Here, we had a Korean girl who killed this Korean business man she used to shack up with when he came to visit. She stabbed him to death with a large pair of scissors.
Can't find mention of it. But she ran off with his credit cards and went on a spending spree. Finally apprehended on East Coast. But she said he tried to forcibly sodomize her.
To most people it seemed like she was playing the part of his sex slave and likely for money, and just snapped.
But I think the DA let her get off on second degree, too afraid to put her in front of a jury. She was a single mother, and who knows how she could have come across.
last commentSJG
Strip Club, sort of:…
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthouse (1970)…
To most people it seemed like she was playing the part of his sex slave and likely for money, and just snapped.
But I think the DA let her get off on second degree, too afraid to put her in front of a jury. She was a single mother, and who knows how she could have come across.