
I am going to be in Denver in a couple of days. I know I could read all the reviews but I know those of you on the discussion board know best so please tell me if any Denver strip clubs are worth it and if so which ones? Also any info like dance cost and are they full contact dances?
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That's Crazyjoe's stomping grounds - he'll tell you which titty bars have the best bathroom trolls.
Pts all Nude on Galena.$10-15 to enter club. No alcohol full nude. Dancers give stage side dances for a couple bucks. $10 for a wrist band to get to vip and $30-40 perdance. Ymmv. Quite a few give full contact dances. They have 15 minute rooms for $150
If you want to look at hot women and drink beer try Shotgun Willys. Airdances but scenery is great.
crazyjoe, which club has the best toilet paper?
I read a few of the Denver reviews. It sounds like mileage is pretty limited (as in no extras) and private dance prices are unusually high (40-50 per song).
Have I drawn the wrong conclusion?
Maybe my expectations have been warped by visiting the clubs in Detroit?
Who gives a shit about the strip clubs when they have legal weed. Time to stock up.