
Men raped by a woman.

I keep seeing a message in my Spam section of my email about Men being raped. Have any of us been raped by a woman?


  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    It's messed up but sometimes men imagine getting "raped" by a woman as having a beautiful girl seducing them and having her way with them and it turns into a glorious experience.
    Not so.
    I had a friend in college who was raped by a very angry woman that he had fucked over when they were dating. I'm not sure of the issues behind what happened between them but what I do know is that she set him up, drugged him enough to minimize his movements but not make him unconscious, and fucked him up the ass (no lube) with the biggest dildo she could find. She also did other stuff to him that I don't even want to think about. Whatever he did during their relationship, he certainly didn't deserve that. It fucked him up good. I would spend nights talking with him in the dorm while he drank himself into oblivion. Lost track of him when he took a job back east somewhere. Poor guy.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I'm aware of a couple situations where if the genders were flippped, it would be called rape. Both cases the guy was too fucked up to know what he was doing and wouldn't have fucked her sober. One had a gf who was furious (the girl in question hated his new gf and wanted to break them up). The other was just an obnoxious ugly girl taking my buddy home (he's not actually sure if they fucked or just messes around)
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Justin Beiber and Rosie O'Donnell ?
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I had a girl get me drinking and then she told me she was going to suck my dick. I had one second to say no so maybe not rape but I didn't say yes either. I didn't consider it rape since I wasn't opposed. I just wasn't expecting it. On another occasion, a girl completely surprised me. My dick was in her mouth before I realized what she was doing. It felt good. She didn't warn me at all what she was up to. If a girl gives a guy an unexpected bj, I think it's never called rape. However if a guy does something to a girl unexpected, then sometimes it is called rape.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I haven't been raped by a woman, but I remember a girl back in junior high that wanted me. I was too young to really appreciate the thought, so I avoided her. Years later at a class reunion, I ran into her again. She came on to me again. I wanted no part of her, and if I had allowed it to happen, it would have been rape.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Nowadays a lot of rapes seem to involve the woman waking up with a hangover and regretting what had happened the night before. If that is the current definition of rape t hen I have been raped.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You can not rape the willing
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    That's the entire point. Rape is a violent act, against anyone, man or woman.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    That's a horrific story, lopaw.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I don't think I was 'raped' per see, but in younger days I had a situation where there was a girl I saw a couple of times decide on her own that I needed to be shaved (this was back in the late 70s- early 80s), convinced me to be tied to the bed for a bj and then proceeded to shave me with a cheep BIC throw away blade non-consensual and wouldn't stop in spite of my protests. She did manage to get me up with a BJ but although I did the deed afterward I was resentful- and we broke up shortly afterward when she refused to see why I felt violated by this. Ironically these days I shave my shaft and nutsack myself when required, but that only happened much later when I found a girl who made it WORTH my while to do it . The other girl just gave me wild head, had to stop to spit pubic hair, and I added 2+2 and decided to see how much better it would be for both of us if I shaved and trimmed the boys (and note- the one who was forceful about it was assistant on getting rid of all hair on the groin, not just where the action takes place as I prefer now)
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago
    If you mean rape by it wasn't consensual, my answer is yes. It was over 'ten' years ago. At Penthouse in Detroit there was this hot Korean girl with a great natural rack. I went to vip with her maybe five times. She had regulars who paid for her to sit with them. I liked her tits. They were pretty terrific and she had a good nature. Things got hot and she pulled my cock out. I never knew what extras were in those days. I preferred the mystery of letting them entertain and taking my excitement home with me. She's straddling me and my hands are full when she pulls her thong aside and I'm balls deep and we're wild. No condom. I lost control. She had me. When she finished she climbed off. I told her to be more careful next time. She laughed at me. She was horny and I was lucky. Then she said today was her last night dancing. She bought a business and retired from dancing. She really did. I know the business and she's successful. True story. It was a blast.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    And then, there is the Donald who wants to rape the USA.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    ^^lol and hopefully America will pepper spray him, kick him in the balls and have his ass thrown in jail.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Cheers, sclvr5005. My sentiments, exactly. LOL
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