DJ announcements about strippers

avatar for JohnSmith69
Have you ever heard a DJ announce something about a stripper going on stage that made you totally lose interest in her, or else something that peaked your Interest in her? Last night, the DJ announced that the stripper on stage is going to be featured on an upcoming Jerry Springer show. She wasn't my really my type but even if she was that fact made me lose any interest that I might have otherwise had in her.


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avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
No, never have... although the Jerry Springer show announcement might be a bit of a boner killer
avatar for beguiled
8 years ago
Dude, not to be a dick. I'd like to correct you on something because I care. It's piqued interest. Thought you should know better. Very common mistake.

p.s. I watch Jerry every day lol.
avatar for K
8 years ago
I usually can't understand the DJ. They all develop that stupid way of speaking. I wish the DJ would use a normal voice and just announce the dancer's name and shut up. "Going on stage is Amber, coming off stage is Jade"
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Once heard a DJ introduce a dancer as "The red headed bitch from hell". She was a favorite of mine for awhile.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Not a DJ. I never had a problem with a DJ, but at a really dive-y place, they had a feature dancer once, a Penthouse Pet. She scared away the other house dancers, so she was literally the only dancer working that night. After dancing for like 2 hours straight (in 1996) she had the bartender releave her. (is releave a word? maybe a lawyer knows if I pique his interest).

Well, the Penthouse Pet noticed that the bartender, who was a fat, retired dancer, wasn't getting much interested. So the Pet (on break) shouted:

--> " Come on guys, she's got big 'ol titties."

I about died. But truthfully the undulating rolls, belly dancing on stage, between her stomach gut and huge tits, undulating, rolling, mesmerizing, I admit at 18yo (myself) I was *halfway* tempted. :D
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
To add to the mental image: the bartender, cigarette in mouth, (slightly over the hill in age), when asked but the feature dancer she climbed OVER the bar, walked to the stage, climbed UP it, when proceeded to dance and start to strip, yep you guessed it, cigarette still in her mouth. She did not miss a beat. One cannot make this stuff up.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
The red headed bitch from hell sounds like
just my type of girl.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
The Jerry Springer announcement would be a turn off!

I don't know what to say about Dominic77's story. Other than "that story is ace!" And very disturbing. Very very disturbing.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
It would serve as a warning rather than an enticement and cause me to back away across the room. The only thing it is like a car wreck you have to look even if briefly.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Didn't one of the female posters give a link to a video where they appeared on Jerry Springer? I think it was Phoenix. I remember that she looked good.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
JS69 - I've got 3 photos on my hard drive.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Bring that phone into Follies next time I'm there so I can see her.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Ok. Just remind me next time you're in town.
avatar for sflguy123
8 years ago
The Springer news would be a turn on. I'd ask her if she was fucking her brother or her boyfriend dressed as a woman!

How is that show even still on the air? Haven't they run out of topics?
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
"How is that show even still on the air? Haven't they run out of topics?"
avatar for beguiled
8 years ago
Hey Dominic. It's relieve. I'm going to quit being a fag now.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Whew. Thank you. :)
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Saying she's going to be on Jerry Springer gives you an automatic ice breaker to talk with her about. If she's hot, who cares if she's a loon? Noone is talking about for life, we're just asking what's up tonight?
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