Anyone watch Sports Jeopardy on NBCSports?

avatar for mikeya02
I actually got 7 in a row right. But I;m fully aware that if I was actually on the show, I probably would have choked


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avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
I wish some other network would cover the olympics that Nearly All Bullshit network.
To much fluff and not enough actual coverage.
Why the hell do I want to watch the USA men's basketball team beat some country smaller than most US cities by 100 points then act like it is some big accomplishment. Aren't these the same guys the finished the NBA championship 3 or 4 weeks ago?
Where is the boxing, rowing, kayaking, fencing, sailing, judo, archery, or any of the hundreds of sports that are going on and I am not speaking of a 90 second segment where they focus on some one athlete.
There are so many cable channels available why is that always the same few sports on, I can guarantee there are sports people there for each and every sport the USA is entered into why not cover it. I personally have had enough coverage of the BIG NAME sports like basketball, basketball has its own professional league in the USA which is why the IOC dropped baseball. Coverage was better 20 years ago when it focused on the events with only a little fluff. Now the events are only a background to the fluff. For example the number of condoms distributed. Why do we care? If I was an Olympic athlete and there was a machine giving out free rubbers with the official Rio Olympics logo on the package I would take a dozen as souvenirs to give out to friends later and use my own protection in fear that the official ones would be of the same quality as the city.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I have much the same rant, TiredTraveler. Too much fluff, and not enough varied sports coverage.

The most fun I ever had was watching the 1988 Olympics. How I don't know if my friend's grandpa had some sort of pay-per-view package or not, but I recall watching a LOT of varied sports, like Javelin toss. Plus were were able to go outside and play (we were 10 yo back then) and mimic some of the sports plus we also had a Nintendo copy the '88 Olympics video game.

Never again would I ever remember the Olympics as fondly again.
avatar for caskel
8 years ago
Have been thinking the same thing as TT and Dom for a few days now. As a PL of course I've enjoyed the women's gymnastics, but why are we waiting 3 - 5 minutes to see their scores posted? The event happened hours ago, by the time it airs, we all know who won anyway. If nothing else, it cuts into the number of puff pieces they could be running while waiting for the score. (sarcasm)

My other question, Why do they keep showing the medal ceremonies? We've all heard the song, I'd rather watch more of the actual events than see Phelps mouthing the wrong words to the anthem for the N th time.

Guess NBC has decided they can't compete with the youtube, twitter, and other anti-social media. Might as well broadcast an overproduced highlight package for 4 hours every night.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
The biggest fag on TUSCL

Who is Desertscrub?

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Is there some sort of pissing contest between mikey and desertscrub that I'm unaware of? Mikey frequently amuses me, whereas desertscrub is the guy who "props" reviews with the words "Club ad of the day!" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over . . . . .
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
No, he came out of left field with that one.Never noticed him before
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