
Like to found my own lady's

I've just made it to Vegas went to the Speriment Rhino were this huge bouncer gave me a table and right along with him came two lady's now I'll tell you I'm not a easy catch but what they told me and the things they were going to do with me spark my interest usually I like my lady's with a little more meat on them than these two lady's but I gave it a try so they escorted me to there VIP room a boucer came in an told me it's was going to be $500 for each lady and i had to buy some bottle are they can wave it if I took care of the cocktail sever so after all that I finally can see what these two lady's had to offer yea it started out pretty good yea the grinding was good the touching here and there was fine to but all of the sudden they had to answer phones texting people hey if I'm spending this kind of dough I wont all the attention next thing you know one of the ladys had to go out for a min. well the other lady still continue with the dance then the other lady came back but not alone now she brings in some one else she was nice looking to but I relly didnt even want both of these lady's but they were going to do all these things to me well this other lady comes and claims she was going to even do more I decline then she says she would come in for less I still decline now by this time i'm getting upset and I'm not having any fun right now I just say no please leave she finally does so by this time some how the time has come to a end that most have been the fasted hour ever now I'm pissed there trying to make me stay I just want to go the boncer tries to talk to me I just want him to leave me alone he tries to see if he wanted to bring me some other girls I tell him I just want to be alone for now when I got out of this VIP I was headed out of this over rated place I didn't even get what they were going to give me but before I could make it to the door this lady gently grab my arm and gave me a kind smile so I sat down and talk to her for awhile had a couple of drinks with her and yes I did give her a chance no I didn't go to that VIP just yet but let her give me a $20 lap dance it was already better than what i had already had i did end up with this lady & she was what I was looking for more meat on her & it was just me & her I did end up with her for about 4hrS & I gave her a great tip $1000 I'll be back hope I fine her again are just a nice lady that i can spend sometime with alone the moral of this story is to just pick your own lady it's a better shot than what the club want's you to have


  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Punctuation...it's a beautiful thing.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    lol, i just gotta say huh?
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    A fool and his money.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    He should have spent the money on English lessons!
  • CCRiderm
    14 years ago
    Wow, that just hurt to read. Both content AND form....
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    Interesting post, but in the future please use ALL CAPS.
  • metaldude
    14 years ago
    He must be in male monopause since he obviously doesn't have any more periods.
  • looneylarry
    14 years ago
    I thought James Joyce was dead.
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