

Thursday, December 29, 2016 5:08 PM
Anyone who got caught at the stripclub, escort, or side chick by either a wife or girlfriend? My wife gave me a second chance even tho if I was honest with myself, I wouldn't have, I know, I know self proclaim hypocrite. Still have the desire to fuck other women but don't want to change my home life. My wife sex drive is higher than mine and she cooks and clean, and even serve me. She is beautiful, all curves ass and boobs and no she is not fat. My friends tell me I am a lucky bastard all the time so whats wrong with me.


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You're probably gay
  • Tonymarriedloser123
    8 years ago
    You would know since you are one
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You always want what you cant have
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I got caught. I think my ex wife had part IRS audit agent in her. Problem is, my wife was a horrible cook. Hated cleaning, wasn't beautiful. Was short and fat and her butt looked like one of those rap girls girlfriends... wide load all the way. And meaner than a junk yard dog. Maybe that's why I ended up in strip clubs so much before I got divorced.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I've got a pass from the wyf. I'd be in more trouble if the ATF caught me with another dancer/escort/pro.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I cannot get caught by my wife since she has been to both of my favorite clubs, the inner room cabaret and about 20 others with me. She has gotten dances, well oral sex, from my atf within the past 4 weeks.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I got caught by an old gf when I had CF at my apartment for OTC. It upset her, but we kept dating and fucking, so... My wife heard me on the phone a few years ago at a strip club when I butt dialed her on a Samsung. She was plenty pissed when I got home. Fortunately, she was so afraid of losing me that she let me lie and talk my way out of it, even though she caught me red handed. I'm playing with fire by keeping the habit, but my sex drive is too high and I crave the variety and seduction.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Some times I pay strippers to prank call my X and ask for her new husband and lie how he was down their and Shit....it's so funny getting him in trouble...I'm glade it ant me no more bitch has a temper
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I cannot even express how glad I am that I don't have to hide what I'm doing from my wife.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Yep, the wyf is glad to send me away so she can get a break!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Want Out? National Free Help hotline 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    sooooo glad i'm divorced.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    sooooo glad I'm divorced too. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    At some point one has to start living within their integrity. So probably our OP needs either a marriage counselor or a divorce lawyer. Not sure how many of those you will find dancing at strip clubs. But we should start a fund, raise some money and send some of these girls to school. SJG Anthony Bourdain slams ‘privileged’ liberals for ‘utter contempt’ of working class [view link] Problem with compromising with the God Fearers, is that their way of life is always built upon child abuse. 1964 - John Coltrane - A Love Supreme [view link]
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Nothing is wrong with you, unless you are dealing with addictive behaviors. What is wrong is that you are postponing having the (painful and potentially difficult) dialog with your wife. -- Can I get caught? No. My wife knows and in many cases she suggests I go to the club. It resets my brain and puts me in a better mood. So she sees it as a net-positive. Often time she's the one that suggests I go to the SC! It was in fact her idea to start sending me last year. Though to be fair, I use the SC for it's "legal and legit purpose." I don't get extras nor pay 4 play. -- The other option is to go, continue the deception, which works for many, but keep in mind: "take care of business so that you can get back to business." When you're working, and you start to get obsessed with thoughts about strippers or prostitutes, and you are certain you'll lose your mind unless you scratch that itch. Take the initiative. Go. And get it out of your system. FAST. Then get back to work (for your work or your family). All things in moderation. Don't let you wife know. But don't let it interfere either Many men take this approach. However, you need to do it well, cover your tracks, and make sure you actually, fully, and completely take care of your needs. Then get back to work. -- That's how it was explained to me by other men when I turned 22. Initially it horrified me. Now, not so much. -- Here's another fun statistic I've learned by talking to actual men. Most of the men who are well off (~$120K in 2000 dollars or ~$150K in 2014 dollars) about 85-90% of them CHEAT. They cheat at work with coworkers or subordinates. They cheat with escorts. They cheat with strippers. They cheat with anything they can get their hands on. It does seem that Chris Rock was right that men with means, money, and opportunity will cheat. Also, wives and girlfriends will more than likely tolerate it. Especially they will tolerate it if they are over 50. Men who provide that kind of security, luxury, and comfort -- and this is a sad commentary, but still true -- are not exactly plentiful out there. If she divorces you -- more than likely she's going to end up with another average man -- IF and only IF - she can attract one. And the average guy earns about $50K and is 75-100 pounds over weight. And that's even before you take into account that she's older, too. (and maybe less beautiful). If you are above average in looks or income, at her age, (Sadly) the reality is she will not want to lose you. I see this play out time and time again. This is why the women take the man back. What, is she going to roll the dice with another 50 yo guy, earning maybe $50K and probably overweight? NO. She stay with you and forgive you. That's reality for many women in many marriages.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I would never want to be one to disagree with Chris Rock. I will just say that my ex wife went berserk anytime she could find anything even suggesting that I was cheating, even P4P. Now in fact my indiscretions were of a limited nature, and so she never actually did have real evidence, though she searched and searched regularly. She just had stuff which in her imagination was proof. In actuality what she had was always bogus. So the idea that if I were getting more money, that she might go along with cheating, no I cannot see that happening. The only way would be if it were under constant threat of divorce, and she knew she had no other choice. And I could never ever do that to someone, pressure them to give up on principles they hold dear. The idea that I was cheating really drove her nuts, to seeing it in things which were nothing of the sort. So while yes, in the area of marriage, our society is based on hypocrisy. Nevertheless, I decided that my life needed to be different, that I wanted it to be different. My wife, well she had her limitations, some of them extreme. She needed to go. But this does not mean that I dislike her. Just could not be "married" to her. And then, if one is going to womanize, one has more power if one is free from concerns about exposure, to wife, family, or employer. So I am not totally there yet, I still have things in play which must be totally separated. But soon I will be able to be totally out in the open. So I will be able to respond finally to all the strippers who clearly wanted to go home with me, and had no interest in being paid for that. To bad the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger is gone, building torn down. Even with a wife who was understanding about it, I still would feel that she was being coerced. Maybe with her at a swingers club. There the women enjoy it more than the men do. I think that is okay. No, I need to be able to stand up for how I actually live. Now I think of what my next message to my ex-wife will be, not actually responding to her and not trying to hurt her feelings, but making sure she understands that there are principles of the greatest importance at stake. She is not totally shut out of my life, but things will never be like they were before. And there is still good which can still happen. Though I will not tell her this, it is very unlikely that there will ever be sex between us and maybe never even meeting face to face again or even talking on the phone. But there is still good of different types which can likely happen. SJG Best of 50s 60s and 70s Music | 50s Rock N Roll | 60s and 70s Rock | Vietnam War Music [view link] AMORC, most of the photos of their facility are probably from France, I think. [view link] AMORC, Leon Mexico, Spanish language HQ. [view link] Queen Margot, outdoors, the way hooker zones for commoners used to be: [view link] Should set up a place for this in TJ's Zona, or Nuevo Laredo's Boy's Town. In the organization I am building, though it won't actually be outdoors and there won't be any money, you'll be able to grab a girl and fuck her up against a faux outdoor wall any time you want.
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