
Interesting read


This was definetly an interesting read for me. First off devils advocate. Dancers exploite weakness and niceness of customers and management. Sorry girls but we do even if we don't think we do. So with this guy being told to be heartless towards dancers I am not surprised. I have witness and even told a few lies for nights off or to leave early etc. As far as the money and employment stuff its been hashed to death and most often works out in the favor of being a contracted employee so no need to go on with that. Being a manager of 20 so strippers cant be an easy task and that's coming from a dancer so I know that some rules have to be inforced and certain attitudes cant be accepted.

Now to take up for dancers. Owners can be shit bags and often hire shit bag managers. The managers are often the ones having to do the dirty work of pissing off the dancers and that's were the managers come out looking like gold. Ive worked with girls that have had sick kids or deaths or illnesses in their families and were told they would be fired for not coming to work. I've seen managers take it easy on girls that sleep with them and treat those that don't like crap. I have also seen auditions especially of girls without experience be completely wrong. IE one example that I had was an audition were a manager asked me to give him a private lap dance. Something that now I know is not the norm at all. I think the moral is that girls dance for money which we all know. The problem lies with both sides (dancers and management) when it comes to treatment inside the club. Both sides need to step up and get better before any progress can be made.


  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    good read and thanks for sharing.

    towards the end of the article it said........." I can’t bare the idea of giving my money to a club—let alone any place—that treats its workers like second-class people."

    is this true poledancer83, ninabambina and ReiDetroit?
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    So, the author wants a strip-club collective? Friends and neighbors, I worked union a looooonnnnng time, and there's always a 10-15 percentile of motivated workers that drag the rest along in their wake. If girl knows she's only going to get $X at the end of the night, regardless how happy her customers are wit her performance, what's the incentive for her to carry the lazy broads?
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I've heard many times from different dancers of the 40 dollar day. Working 8-12 hours at a SC only to come away with 40 bucks. However the very next night they might make 600-800.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    idk what to say. or think.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I was recently in a club that actually treated the dancers fairly. At least according to two of the girls.
    They had to pay a flat fee from each private dance in the booths and the fee for the vip room all went to the club but he dancer fee the girls kept and they all made sure they the guys knew the room fee were just for the room. They also were expected to tip the doorman/dj a reasonable amount. The cover was 10 per head and it was a BYO club where you paid for set ups (glasses and ice).
    The girls made most of their money in booth dances and VIPs.
    According to the dancers I chatted with; the girls that bitch sit and do not do dances and expect to make it by dancing on stage. With 10 girls doing three song sets or 12-15 minutes on stage per girl that means 4-5 girls on stage per hour and in an 8 hour shift a dancer would be on stage 4-5 times per night. If she get $20(i seldom see that much on stage now a days) in tips at the rail per set that is $100 per night max. if she tips out $20 or $25 to the doorman bouncer dj she has $75 left. That is less than $10/ hour. Might as well work at McD's. Without doing booth dances or VIP's you make little money.
    The stupidest thing I see is the girls that party with a group of young guys who are spending no money or get drunk on her own dime.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Working as a sex worker in a strip club often is demeaning, obligatory contributions to the club, the DJ, the house mom, etc., etc. is a grueling grind. I'm glad to hear at least the one club mentioned in her article was union. We mongers demand and get sexual preferences. That's life, that's reality throughout history. If that's what you do for a living gals, that's the way it is. Best of luck to you.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I'm amused how he cited the Lusty Lady as a model , which has since permanently closed.

    At least it sounds like he wasn't having dancers blow him to get out of paying stage, or to turn the other way for doing extras.

    The real answer is deregulation. A lot of the challenges for dancers exist because there are only a few clubs in town, and getting a new liscense is impossible. The dancers aren't free to ply their trade wherever.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Thanks for letting me know that the Lusty Lady closed. Not that I'd ever go there, but, that's life.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    That is one of the reasons why I still like my home club. the dancers do like the owner and the management and I believe they've had the same owner for decades. Plus the dancers think the rules are fair and the club and patrons support them. That seems win-win, even it is low mileage or lower mileage than it used to be. From what the dancers say, they're OK with less money, especially if they can put up with less contact in exchange.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Good read, BUT (everybody's got one) the writer has a very limited view of the industry (San Fer Valley in the Socialist Republic of Californication) and a bias as a Hispanic in that area where illegals and indigents are clearly the low end of everything. The facts do support that dancers are generally treated as contractors and often charged for everything they do (pay for their own drinks, locker fees, shift fees, "mandatory" tip outs, late fees, fees for days off, etc.). Yet most clubs charge relatively small fees, and either charge only a nominal per dance fee for VIP (usually $5) or no fee from the dancer at all. The writer's experience (as he tells it) probably represents the worst case for strip clubs.

    Elsewhere in the country, I have heard managers refer to their job as trying to heard naked drunk cats. I know many strippers are good at making very bad life choices, yet they are (mostly) adults capable of making their own decisions. Some are brilliant women who choose erotic dancing for their own INTENTIONAL reasons. Most dancers have issues with drugs or boyfriends that make stripping and cash payouts necessary. Whatever the reasons for their choices, most strippers do know the rules of the club, and the fees, before they start working there. I do not envy SC managers, but neither do I pity the "sad plight" of the dancers.
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