
Clinton Body Count goes up yet again (at least 4 deaths connected to the DNC/ Cl

On this Memorial Day, let's take a moment to remember that not all those who died to protect our way of life did so on the battlefield...

Beranton J. Whisenant Jr, the federal prosecutor who had been handling the DNC lawsuit case (regarding the DNC stealing the election from Bernie Sanders), has been found dead on a Florida beach. I wonder if this is what Debbie Wasserman Schulz had in mind when she threatened the US Capital Police chief with "consequences" for not backing off an investigation into the Awan brothers?


For a great summary of the Seth Rich murder, check out these short videos from One America News Network.


These vids reveal that the first police officer on the scene, the physician assigned to treat Seth at the hospital, as well as the owner of the bar Seth visited, all had ties to John Podesta, the DNC, and the Obama White House. Seth Rich was killed just a few days before he was scheduled to testify against Hilary Clinton, something he had in common with John Ashe, whose mysterious and convenient death is briefly discussed in the third video. Ashe, the former UN President, was set to testify against the Clintons for accepting bribes from Ng Lap Seng.

And this video, also from One America News Network, discusses the murder of Shawn Lucas, who also died mysteriously less than a month after serving a subpoena to Debbie Wasserman Schulz for rigging the DNC primaries in favor of Hilary Clinton.


And finally, where in the world is Eric Braverman, the one-time head of the Clinton Foundation, who mysteriously disappeared after he was identified by John Podesta as a possible mole?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Oh god if they only made a pill to fix stupid
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Remember that Bigfoot and Ted Cruz's dad assassinated JFK and faked the moon landing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Iffen uz sa so txtty lol
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Btw txtty iz ah sabbe de langiz giyyah hehaw
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    SLG has the answers you seek...
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    2009 was a bad year for right wing political nutjobs on TUSCL. It never completely went away but died down a bit after that. Looks like it's worse than ever now.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Oh, yes, and now we have san_hose_fag who counts as 10 regular left wing nutjobs all by himself. (Partly due to how fast he types out his crap.)
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Notice that when they're trying to send a message, they don't even try to hide the fact it was murder. In the case of Seth Rich they were trying to scare off other leakers. In the case of this federal prosecutor, by dumping his body on the beach they're clearly trying to scare the judge who is hearing the DNC corruption case, and possibly also trying to scare the DC Capital police chief.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    So the Clintons have only murdered four people? I thought it was more like two dozen?

    Can somebody tell me? What is is about strip clubs that attracts the most paranoid and truly idiotic nutcases like @GammaNu and @Anal-lvone?

    @Anal has me on ignore. Someone tell him that there's absolutely nothing to the Seth Rich murder. It was a botched robbery.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Jesus christ, anon. Get a grip and a life.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    #Trump so fat ROTFLMAO anybody notice no Melania at Arlington he must have rolled on her in his sleep and crushed her or maybe he swallowed her.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Swallowing Melania sounds fun to me.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^He didn't eat her sexually, that fat fuck just swallowed her in his sleep, thought she was a pretzel. His gut is so big he couldn't find his dick with both of his teeny tiny hands.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Ima speakable da Inglz fest Lila u. LOL
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @a21985 - Just wondering exactly how far do you have to shove your head up your ass these days to be a liberal? Last time I checked, there is at least a quarter million dollar reward for any info regarding the murder of Seth Rich, and not one person has ever come forward. And if that's not amazing enough, the DNC has not contributed one penny to that fund. They won't pay one penny to find his murderer, but they will pay for a top DNC crisis manager to handle Seth Rich's family. Like WTF? Why does the family need a handler if this was a botched robbery? Oh my bad. It's not the family that needs the handler, it's the DNC. How else would they get a contract stipulation in place that said that the private investigator that was hired by the family couldn't investigate anything related to the emails or to Wikileaks?
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    @anon - out of all the people calling you out on this thread, my comment was the tamest...so why the hell are you going after me? I was a card carrying GOP member and voter up until 1.5 yrs ago until the unhinged tea partiers and alt-righters ran me off, and I despise the DNC and Hillary. So while I'm very socially liberal, I am by no means a wise target for generalized attack because it would fit my agenda if there was a shred of truth to it.

    So, my question to you is, regardless of political affiliation or social leaning, how far up your own ass does your head have to be to so blindly pound your chest while touting baseless conspiracy theories? While we're at it, do your sources have any intel on which soundstage we used for the moonlanding and how Ted Cruz's dad pulled off the JFK assasination?

    Like I said: Get. A. Grip.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^@at2195 You aren't dealing with rational people, why would you not recognize that from the get-go. He's a kookoo bird and he exhibits all of the symptoms of being alt.right indoctrinated. These type of folks aren't Republicans they don't even recognize what the party stands for, they are Trumpians, and refuse to admit their president is a fat blowhard and a bully.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @anon - out of all the people calling you out on this thread, my comment was the tamest...so why the hell are you going after me?
    Well, because you're one of the few, the chosen, who's still not on his ignore list. @Anal's your typical internet pussy who spews conspiracy theories and insults, then puts you on ignore if you try to reason with him. The amusing thing is that he referred to my "botched robbery" comment in his response. So the pussy is still clearly reading my posts.

  • anthonyu
    7 years ago
    About 0.9% of the US population dies every year. If the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons and the DNC were associated with only 1,000 people over the last 25 years, one would expect over 200 deaths in that time period

    What? Only a dozen or so? Being around these characters must be truly life giving!
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @a21985 - Okay dumbass, for the sake of argument I'll assume you're telling the truth and really are just a retard...First of all, I don't see comments from known trolls because I've already blocked them all. Second, there's nothing "baseless" about the theory that Seth Rich was killed for leaking info to Wikileaks. Did you even bother to watch any of the video links I posted?

    1) Julian Assange and other Wikileaks officials have repeatedly stated that they did not receive any info from "Russians" and that all info came from internal leakers. One of the Wikileaks officials even specified that he had met with the leaker in Washington DC. Julian Assange went on television and all but stated that Seth Rich was the leaker. He implied it, repeatedly, in the stronger terms possible.

    2) None of the data released by Wikileaks is dated after Seth's murder. In other words, after he was killed, the leaks stopped.

    3) I've repeatedly pointed out that the DNC has refused to allow an independent party, much less law enforcement, to examine the servers it claims was hacked. There is therefore NO EVIDENCE that the DNC servers were ever hacked.

    4) The police claim Seth was killed during a robbery, but the killers didn't take his watch, his phone, his credit cards, his jewelry, his cash, his billfold, they went to the trouble of beating him up and shooting him repeatedly but didn't take a damn thing

    5) After Seth Rich was killed, the FBI went to his home and confiscated the laptop. Sources say they broke the encryption, copied the data, and then wiped the laptop. They are still holding the laptop to prevent anyone from discovering that Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. For those who want to disregard the reports from anonymous sources, then answer this, why the fuck does the FBI care about his laptop if he was killed during a robbery?

    6) Wikileaks has offered $20,000 reward for any information regarding Seth's murder. How much money has the DNC offered? Zero. Not one penny.

    7) Name one thing the DNC has done to help find his killer. Nothing. The two things I'm aware of that they've done are: a) paid for a top DNC damage control expert to "handle" the family; and b) make the private investigator sign a NDA and a promise to not investigate anything related to Wikileaks or the emails

    8) Seth Rich was alive for about 90 minutes after the police got to him. All of the police officers were wearing body cams but the footage has never been released. In the general vicinity of his murder were numerous security cameras, that footage has never been released.

    9) The physicians at the hospital have stated Seth wasn't injured that badly and was expected to live. However, after the police arrived they would not allow anyone to attend Seth except for the primary physician, who had ties to the DNC and the White House.

    10) The total reward for any info regarding his murder is now over $350 thousand dollars and no one is coming forward.

    11) It's been documented that the police have failed to take the most elementary investigative steps in this case, such as interviewing witnesses or requesting footage from the cameras at the bar where Seth was last seen before heading home. Reports are coming in that they were actually ordered to "stand down" supposedly by the mayor's office.

    12) In addition to the first officer on the scene having ties to Podesta and the DNC, and the attending physician having ties to the DNC and the White House, it is now known that the owner of the bar where Seth was last seen was actually in the White House just days before his murder.

    13) The police reports of how they discovered Seth had been shot are conflicting.

    14) Twitter is stopping all threads regarding Seth Rich from trending. Reddit closed down and then purged 90% of Seth's posts after his accounts were discovered. The MSM has declared a news blackout on this issue. It's so sensitive that Sean Hannity might be fired just for talking about it.

    15) John Podesta sent an email about "wetworks" about 24 hours before Scalia was murdered. He also sent an email saying he wanted to make an example of "leakers" of whom Seth Rich was obviously one. If I was John Podesta, Robby Mook or Jen Palmieri I'd be praying Hillary doesn't decide they're expendable if the investigation gets that far.

    So yeah, if you think Seth Rich being murdered is a "baseless" conspiracy theory, please do the human race a favor and don't have children.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    14) [addendum] One America News Network, the organization that produced the videos I linked above, posted a request on their website for assistance in locating the physician who had been on call and assigned to Seth Rich. WITHIN MINUTES THEIR WEBSITE WAS TAKEN DOWN.

    16) Why did Donna Brazile, when she was the acting head of the DNC, call the police department to question and complain about a private investigator trying to discover who killed Seth Rich?
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    #16 should be combined with #7 above, point being, the DNC has done absolutely nothing to try to discover who killed Seth Rich and instead seems to be doing everything possible to obstruct any possible investigation into his murder.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Oh, and the piece de resistance, Kim Dotcom announced that Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source and can prove it. And regardless of what you think of him personally, the fact remains that he accurately predicted more than a year in advance that Julian Assange would be Hilary Clinton's worst nightmare in 2016.

    So yeah, totally baseless. How fucking stupid do you feel now?
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Your lead in to get me to read your take on the situation was certainly entrancing. Nothing entices a potential reader and convert to your opinions by romancing them with sweet words like "retard." I started to read your sequel to War & Peace that you were kind enough to take the time share with me on this thread, but I fell asleep at bullet point #4.

    Oh, and I have already procreated twice because, alas, my wife must have a thing for retarded guys and my retarded sperm swim quite well despite their clear genetic deficiencies. I hope one day my children will be able to forgive me for not buying into self-serving conspiracy theories written by such strapping articulate, rational men and are peddled on alt-right sites and strip club forum.

    Anyways, go ahead and put me on ignore because you just convinced me to join in on the crew that busts your balls from here on out.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    So like a vast left wing conspiracy.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    "So like a vast left wing conspiracy."

    That definitely deserves a brilliant!

    The overall conspiracy theory, however, can best be summarized by the (alleged) words of George W. Bush:

    "That was some weird shit!"
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    This isn't France, where you can just steal an election by mailing out damaged/invalid ballots to all the LePen supporters. Trump won the election despite all the foul play from the Clinton camp, and if they think they can overturn a legitimate election through this fake Russian hacking story, they are going to get a rude awakening. Donald Trump isn't Bernie Sanders, and his supporters aren't a bunch of idealistic college kids. Don't start something you can't finish libtards.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Stupid is as stupid does.
    #Trump is a far fuck.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    @anon (weird to be so "anonymous" on a nudie club board, like who cares, what the big f-ing deal?) I guess to cut to the chase, it sounds like we need due process here. It also sounds like we need to help President Trump drain the swamp. Also if you have ideas on how to limit corruption in politics, bring those guilty of corruption (money and power) to trial, and limiting the power and influence of Wall Street. I'm all ears.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @dominic77 - I've actually been very lax about protecting my online identity, but that's going to change.

    "due process" is the one thing we've been missing. The traitors in the democratic party, the republican party, the federal agencies, and in particular the intelligence agencies have declared Trump to be guilty of "collusion" with the Russians on the basis of no evidence and without benefit of any sort of due process, they have declared themselves judge, jury and executioner.

    I'm sympathetic to the argument that prosecuting Hilary Clinton would have created a crisis in our government. However, if we do nothing, if Trump does nothing, we are headed towards something much worse than a mere crisis in government. Clinton, the Democrats, and the Deep State are refusing to accept the results of a legitimate election, and are attempting to remove a duly elected president. this threatens to create a civil war and puts our country in danger


    James Comey has already outlined the case for prosecuting Clinton. He simply failed to do his duty. Trump needs to replace Comey, and his replacement needs to prosecute Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. He, Trump, is literally being given no other choice. Doing so is the most obvious way to move forward in terms of "draining the swamp" and will fulfill one of Trump's pledges.

    Another obvious way to move forward, is to either appoint a special prosecutor to examine the murder of Seth Rich, or else add the murder of Seth Rich to any investigation regarding so called "collusion" with Russia. Either way, every single person who has been trying to bury this story and thwart any investigation needs to be pursued, their power needs to be broken, and hopefully they will be prosecuted.

    In the end, the same group of criminals will be swept up in both investigations. Then, after the swamp has been drained, Trump needs to deliver the coup de grace by eliminating the federal reserve.

  • a21985
    7 years ago
    "Donald Trump isn't Bernie Sanders, and his supporters aren't a bunch of idealistic college kids. Don't start something you can't finish libtards."

    I love the fantasy people on both sides of the aisle have created about Bernie Bros as homeless college douchebags looking for handouts. I'm a Bernie supporter who is an older millenial in my early 30s with a 6 figure salary, most of my friends/acquaintances are the same. My generation is the very near future of this country with the growing money, passion and numbers to influence things, so I'm not sure how it benefits anyone to keep trying to marginalize and insult us. Just gonna keep pissing us off, and the country saw what happens when an even less influential group like the lower income rural white good ol' boys get angry, so good luck with strategy.
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