
Any body watching the Ind. v Clev game ?

Living well and enjoying my retirement


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Hella ending Cleveland sweeps the pacers
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    4 tight games, all of them going to the Cavaliers. Impressive, in my view.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    Assuming you are talking American 'Football', then no.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @londonguy Basketball now watching OKC v Houston
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I just got done watching the second FA Cup semi on DVR. My daughter had a game earlier. Should be a fun final. COYG!!!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    OKC v Houston down to the wire who thinks Westbrook can pull it out ?
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    My main man Harden and his entourage pulled this one out
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Yes they did. but are either of these teams OKC or Houston going very in the second season, I think not.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I don't know why people knock the NBA - I think the playoffs are awesome. I was worried about Cleveland thinking Boston would give em trouble but it looks like Boston may not even make it out of the first round. This rest is huge for Cleveland.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Isn't it base ball season?
    WTF The nba starts in September and ends almost in July
    If you read the stories and the comments about the nba all season it is all about the "playoffs"
    They might reach a bigger audience if the playoffs were actually during basket ball season. At least a month earlier! I have been taken to basket ball games during the season that were not televised and it was worse than watching golf, again my friend said it was all about the playoffs, they don't play hard unless on TV or on the playoffs.
    I should not pick on the nba along. I am weary of all prima-donna "Professional" sports. The nfl and nba are are just two examples of "pros" so full of themselves that I won't watch or follow them. Until both organizations start enforcing their own rules equally and have a code of conduct for their employees. Standing during the national anthem, immediate and automatic discharge for criminal activity and drug use etc.. Above all stop taxing the crap out of the non-fans to pay for extravagant venues that are not allowed to be used for other things. If you cannot support your team payroll and venue then your payroll needs to be smaller and your venue cheaper. Why the hell should I have to pay a 1% entertainment tax for a stadium of arena that I will never be in and the team gets to use for virtually nothing just so they can pay the players and owners multi million dollars salaries?? Do not give the BS that the venues and teams have other added benefits. The numbers always come up in the negative column! Indianapolis and Cleveland pay almost no rent for their virtually new areas but their players make millions per year and the rest of the employees and owners make fat salaries and huge profits. The citizens of the cities are left holding the debt for the buildings then the hugely profitable teams use and do not pay enough rent to fund maintenance. They sign meaningless contracts promising to stay and them just decide to leave when they get a better offer elsewhere (St Louis rams).
    A prime example of government supporting a small politically powerful group at the expense of the taxpaying public. Every team costs cities more tax dollars than the total revenue they bring in, with very few exceptions.
    How is it that the team owners, players and employees make huge salaries but the cities that actually pay most of the expenses get stiffed.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @TT At the risk of getting into an argument where you politicize even basketball, your rant is way off, on a lot of areas. Actually right now the NBA is the model for sport leagues even surpassing the NFL in many areas, most importantly, entertainment value for dollar spent. I don't really think that any of the sports teams are taking your ranting very seriously, as their revenue keeps growing and they share the wealth with the players, I know some of you guys will attack that statement, but turning poor kids who grew up in poverty into millionaires is admirable. As a fan I will continue to enjoy the NBA Playoffs, I think the product is great, I enjoy it and that's the way I see it.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago

    Wow. A lot of anger over someone just asking if anyone was watching a game. Take a Zyprexa. LOL.

    It would have saved a lot of typing to have just written "No."
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    "I have been taken to basket ball games during the season that were not televised"
    ...Are you sure it was the NBA?

    "Until both organizations start enforcing their own rules equally and have a code of conduct for their employees"
    The NBA follows a code of contact, even a dress code for showing up to games (which I think was put in place because of how Allen Iverson and others would wear chains and bandanas). Also, a dress code for coaches (they are not even allowed to take their sport jacket off during a game). They suspend players for behavior that goes against their conduct. They test for HGH and other designer performance enhancing drugs. What would you know about the nba enforcing rules if you don't watch it?

    And you think their arenas are used for virtually nothing? The Palace (rip) was not only used for Pistons games, but also tons of concerts and even the local community college's graduation. I've watched my friends graduate at that arena and I saw the Backstreet Boys there when I was a little kid. Lol.

    Clearly you know next to nothing about the nba.

  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    OP - I have only been watching the Warriors but it sucks that Indy couldn't get at least one damn win. Oh, I also watched the end of the Spurs/Grizzlies game that went into OT while waiting for the Warriors to start. Great OT.

    Have you heard about Steve Kerr? He is out indefinitely due to more problems from his back surgery.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    Code of conduct* sorry in advance for any other typos.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @NinaBambina, I feel for Steve Kerr, I just had a minor surgical procedure myself, nothing is more painful than spine problems, my own problem involves C2 & C3 and it is rough, I'm hoping that this last procedure gives me some relief.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    I'm sorry about your spine problems :(

    Kerr is now very against back surgery and wishes he had just rehabbed instead. My mom broke several vertebrae in her upper back / neck area, had a very invasive surgery, and now regrets surgery as well.

    I feel so bad for Steve. He seems like a great guy and a great coach and he's been battling the effects of his surgery for almost two years now. Remember, he had to miss the first half of last season due to a spinal fluid leak. I hope he recovers quickly this time, we're gonna need him for the WCF.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Thank you for that I'm recovering now this is day 5, I'm hopeful.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Get better my friend, spines cause plenty of problems.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Thank you for that
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm lucky I'll never have that problem. I've been accused of being spineless.
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