him down

    Symbolic Dimensions of the Gnostic Mass
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    SJG I hope that you are a pirate because I wanna grab your booty!!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I would like to be a pirate. But its different today, waters are no safe havens anymore. So radicals are more likely to operate on land, but they will still use pirate tactics.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven


    Nizari Assassins

    Following a historic agreement with the Republic of Portugal in 2015, His Highness the Aga Khan officially designated the premises located at Rua Marquês de Fronteira in Lisbon — the Henrique de Mendonça Palace — as the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat [1] on July 11 2018, and declared that it be known as the “Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat".

    From page 149

    "The Order of Assassins was reflected in European culture by the Knights Templar. ... A rich tradition of historical supposition maintains that contact with the sophisticated relgious teachings of the Assassin Order was a primary influence in the development of the secret Templar heresy that is said to have led teh Knights Templar far afield from their Christian roots. ... The religious ideas that returned to Europe with the Crusaders are believed by many to have become the basis for the European occult revival, which continues to the present day.

    page 153
    From Freemasonry to the Ordo Templi Orientis, hierarchical Western secret societies claim derivation from the Knights Templar. ... constituted the pope's private army; for this and many other reasons these elite warriors enjoyed protection ... Order was ruthlesslly crushed.


    Sex At Dawn - Christoper Ryan

  • DrunkPraetorian
    6 years ago
    I’ve collected 10–12 pirate flags - can get them cheap off Amazon. From Thomas Tew to Blackbeard..I just don’t have the room to hang them all
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Awesome


    BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Live 1975 - Extremely Good!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So continuing to read "The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven" by James Wasserman. Book has opened up something very complex.

    I want now to try and document some of his references:

    The Assassins: Holy Killers of Islam, 1987

    Daftary, Farhad. The Assassin Legends, 1995

    -- The Ismailis: Their History and Doctrins 1994

    Lewis, Bernard. The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam 1968


    Secrets of Tarot & Qabalah: The Magician's Tools - Wand, Cup, Pentacle, & Sword - Taliesin McKnight
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So continuing to read James Wasserman, talking about the Albigensian Crusade, that is the burning of the Cathars. People say now that Rosicrucianism originated with the Cathars. Some say that Catharism came from the Knights Templar.

    I do not know about this latter. Seems like Catharism also existed somewhat before, but probably coming from the Eastern Church and the Byzantine Empire, and also from the Gnostic movements of the first two centuries. Some talk about Manicheanism. But there was also Valentinianism, and the more radical Sethianism.

    Guy went to Montsegur, site of the largest Cathar battle, asked how many of the people were Cathars. he was told that they all were Cathars, and that they still are.

    Agen was a major Cathar and Rosicrucian site, and they say influenced by Templars. Has old Catholic families, in the Church, but not of it.

    Usually the French birth rate has followed the standard Urban - Rural divide, large in Rural areas due to church influence, but less in the cities.

    But Agen, on the Canal-du-Midi, has always had a surprisingly low birth rate. One academic says that this follows the 1791 Jurist Priest Map, and also where people voted for Mitterrand.

    But I sugested that it was the Cathar legacy.

    The Cathars sat around and slowly recited the Pater Noster, over and over. Is this really worth burning people at the stake?

    No, the Cathars had and used methods of contraception and abortion.

    In Agen, if someone has a second child, they will be receiving condolences cards.

    Want to know more about these Islamic Assassins. Challenging thing to comprehend.


    Baker Gurvitz Army - Vinyl Album High Quality
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So finishing "The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven" by James Wasserman.

    Sounds like the Niziri Assassins had a 9 level initiation, where they progressively rejected Sharia law and came to see that even Muhammad and the Koran are not the final word on anything. They were encouraged to abandon all Muslim observances, like prayer and fasting, seeing that these things only exist to control the masses.

    They had discovered the essence off all religion!

    And so of course, if the Templars were also learning something like this, when they got home, they would get into serious trouble.

    Most of what the Niziri's learned was coming from Hebrew Kabbalah, from Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle, and from the Neo-Platonic emanation teachings ( seemingly closely related to Kabbalah )

    Islamic society was much more fully developed than Medieval Christendom. At one point the Niziri Iman was saying to abandon their Shiite origins and align with the Sunni and their Sufi Mystics.

    Wasserman has written a very interesting book, and he has great insights into the esoteric or occult movements.

    I now see why the Carmelite reformer John of the Cross was so controversial. I don't think he ever wrote anything directly heretical, but in talking about this Ascent and about the 3 Dark Nights, he is making religion more like an esoteric order, and one where the truth is deliberately being kept hidden.

    He talked about Voluntary Purgations, and Involuntary Purgations. These latter, they basically protect you from idolatry. They are a time when observances and things of the Church stop working for you. He never says to abandon them, he says to stay with them. But implicit in this is that the Church and its leaders and its herds, they really don't know much.

    The God people talk about, pray to, and who keeps the pews and collection plates filled, he is always an idol.

    The Carmelites imprisoned him, and his canonization and being made doctor of the Church were greatly delayed.

    And though most just assume that he is writing about his own experiences, but actually he was deeply influenced by Neo-Platonic sources, and these are like Kabbalah, emanationist.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Will be reading Wasserman's later:

    Templar Heresy: A Story of Gnostic Illumination (2017)

    People hadn't used to talk about gnosticism in quite this way, or about the Templar's either.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Templar Assasins
    Assassin's creed : the official movie novelization / written by Christie Golden ; based on the screenplay by Michael Lesslie and Adam Cooper & Bill Collage ; based on the Assassin's Creed game series.

    Templar Pirates
    Pirates and the lost Templar fleet : the secret naval war between the Knights Templar and the Vatican / by David Hatcher Childress. (2003)

    Secrets of the Knights Templar : the hidden history of the world's most powerful order / S.J. Hodge. (2013)


    OT: Who Performs A**a**inations?

    Will have in hand very soon:
    Templar heresy : a story of gnostic illumination / James Wasserman with Keith Stump and Harvey Rochman.


    The Jeff Healey Band - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (live)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Great Cover:


    James Wasserman was born to be a book publisher.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    In hand now:

    Templar heresy : a story of gnostic illumination / James Wasserman with Keith Stump and Harvey Rochman.

  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "In hand now"

    Then shove it up your ass with all of your other spam, creep!

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Templar heresy : a story of gnostic illumination / James Wasserman with Keith Stump and Harvey Rochman.

    Book is actually a novel. Templar Crusaders encounter contingent of Niziri A**a**ins coming out from their base near Caspian Sea and Tehran, to Syrian sea coast. Looks like it will later go back to the South of France and the Cathars, and then to the Crusade against the Cathars, and then to the French Monarchy's Purge Against the Templars.


    Universe 1971 (FULL ALBUM) [Hard | Blues Rock]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So proceeding with:

    Templar heresy : a story of gnostic illumination / James Wasserman with Keith Stump and Harvey Rochman.

    Actually developed by expanding their screen play which they were not able to get produced. And this shows.

    But still very interesting and informative, convincing:

    So attributed to Hasan II, the forth ruler of this Niziri Assassin Order, 1164 AD, his Qiyama proclamtion, forever putting the Nizari outside of Islamic Orthodoxy and making it into a Gnostic group. And these authors believe that such is behind the Templar Heresy and downfall, and behind the Cathar Movement.

    Some lines:

    This day we discard all external forms of worship. We turn from the outward forms of religion -- from the letter of the law -- to the inner meaning of the commandments, the batin, the hidden depths of inner truth."


    No longer do we turn toward Mecca--for all the earth is illuminated by the light of God! We have risen. We are free. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt! ...

    Within two years Hassan would be assassinated, but not before he was able to send his hand picked protege out to Syria. He is the one the Knights Templar would meet.

    Spinning counter clockwise, while moving clock wise around a 12' circle. Is this what the Sunni Sufi Whirling Dervishes do? Said to embody the energy of the stars and heavens above. Later used in armed combat.

    Curved wand, looks like snake, but with Lion head, holding it and gently twirling it during hypnosis session with a Templar.

    Lines spoken in sex magick ritual:

    W: "Come forth, O children, under the stars, and take your fill of love."

    W: "I give



    want to get: Dean, Winton (1965). Georges Bizet: His Life and Work. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    W: "I give unimaginable joys on earth."

    W: "I am uplifted in thine heart, and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body!"

    Not sure where these words are being drawn from. Gnostic Mass?

    The woman is referred to as a "skilled Initiatrix"

    In 380, Theodosius I declared Christianity the state religion.

    It would be Justinian I sho suppressed Paganism. He closed the Neoplationic Academy of Athens, in 529, along with other centers of learning and worship. Such enclaves were the repositories of the Hermetic schools of initiation that had evolved from Egypt through Greece to Rome. The dispossessed scholars and mystics took their manuscripts and teachings to Persia, where they were welcomed by the Sassanian dynasty.

    Mark Stavish, Institute for Hermetic Studies.

    Founded in 1998 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, the Institute for Hermetic Studies maintains a complete working curriculum for the instruction of its members in Hermetic Arts and Sciences, including Qabala, plant and mineral Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

    Now in Wyoming PA.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Books by Mark Stavish and those of his associates are readily available:


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So the Templar Roland departs by ship from Acre, a port near Jerusalem, for Venice. Then he will travel by land to his home in Avignon. Seemingly he will be the one who carries this Niziri teaching to the Cathars. Is he the only source of Catharism? Seemingly theg also developed from Bogomils and Manicheans, all coming from the Near East.

    Roland also carries a golden head, a careful likeness of the slain Niziri leader. Later the Templars will be accused of idolatry on account of this head.

    Simple but interesting story. All a very strong indictment of religion. As I say, the God which keeps the pews and collection plates full is always an idol, and also a narcotic.


    I'll have this book about the opera Carmen in hand soon.
    Georges Bizet : his life and work / Winton Dean. (1965)

    Carmen, full opera

    Okay, this Indiana University version is playing now. It is from their 2015-2016 season.

    Better way to get to it:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    And here, program with some commentary:

    So lets see how some of this sounds when played fixed pitch, i.e. organ:





    Hal Ashby


    Obama Delivers Stinging Rebuke, Standing Up To Bullies, not following them.

    Roe v. Wade in Danger: Released Docs Reveal Kavanaugh Thinks Abortion Decision Is Not “Settled Law”

    As 400+ Children Remain Separated From Parents, Trump Admin Wants to Detain Kids Indefinitely

    Mason, 1971
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Roland makes it back to Avignon, he meets people from Albi, Cathars. A Cathar woman uses a ritual worthy of the Golden Dawn to heal Roland's ailing father.

    Roland ends up marrying the woman.

    Though there are different ways of looking at this, marriage is not necessarily seen as that good of a thing among Cathars.

    Anyway Roland must return to Crusader duty, Acre, near Jerusalem. So it was 5 weeks to sail from Acre to Venice, and now 8 weeks to sail back to Acre from Marseilles.

    Roland has mixed feelings about the Cathars. They say that their movement did come from Bogomils in Bulgaria, and then before that from Mani and Manicheanism in Persia. Remember that St. Augustine had followed the Manicheans. They say that before Mani it is coming from Zoroastrianism.


    West Side Story - America - Bernstein

    Prog Rock at the BBC

    Pentangle - Light Flight

    Basket of Light Full Album

    Mike Oldfield-Tubular Bells III Live London

    Led Zeppelin 1969

    Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley's Latino Report Card a 'Huge Wake Up Call', delivered by former San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So, finished the book. The Albigensian Crusade is underway, starting with the sacking of Béziers and the massacre of its population. So the Cathars learn that they must abandon their commitment to pacifism and non-violence.

    And of course I fully support this. The same applies today to all the targeted populations today, racial minorities, the poor, children, and those being subjected White Coat abuse. Severe violence has to always be on the table.

    About Béziers, what I also know is that that would become a major node on the Canal Du Midi, the place where it connects to the Mediterranean. What I found particularly interesting about this is that most of the construction work was done by women.

    Everything on that canal is powered by water, like the opening and closing of its locks and the raising and lowering of the water levels.

    So it is claimed that the male engineers mostly new about military fortifications. Where as it was women, on account of the Roman bath houses, who had the "superior knowledge of hydraulic engineering".

    You ever seen a place like that? And women doing the heavy dirt work?

    I certainly have not. This is only one of the things which leads me to believe that there really is something different about the South of France, and connecting with its Cathar heritage.

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Getting this:

    The assassins : the story of medieval Islam's secret sect / W.B. Bartlett. (2002)

    So what else is available?

    Secret societies of the Middle Ages : the Assassins, the Templars & the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia / Thomas Keightley ; introduction by James Wasserman. (2005)

    Assassin's creed : Heresy / Christie Golden. (2016) fiction

    The real history behind the Templars / Sharan Newman (2007)

    Pirates and the lost Templar fleet : the secret naval war between the Knights Templar and the Vatican / by David Hatcher Childress. (2003 children's )


    Really Good!

    Mystic Siva - Under the Influence 1969-1970 (FULL ALBUM) [Progressive Rock/ Psychedelic Rock]
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    What was François Mitterrand's involvement with the occult, and/or pre-war Fascist groups?

    Marie Delarue

    The Louvre Pyramid’s Occult Illuminati Conspiracy

    This is THE SPOT:

    At least according to Dan Brown. Listening to Da Vinchi Code read aloud on tape, I guessed it right away, once it became known that they'd made a mistake in going to Scotland.

    The site is of course associated with François Mitterrand.

    Middle Theory

    World's Most Secret Society

    Conspiracy School

    "Mitterrand’s monuments’ esoteric symbolism is acknowledged even by mainstream writers, such as Marie Delarue in her 1999 study tellingly entitled, A Republican Pharaoh. She refers to the Parisian buildings as “a journey for initiates,” noting that they “seem to relate more to personal destiny and François Mitterrand’s pronounced taste for hermeticism and the Sacred Science, than to the politics of socialist governments.”["

    Solar Temple



    Mitterrand and the far-right

    Louvre Pyramid

    Synarchy: The Hidden Hand Behind the European Union

    "It is hard to overestimate the influence of the synarchists. They were – and no doubt still are – hardly a bunch of nobodies. A major player in this story was none other than François Mitterrand, later France’s longest-serving President. Although he was to reinvent himself as a socialist, before and during the Second World War he was very much of the extreme right.

    Even at the time it was rumoured that Mitterrand was a member of the Cagoule. But more sensationally, Henri Martin’s family claimed he had actually planted the 1937 bombs.11 But while no firm evidence exists to support Mitterrand being a cagoulard, and he strenuously denied it when confronted with his shady past in the 1990s, he certainly had the connections, besides the relevant political – and indeed, esoteric – views.

    Mitterrand believed in rule by an elite – preferably an elite of one: himself. Although from a relatively modest background, he always had an unshakeable belief in his personal superiority, even seeing significance in his family’s origins in the town of Bourges, where a field called the Champs de Mitterrand marks the exact centre of France. ‘Mitterrand’ means ‘middle of the land’.

    When the ultra-ambitious Mitterrand finally achieved power he notoriously governed through his ‘clan’ of friends and relatives, famously remarking that he needed only “fifty well-placed friends to run the country.”12 And he began building the clan during those pre-war days, around leading cagoulards, particularly those close to Deloncle.

    Mitterrand was a close friend of conspirator in the assassination of the Italian anti-fascist Rosselli brothers, Jean Bouyver, and of François Méténier, Deloncle’s assistant who was sentenced to 20 years for his part in the 1937 bombings. But the closest family connection was with Deloncle: Mitterrand’s brother Robert married Deloncle’s sister-in-law just before the outbreak of war. It is inconceivable that Mitterrand never met the Cagoule’s mastermind and top synarchist. Also, as we will see, like Deloncle Mitterrand was deeply fascinated by esoteric and mystical matters.

    But was Mitterrand a card-carrying synarchist? He moved in the right circles, through his pre-war associations with the Cagoule’s leadership. His pursuit of closer European integration certainly fits the synarchists’ core objective. And his interest in esoteric matters also fits the profile – which tends to be downplayed by Mitterrand’s biographers, although it is explored in Nicolas Bonnal’s Mitterrand, the Great Initiate (2001). He employed astrologers – even for major foreign policy decisions – believed in reincarnation, and was interested in UFOs.

    Even more intriguing to Dan Brown fans – and indeed, our own – is the fact that he had a special veneration for Mary Magdalene, focused on her cult centre at Vézelay. And much has been made of him visiting the celebrated ‘village of mystery’ of Rennes-le-Château (actually only the most high-profile of several visits) during his 1981 election campaign.

    Nicknamed ‘the Sphinx’, Mitterrand was also fascinated by ancient civilisations: as President he oversaw a great accumulation of Egyptian antiquities by French museums and universities, believing there was some connection between that civilisation and ancient France. Saint-Yves would have agreed.

    As President, Mitterrand also spent some 30 billion francs on a major programme of public building, mostly in Paris. Like all egomaniacs he was driven to leave his solid, tangible mark on history. But apparently, there was more to it than that. His monuments’ esoteric symbolism is acknowledged even by mainstream writers, such as Marie Delarue in her 1999 study, tellingly entitled A Republican Pharaoh. She refers to the Parisian buildings as “a journey for initiates,” noting they “seem to relate more to personal destiny and François Mitterrand’s pronounced taste for hermeticism and the Sacred Science, than to the politics of socialist governments.


    Nicolas Bonnal’s Mitterrand, the Great Initiate (2001)



    Do you sometimes see girl kissing?

    Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon (61 Minute Version)

    Why do dancers grab your hands and put them on her boobs or ass?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Many Lives of François Mitterrand

    I've got to read about this guy. Born 1916 very conservative Catholic family. Such often ended up on the Right. But some have also had Rosicrucian, Cathar, and Templar roots.

    He did end up in La Cagoule, a far right terrorist group, and in Vichy. But then he left and made it to London and became part of the Free French, and Socialist.

    François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterrand was a French statesman who served as President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest time in office in French history. As First Secretary of the Socialist Party, he was the first left-wing politician to be elected President of France under the Fifth Republic.


    " (26 October 1916 – 8 January 1996) "

    "He opposed de Gaulle's establishment of the Fifth Republic. Although at times a politically isolated figure, Mitterrand outmanoeuvered rivals to become the left's standard bearer at every presidential election from 1965–88; with the exception of 1969. Mitterrand was elected President at the 1981 presidential election. He was re-elected in 1988 and remained in office until 1995. "

    He is known for his Mitterrand doctrine, a policy of not extraditing convicted far-left terrorists of the years of lead such as Cesare Battisti to Italy, due to the alleged non-conformity of Italian legislation to European standards of rule of law, in particular the anti-terrorism laws passed by Italy in the 1970s and 1980s. When the European Court of Human Rights finally ruled against the Mitterrand doctrine, the policy had already led to most of the criminals never being punished for their crimes.

    "Mitterrand's wife, Danielle Mitterrand (née Gouze, 1924–2011), came from a socialist background and worked for various left-wing causes. They married on 24 October 1944 and had three sons"

    (Of course these dates are all extremely important, as the film of events was unfolding.)

    With Petain, Oct 15, 1942

    "Mitterrand created a true spy network in the POW camps which gave us information, often decisive, about what was going on behind the German borders." ( speaking of 1943)

    Escaped to London Nov 15, 1943, by air.

    In December 1943 Mitterrand ordered the execution of Henri Marlin (who was about to order attacks on the "Maquis") by Jacques Paris and Jean Munier, who later hid out with Mitterrand's father.

    After a second visit to London in February 1944, Mitterrand took part in the liberation of Paris in August; he took over the headquarters of Commissariat général aux prisonniers de guerre (general office for POW, the ministry he was working for), immediately he took up the vacant post of secretary general of POWs. When de Gaulle entered Paris following the Liberation, he was introduced to various men who were to be part of the provisional government. Among them was Mitterrand, when they came face to face, de Gaulle is said to have muttered: "You again!" He dismissed Mitterrand 2 weeks later.

    In October 1944 Mitterrand and Jacques Foccart developed a plan to liberate the POW and concentration camps. This was called operation Vicarage. On the orders of de Gaulle, in April 1945 Mitterrand accompanied General Lewis as the French representative at the liberation of the camps at Kaufering and Dachau. By chance Mitterrand discovered his friend and member of his network, Robert Antelme, suffering from typhus. Antelme was restricted to the camp to prevent the spread of disease, but Mitterrand arranged for his "escape" and sent him back to France for treatment.

    "In 1958, Mitterrand was one of the few to object to the nomination of Charles de Gaulle as head of government, and to de Gaulle's plan for a Fifth Republic. He justified his opposition by the circumstances of de Gaulle's comeback: the 13 May 1958 quasi-putsch and military pressure. In September 1958, determinedly opposed to Charles de Gaulle, Mitterrand made an appeal to vote "no" in the referendum over the Constitution, which was nevertheless adopted on 4 October 1958. This defeated coalition of the "No" was composed of the PCF and some left-wing republican politicians (such as Mendès-France and Mitterrand). "

    Synarchy: The Hidden Hand Behind the European Union

    ^^^^^^ a very good article!

    "Our research into this subject – detailed in The Stargate Conspiracy (1999) and The Sion Revelation (2006) – demonstrated that every major step in the development of the European Union from a simple trading body to a borderline superstate can be traced back to a very specific ideology, which upholds rule by an elite from behind the scenes. But this isn’t just about politics. Astonishingly, this ideology is also about mysticism and magic.

    "A major player in this story was none other than François Mitterrand, later France’s longest-serving President. Although he was to reinvent himself as a socialist, before and during the Second World War he was very much of the extreme right."

    "Also, as we will see, like Deloncle, Mitterrand was deeply fascinated by esoteric and mystical matters."

    "French researcher Roger Mennevée argued that Vichy represented the climax of the first phase of the plan outlined in the Synarchist Pact – taking power in France in preparation to extend it to Europe – using the Germans to do what the Cagoule had failed to three years earlier.14 Ulmann and Azeau note that, coincidence or not, Vichy was organised precisely on synarchist lines."

    "Soon afterwards Mitterrand hastily changed sides, joining the Resistance and making his way to London to ally himself with the Free French – the only episode allowed to be remembered after the war. He wasn’t the only Vichyite to jump ship. Many French synarchists began cosying up to the Allies, as it was increasingly obvious that the tide had turned against Hitler."

    "In November 1943 a group of Free French analysts drew up a report explicitly examining synarchists in Vichy and, lately, in the Resistance, acknowledging the reality of synarchy and its considerable influence."

    "But as he clearly had cagoulard sympathies and connections, he must have shared their aims – despite his later bluster to the contrary. And with his interests, associations and chameleon-like changing of political colours in order to achieve his goals he certainly looks like the perfect synarchist. But most suspicious by far are his extraordinary efforts to create the European Union…"

    "Nicolas Bonnal’s Mitterrand, the Great Initiate (2001). He employed astrologers – even for major foreign policy decisions – believed in reincarnation, and was interested in UFOs."

    "Even more intriguing to Dan Brown fans – and indeed, our own – is the fact that he had a special veneration for Mary Magdalene, focused on her cult centre at Vézelay. And much has been made of him visiting the celebrated ‘village of mystery’ of Rennes-le-Château (actually only the most high-profile of several visits) during his 1981 election campaign."

    As President, Mitterrand also spent some 30 billion francs on a major programme of public building, mostly in Paris. Like all egomaniacs he was driven to leave his solid, tangible mark on history. But apparently, there was more to it than that. His monuments’ esoteric symbolism is acknowledged even by mainstream writers, such as Marie Delarue in her 1999 study, tellingly entitled A Republican Pharaoh. She refers to the Parisian buildings as “a journey for initiates,” noting they “seem to relate more to personal destiny and François Mitterrand’s pronounced taste for hermeticism and the Sacred Science, than to the politics of socialist governments.”21

    The most famous of his monuments is the great glass pyramid outside the Louvre, unveiled in 1993 to mark the bicentenary of the French Revolution, and clearly reflecting a link between ancient Egypt and France. But the most imposing public work is the Grande Arche de la Fraternité in the La Défence area of Paris, completed in 1989 and designed by the Danish architect Otto von Spreckelsen. Bizarrely – and rather ambitiously – it represents a three-dimensional ‘shadow’ of a hyperdimensional cube that he called a “porte cosmique”: ‘cosmic gateway’ or perhaps even ‘stargate’…

    But “the most beautiful, most esoteric and least known of the Mitterrandian Great Works”22 – and his personal favourite – is the 1989 Monument to the Rights of Man and the Citizen in the Parc du Champs-de-Mars, in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Modelled on an Egyptian funerary temple and aligned to the Sun on the summer solstice, it is literally covered in esoteric symbolism, much of it obviously Masonic. After Mitterrand’s death his staff revealed that he often visited it at night, silently meditating.

    the authors, acknowledged as primary inspiration for Da Vinchy Code.



    I Talk To The Wind - Crimson King (1969)
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