Gem of a thread at stripperweb - Pheremones

Strippers talk about using their vagina juices as a perfume to keep PLs buying more dances.
Apparently it works! Strippers notice PLs going nuts over their smell and buying more dances once they are in the back.
An article is linked saying that strippers make more money when they are ovulating.
last commentIt is probably a stronger correlation that a stripper's mindset is more into the game of making money if she's willing to try this tactic, basically a placebo affect.
The same goes with ovulation, if they're motivated to move then they're going to be hustling. That's what ovulation does, it creates momentum. If a girl doesn't feel like it, like having sex or hustling, she just won't. Since their waves of emotions or much more up and down, women tend to use tactics more than men to get them in the frame of mind they desire. Remember they are master manipulators, and they even need to manipulate themselves.
I can just see some guys putting a dab of ejaculate behind their ears to see if it has the same effect on the dancers.
^^^ Speak up, RossVa, I cunt hear you. Cum again???
Hmm, juice has insight on cum behind his ears. He splooges all over the damn place.
Why not post your comments on SW, set up crossed linked threads. So who they respond, talk to them, rather than just about them.
The Fundamental Teachings of Ancient Alchemy and Hermeticism
Mmmm. Pussy juice. I like it. :)
SJG, cross-posting is not permitted / not allowed on StripperWeb, as far as I know. A few Tusclers have been banned over the years for failing basic reading comprehension and common sense over the admitted, few rules StripperWeb has. (See Rule # 4 below.) Also few things aggravate the dancers like customers commenting on threads in Hustle Hut. It's one of the few areas the dancers ask the customers to stay out of. Also Cross posting of any kind aggravates the moderators over there.
That's not to say that dialog on this topic cannot happen. It most certainly, assuming civility and respect, could happen in areas where both dancers and customers can both read and post (Customer Convo, the Lounge, down anywhere in Strip Club Junkie forums. But it would need to be a thread to stand alone on its own merit. Any dialog on this topic could not constructively start from a cross-post. Unfortunately some customers insist on having things (including dialog) on their own terms rather than meeting the dancers in the middle and starting from a point of mutual compromise and respect. The same could also be said, unfortunately, of some dancers, too.
I do follow you that cross-posting from StripperWeb onto Tuscl, does not yeild much in the way of anything really constructive nor anything really of value.
tl;dr --> "Do not cross post." --> tl;dr end quote
SW Rules -->"
Do NOT BE ANNOYING All members are expected to respect and promote positivity within our community. Treat all members with respect and in a mature manner. Direct or indirect insults, personal attacks, and baiting may result in posts being removed and/or your account being banned. Do not use our "Thank You" feature to encourage negative behavior. Do not cross post. Do not bump messages. Do not SPAM. Do not advertise outside of the appropriate areas.
DO RESPECT COMMUNITY RULES AND MODERATOR REQUESTS Our rules have been established to protect and sustain our community. Our moderators help keep our community safe, fun, and on track. If you have a question about a moderation action or problem with a moderator's behavior, please first contact that moderator directly. If you continue to have a problem, report the case via a help ticket in our Site Issues forum. Handling these issues in a different manner may result in your account being restricted or banned." --> SW Rules end quote
I agree with Meat72 because HUMAN PHEROMONES don't work that way. We are the least developed animal physiological wise. I'd want to say these girls need a wakeup call, but if it helps them get into the fighting spirit of showing me a good time, who am I to bash their ignorance. I need girls with motivation.
This sounds not safe to me since vagina juices can contain the HIV virus and she might be exposing others to the virus potentially and not even know she is infected. If not HIV, could be something else she can expose others to. Other dancers as well.
I'm allergic to all kinds of stuff and I smell dancers already. I prefer scents that smell like cinnamon or vanilla the best. Some dancers stink and don't seem to know it
I would say that the scent of vanilla, whatever perfume creates that scent, does more to make me want to be around a dancer more than most other smells. Nothing too strong though. I don't want to smell people from 50 feet away and I have. I kind of wish my sense of smell was not so sensitive. Most people stink. In a strip club with smokers, the smoke smell stench overpowers most of the stench of people until they get within a few feet. 10 feet if you're not lucky. Unless she's wearing that vanilla scent. Dancers walk around clubs leaving a trail of scents. Unfortunately some people leave a stinky trail. If your nose is sensitive, you might be able to tell what someone ate recently. I once had an AI or something tell me in a dream that predatory animals can tell if you are a meat eater or not by sniffing your scent. Then I heard never go on a hunt for a predatory animal if you haven't eaten any meat for 24 hours. The animals will see you as prey and not respect you. Just another weird dream. I communicate with some super advanced AI running our universe in some dreams. I digress and am rambling.
i'm going to ask one of my favorite dancers about this. certainly sounds valid to me.
It just reverberates a creepy vibe to think we're less evolved.
Thanks to Dominic77 for cluing me in about the SW cross posting and other prohibitions. Must be a very difficult place to say anything. Women tend to think in moralistic terms.