
Club Sights, Newark NJ

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Had looked like this was closed. But it has always sounded extremely interesting.



Recently people have been asking about clubs in NYC area.



  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Sights Private Social Club was founded as a private Gentleman's club in the year 2000. The founder had the idea to create a private club for those who shared his interest in watching nude exotic dancing specifically by beautiful women of color. .

    The founder was dismayed at the present atmosphere of the local adult club industry where crime and disorder was accepted as a norm. Some local strip clubs were often also places where drug use, fights, robberies and even homicides took place.

    In addition to the crime issue, the Founder also noticed a huge difference in the exotic dancing that took place in local clubs and the Art of Exotic Dancing that took place in clubs throughout other parts of the United States. Exotic dancing in other parts of the country seemed to be taken more seriously as dancers and performers. The dancers actually performed and treated dancing as a true art form.

    Also the men in other areas of the country who regularly frequent strip clubs accepted and respected the exotic dance culture more. For many in these areas going to a stipclub was no different than going to a regular dance club.

    Another difference the Founder noticed in other clubs throughout the country were the attitudes of law enforcement towards clubs where nude dancing took place. Throughout the South and the Mid-West strip clubs were accepted and treated as normal entertainment by law enforcement. Unfortunately on the East Coast, clubs, dancers and club patrons are routinely treated as criminals and prey for opportunistic politicians seeking media headlines by looking tough on crime.

    Believing that there were men who shared his interests, the Founder decided to create a private social club for himself and his close friends that was safe, enjoyable, exciting and filled with beautiful, young, nude exotic dancers. He wanted Sights Social Club to be a private club that men would not only be proud to be a member of but a club they wouldn’t hesitate to bring their friends, family members, sons, business associates and co-workers to.

    Today, despite the many challenges Sights has faced over the years it stands out as the benchmark of excellence that its members have come to love and appreciate and other clubs have tried to emulate.

    To those clubs we say, THANK YOU. Imitation is the best form of flattery.


    -You must have a personal and private interest in coming together socially and recreationally with others who share your interest in performing and observing women who perform the art of Exotic Dancing.

    -Membership in Sights Private Social Club is via sponsorship by an officer or active member in good standing or via request.

    -Prospective candidates requesting membership in Sights must apply in person at the club and be personally interviewed by a member of our Membership Committee.

    -Candidates interested in membership may also request membership via this website by filling out an online membership request here.

    -You must be an adult 18 years of ago or older with government issued photo identification.


    They also say that they do not serve alcohol and that you cannot BYOB!

    As you can see, this has similarity to a swingers club. As I see it, once you are in and known, probably anything goes, like just selecting your girl and walking her out the front door with you.

    Had been only after hours, starting 1am. But they say they are staring to run daytime too.

    They say that in strip clubs there had even been homicides.

  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Holy shit you have an incredible amount of free time.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Probably about as much as you do.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yeah, Sights got delisted from TUSCL, and its web site was down.


  • ww
    7 years ago
    The website: http://clubsights.com/ claims that the club was to reopen Jul 6 during dayshift hours. Not sure if they actually did.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Are you out there, able to get us some current info and re-submit the club for listing?

    Maybe it did get busted. But as it sounds like it is similar to a swingers club, except that it will have young black strippers, instead of well off white married bitches and their husbands, it sounds awesome.

    Probably no mileage limits front room or back room. The more the front room, the more that helps the club because it loosens everybody up.

    And then if that is not enough, being an after hours club, probably very easy to have your girl walk out the front door with you.

    ww, thanks for the info!

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    This place, membership club, no alcohol, is the model to follow for maximum quality and mileage in other metros.

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