
offbeat things you dig / turns you on with any SC

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
man, i love it, when there's a number of dancers walking around naked in the SCs. especially when it isn't as common for them to do so, but for like one hour, for some odd reason, like 5 random dancers will all be walking around aimlessly, completely naked. i fucking love that. i especially love it when the manager begs them to put clothes on and they ignore him. i fucking love that.

love it when we are deep in the summer, and it's hot in the club and the girls are actually sweating. their naked back is actually glistening with sweat. i love that

love it when there's an all-too-rare random girl fight / stripper fight in the club

love it when a girl can actually dance. i don't mean move, i mean dance. and i don't mean chris brown type hip-hop / doing too much type dance. and i don't mean ballet type dancers either. i mean: classic, real feminine, an i'm a woman type dance that can hypnotize you. real smooth shit too. flawless. this is very rare. but when you see it, you know.

dig it when i'm at an SC in the summer and the A/C happens to be out so they got these big ass fans all over and the girls will walk up to the fans, naked, after doing a set on stage to cool off. i'm always trying to catch a whiff or catch a scent but never do. love that shit. might be a turn off for many, but i love it

not sanitary, but i love it when a dancer is giving a lapdance barefoot. i'm not a feet guy. and the floors are dirty. but a barefoot on a dancer while she's giving a lapdance for some reason tells me she's working hard.


  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    love it when i'm at an SC and the DJ throws on a certified club jam that i've completely forgotten and haven't heard in a decade. rare, but when it happens, that's special.

    offbeat, but i love any SC that shows pornos on the TVs at the same time.

    i dig it, anytime the dancer sings along the song that's playing directly to me. especially if she can sing.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    When a girl has jiggly tits and walks by in front of you with her tits bouncing around perfectly.
    I don't see them jiggle too often.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i am with all of you. naked pretty girls. walkin around. good music. and the jiggle.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I love it when you're sitting at the bar and a dancer grabs your junk, starts stroking it and you ignore her because Brady has just hit Gronk in the end zone for 6.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I agree with the girls walking around naked thing. Something about a girl walking around the building naked except for her high heels always gets me.

    There are also certain ways they dress which will get me every time. Just as one example, ugly girls who wear thigh high boots get me every time. It's like a look that says "TAKE ME, NOW!!!" Of course, if they all did that, it wouldn't nearly be so hot. Of course, it's even better when a pretty girl wears thigh high boots.
  • PRBOY56
    8 years ago
    Love it when a new hot girl you've never spoken with flashes you a big smile from across the room, gets up, and heads your way. The promise of new play is exciting, even when it does not to work out all the time.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    When dancers who aren't on stage, dance. not strip club dancing, but because they enjoy the song playing, just start club dancing.
  • knobsnbobs
    8 years ago
    I love it when a girl gets into in with the DJ because he played the wrong song or started the song in wrong spot and they call him out on it while on stage.
  • knobsnbobs
    8 years ago
    I also agree with you 100% goth, The bare feet really turn me on. I don't care about the floor being dirty. All floors are dirty. I am not necessarily a "foot fetish" guy either, but the image of a girl being naked down to her bare feet is just natural and incredibly hot to me as well. It also gives you a chance to check and see if she's got man toes or not, which if she does the shit is OVER. lol
  • knobsnbobs
    8 years ago
    Love it when one of your favs that you're cool with sits with you and tells you the inside story on each girl as she dances on stage: "she's on coke all the time", "she's in way over her head with the drink and getting high at the club" "she's sucked almost every guy's dick that works here"
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