
Paying More or Going Further

Met a stripper last night at the SC and asked if she did private dances. To my surprise she said yeah and laid out minor details, price and time. Well, private dances meant exactly private dances, no sex.

We discussed further and she stayed with just private dances and what touching or kissing could occur. I kept trying to see the potential for sex, but she wouldn't budge. I'm interested to say the least because she is nice looking, but no number exchange or arrangement occurred. Furthermore, the price shes charging for private dances/time is what I'd pay for just sex/time.

Also, at this same club I was discussing OTC with a potential prospect. She flaked on our first arrangement, but apologized without me even mentioning it the next time she saw me in the SC. We discussed terms and prices again, but no immediate arrangement was made. I'm not too thrilled with her pricing, but really want to try her. I've experienced the high initial price to only have it cut in half or go back up, so I'm very tempted based on that knowledge.

So, have any of you went into an OTC and got more than initially discussed with minimal to no price increase?


  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I haven't but she may want to keep all talk of sex out of the club and see if she can trust you first. I would maybe take her up on dances once and bring up sex while there with her and if she still says no you only are out one dance session.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I've mentioned it before, not every stripper does extras, and not every stripper is going to go down a menu list to a PL they have just met.

    Many strippers get easily offended when asked about extras/OTC if you don't do it the right way. Keep in mind the "right way" varies from stripper to stripper.

    Spending more time with an apprehensive stripper and giving her a chance to get to know you better will increase your chances, but you have to watch out for the stripper that will string you along giving false promisies with her only intention being to drain your wallet with you getting little to nothing in return other than pillow talk.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Furthermore, the price shes charging for private dances/time is what I'd pay for just sex/time."

    It feels like you're still doing bashful beginner things, like calling it "private dances". You're just going to give yourself more frustrations by doing that. In any case, there are lots of girls who charge a ton for just hanging out; that's the cue to move on... although again, I think if you show weakness and use weasel words like "do you do private dances", it's more likely she'll smell blood.

    -->"So, have any of you went into an OTC and got more than initially discussed with minimal to no price increase?"

    Very often! Two things I do that help me. First, I negotiate the price for the sex, and then drinks/dinner/etc just goes along for the ride. I'd NEVER be able to afford a 3 hour OTC at $250/hour, much less all-night OTCs. I negotiate my $200-$300 sex, then everything else is just positioned as fun time. One of the biggest advantages of sex with strippers instead of escorts is this, exactly -- they don't charge for every hour.

    The other thing I do is, I'm often pursuing girls who are low-volume OTCers ... many times, new girls who it's easy to believe have never done it, etc. In any case, when I see that resistance to go OTC, or maybe have worked on a girl a few times but she's still waffling, I'll drop my request to BJ or even HJ, and this is often what kicks her over to say yes. The other good news here is, once we've agreed to BJ, it's a lower level of service, and when we negotiate price, I ratchet it down a bit. At least 90% of the time, the barrier was just psychological, because even if we just negotiated BJ or HJ, we're going the full monte. I go this route somewhat often, and it's responsible for some crazy low prices. That said, you have to know that someitmes you'll just get the BJ or HJ, and need to be okay with that when it happens.
  • K
    8 years ago
    "So, have any of you went into an OTC and got more than initially discussed with minimal to no price increase?"

    the good thing about OTC with strippers is extra often doesn't cost extra. If you negotiate up front for special activities you will pay more but once in the hotel room, it is common to get a second round or additional services without paying more.

    if she wants too much money, tell her what you are willing to pay. There will come a night she really needs the money and she will call you.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Hell yeah, I've gotten more action and more time than initially discussed. Happens fairly often (though I wouldn't call it "the norm") with strippers. Especially when, as Subra points out, one includes dinner or drinks in the deal.

    It doesn't happen *all* the time, but often enough to make the investment worth while.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I once got 2 strippers for the price of one but it was never a case of just getting dances OTC. :)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I've never heard of any PL finding firsthand that a girl who insisted that OTC was no-sex, actually having sex. So for me, this sounds like a recipe for wasting several hundred dollars. But that's just me -- has anyone here on tuscl done an OTC with a girl who insisted it had to be no sex, and gotten sex?
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Y'all have gotten me interested in taking her up on it. I planned on SCing tonight again, but at a different SC. Might just go back to her SC in hopes I catch her her there.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I've never taken a girl up on "no sex OTC". Mostly because as far as I'm concerned, the *point* of OTC is sex. I have gotten a number of "no sex" girls to give it up (even a couple who really *were* "no sex"), but if we've agreed to OTC, we've agreed to sex. Mind, I've had a few change their minds once we get there, but in those cases I've changed my mind about paying them. :)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I've never had an OTC girl play coy. Maybe I get a different class of dancer than y'all do but they have been pretty explicit. It could be that she felt men out and felt I was reliable and not law enforcement. Maybe that was your problem. Maybe she's thinks you're LE or a patsy. *Shrugs* With that said, I do wish I had the discretionary income to take them up on their offers, lol!
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