
Water or Booze

How many of us PL's out here actually drink beer or other adult beverages while clubbing.
I usually drink water and do an occasional drink as I am usually from out of town and do not know the habits of the police. Years a there was a fun club in Toledo call Platinum Showgirls and the cops would sit a block away in all directions waiting to pull over guys leaving the club. I always saw someone pulled over as I left.
I have noticed that many times the beer special is cheaper than a bottle of water. (A bucket of 4 beers for $10 and a bottle of water is $5 or $6). There was one time I considered asking the a random guy at the next table to split a bucket with me.
Also booze make decision making more difficult and my ROB detector not work as well or at all. (It is much easier to be fooled by her looks if I have a beer or 3!
What is your experience.


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    When I'm in the alcohol serving clubs, I'll drink a couple of beers or a couple of mixed drinks, nothing too crazy.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    If i don't know the servers its beer for me even if i buy a bucket, here in Florida most day-shifts have a 4 for $15. or a 5 For $20. but i ask for them to be opened one at a time I have been in a few places where they roofied the drinks and robbed the patrons. If i know the bartender or the servers i might get a scotch or two. But I am always careful to never have more than 2 drinks per hour if i am driving.When I leave if there are any beers left I'll usually give them away.
    I don't like to drink water because it is usually served in those cheap plastic containers and I hate the plastic aftertaste which I am sensitive to especially if the water is not very cold.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I drink beer, my Miller Lite is my usual.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Larry you're lying ass isn't old enough to drink yet.

    I am one of two ways when I go out. Not driving, several drinks, usually liquor (bourbon or vodka, occasionally rum) and I may do shots with a stripper or even a waitress if they are allowed.

    If I'm not "drinking" I may have 1 bourbon on the rocks or 1 beer, then I usually switch to a Diet Coke, a Tonic Water or bottle water.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I gave up alcohol completely back in 2009 but before I quit, it was usually 1 or 2 cocktails towards the end of my stay. I wanted a clear mind for the dances, etc. Back in my younger days there was no such thing as a bottle of water and I pretty much drank the whole time I was there. Never had a DUI but that was just luck.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Used to drink beer but lately just Diet Cokes. Sometimes I'll experience a stinging when busting and have determined the alcohol causes it so that's why I do Diet Cokes most of the time when going to Detroit clubs....like I am in a few minutes tonight.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    If I have to drive then two drinks at most and then plenty of water. If I don't have to drive then three or four, occasionally more.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    One of the things I love about strip clubbing is getting buzzed or drunk with the girls. Mostly it's shots, and I dismiss girls who won't drink with me, or want to just sip on expensive mixed drinks instead of pounding shots. It is fun as fuck, it gives us a lot of time to bond and really accelerates the relationship to the point where I can reach "favorite customer" status (and the privileges that that brings) quickly. Best experiences are when the girls are buzzed but not drunk, though it's not easy to get them to slow down once they're buzzed.

    I don't drive drunk; I take mass transit to the city, then taxi/uber/lyft around the city. If I drive, I slow down the drinking to keep myself under the legal limit
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Dranks always but fewer when driving.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I drink water. And get high as fuck on weed.
  • K
    8 years ago
    This is Jersey. Nude clubs have no booze. The bikini bars have a crappy selection of beer. I don't understand why they can't have at least on good local beer available.
  • ArtCollege
    8 years ago
    I'm old enough that if I drink too much, I'm peeing instead of enjoying the girls.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Never been much of a drinker - and never really developed a taste for beer since I'm not into bitter tasting stuff - in the late-2000s I started doing mixed-drinks b/c I could get the effect of alcohol w/o the bitter alcohol taste.

    Since I was a regular SCer I developed a habit of having strong mixed drinks when SCing and got shit-faced a few-times and eventually gave it up (had a more stressful job back then also that led me to getting my drink-on when I SCed).

    For a while after I have up drinking altogether I stuck w/ water and that's what I'll usually have on dayshift which are more than half my visits these days - on nightshift I'll have a Coors Lite or Bud Lite since I'll drink that slower than water.

    I also don't trust the quality of the mixed drinks at many SCs particularly dives; often either watered-down or bad-quality alcohol yet they charge a lot - before I quit alcohol altogether I'd have a Long Island when I would visit Tootsies Miami and that often gave me a buzz - last time I ordered one a couple of months ago it didn't do anything for me and I'm 99% sure it was watered-down or extremely poor-quality alcohol (14 bucks w/o tip down the drain).

  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    I often check out clubs during the day in between appointments when i'm working so i might just have a coke or oj but if i'm off the clock i'll usually have a beer or two and an occasional shot but that's about it. I'm not interested in getting a drunk driving charge.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    I would rather drink water or something like a cranberry & tonic that looked like I had a drink, but I thought it came off a bit weird to be the one guy not drinking (plus at some clubs the bottled water is more than beer). So I've resigned myself, to getting some sort of weak light beer, something that is alcohol, but not getting in the way. If I'm out with the guys, I'll get some drinks, but on PL mode, my focus is on areas than spending money & brain cells on alcohol.
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    I barely have a beer with a full meal at a restaurant anymore, due to our draconian local DUI laws. My SC visits generally last 2 hours or so, so I'kk probably have one beer then switch to Coke. Maybe two beers if a I can order some chaggin fankers to soak up the alcohol.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I'm switching to Coke, too.
  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    Tequila shots for the ladies. Beer for me.
    Often 4-5 for each of us.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I always drink 1-2 beers, usually Bud Lite, during a short visit (say 2 hours or less). If I'm settling in at Rio for the afternoon, I'll drink a beer every hour or so and several mixed drinks or shots for my female companionship. Unfortunately most beers at Rio cost $6.75 and dancers' drinks are $9-10. I've sometimes spent $60-80 in an afternoon just on alcohol.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    in vegas i usually have a screwdriver. in california i usually have their cheapest or free foundation drink (no alcohol) like a fruit punch. some rhinos have starbucks frappuccino... mocha please. and usually i dont pay for a refill. now in tijuana... different story. when the club is somewhat busy and you are seated at a table or booth or bar you are expected to be buying drinks. so sometimes i get a shot of tequila and a side glass of pineapple juice or a bottle of mexican beer such as indio or modello negro. the beers usually last me longer as i don't like beer. i usually get buzzed each time. butt it is fun!!
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    oops. noticed seri changed fountain to foundation.
    in regards to the number of drinks... vegas during happy hour i will have at least two to four. california juice bars i will have unlimited free fountain drinks or one paid drink. tijuana... usually at least ten to twenty paid drinks. cheers!!
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    I usually get a glass of crappy wine. You can sip wine and no one thinks you are lingering.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Water. Diet Coke if I need the hard stuff. Aside from not driving while impaired, I just don't enjoy drinking while I'm out anymore.

    Wine with dinner, yeah. A shot of whisky after dinner, yup. Drinking in a club to make the girls prettier and more fun? Nah.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Zero alcohol, never, not anytime or anyplace. Zero reason for alcohol. Never should have any need for it. It adds absolutely nothing whatsoever.

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    so you say.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago


    The Byrds - Eight Miles High - 9/23/1970 - Fillmore East
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Booze. Mainly because it's a topless club (stage only .. dances and floor is bikini with booty shorts or full dresses). I'd give up the booze for nudity, but since I can't get it, I'll keep the liquor because it helps take the edge off. I often club to release stress, tension, fatigue from the daily grind of work, family, and school. Ideally I'd have both nudity and booze! :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I can enjoy the girls and interact with them better, sober. I know that this is a big factor in why so many of them seem to genuinely like me right off, like at our local no touching clubs.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

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