OT:Trump's performance, one hour and 15 minutes worth.

avatar for vincemichaels
Like a lot of us last night, I watched the Donald speak his piece. I missed the end, I was tired. I'm making no comment yet, here. What does everyone think about his speech and the lady protester who got hauled away?


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avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I like it better when he speaks off script. But I don't think it matters much. Until he debates hilary and whomever her pick not many people will change their minds either way.
avatar for umissedaspot
8 years ago
Scripted TV comedies should never run past about 30 minutes tops.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
I recorded it. I'll check it out this weekend.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Watched about the last half of the speech. Theme was that the country is falling apart because of a lack of law-and-order. Fear, gloom-and-doom. Immigrants are ruining the country. Stories about people killed by illegal immigrants, one who was killed by drunk driver (TUSCL members never drive while intoxicated). All things that would appeal to Trump supporters, but probably wouldn't persuade anyone else. David Duke tweeted that he loved the speech.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
David Duke should STFU - fucking troll.
Trump is positioning himself as someone who has the will to change up the status quo - for many Americans a welcome position. Question is, if he wins, will Congress block him or allow it?

His speech was a tad negative for me -- would have been better if he had pointed out his positive vision for the future after his proposed changes.

In any event, the debates are going to be must-see-TV.

Oh yeah -- Cruz is a turd!
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I thought his speech was persuasive and effective. But the part about keeping drugs out of the country did worry me.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
@Dougster's right about seeing Hillary and Trump side-by-side with no teleprompters to prop up Trump. I think the first debate is in NY in late Sept.
avatar for swtbl
8 years ago
If his wife and daughter would come give me an LD, he would have my vote.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
it was a complete and total waste of an hour.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
For those that didn't get to see it, I'll provide a summary. Paraphrasing of course.

Trump: "America is a declining cesspool. Fear fear fear. Illegal's. Fear fear fear. Jobs, fear fear fear. I'll fix everything. America is a cesspool of lawlessness, fear fear. I'll fix everything on day one. Wipe out ISIS, end Obama care. fear, fear, I'll fix everything on day one. fear fear fear etc....".

Heavy on fear and negativity but very light on how the fuck he will accomplish all this without becoming a dictator.

Side note: Ivanka is smoking hot and gave a great speech. I wish she was running instead of daddy.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
^pretty much the gist of it.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
To Lone Wolf you missed the part where he said there is no team in I (pun Intended). I think he's a cartoon character like Popeye the Sailor Man He seemed to be saying I yam what I yam I'm a big fat ham.
All kidding aside, if Hillary and Trump are the best we can do we are royally fucked.
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
^^^ Amen. Almost comes down to which party offers Vaseline.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
He hit many good points. I watched a replay on line.
His greatest asset are his kids, specifically Ivanka!
The power brokers are scared of him because he may walk in the door and say "YOU ARE FIRED" and do exactly what he has promised to do in his speech yesterday. Go in and demand all agency cut 25% of their budget without cutting services (that would not even get close to the meat in most government agencies. There are at least 1/3 to one half of government employees that could be fired and no one would ever notice. The problem is they hide behind the ones that actually work and do their job while they curry favor with the politicos. He may just get rid of the sweetheart inside deals that are making elected officials rich as well as their cronies.(Nafta)
We all know what we will get with HIllary...more corruption and inside deals while handing out favors to what ever splinter group screams the loudest to the press. (right now it is 'black lives matter' next month it may be 'muslims get to kill everyone without consequences' ... oh wait she already supports that one.!
Hillary Capone envisions herself as the mob boss of the US and sees no issue with killing to get her way.
The Chicago Way! (she was born and raised there)
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
@25 -- I seem to remember saying the same thing about the Presidential candidates (and us being royally fucked) every four years for the last, well, maybe, forever. Seriously, look at this who's who of scary losers, morons, cheaters, criminals and miscreants:

1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) – 457 Adlai Stevenson (Democrat) – 73
1960* John F. Kennedy* (Democrat) – 303 Richard Nixon (Republican) – 219
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat) – 486 Barry Goldwater (Republican) – 52
1968* Richard Nixon* (Republican) – 301 Hubert Humphrey (Democrat) – 191 George Wallace (Ind.) – 46
1972 Richard Nixon (Republican) – 520 George McGovern (Democrat) – 17
1976 Jimmy Carter (Democrat) – 297 Gerald Ford (Republican) – 240
1980 Ronald Reagan (Republican) – 489 Jimmy Carter (Democrat) – 49
1984 Ronald Reagan (Republican) – 525 Walter Mondale (Democrat) – 13
1988 George H. W. Bush (Republican) – 426 Michael Dukakis (Democrat) – 111
1992* Bill Clinton* (Democrat) – 370 George H. W. Bush (Republican) – 168 Ross Perot (Ind.) – 0
1996* Bill Clinton* (Democrat) – 379 Bob Dole (Republican) – 159 Ross Perot (Reform) – 0
2000*† George W. Bush* (Republican) – 271 Al Gore† (Democrat) – 266 Ralph Nader (Green) – 0
2004 George W. Bush (Republican) – 286 John Kerry (Democrat) – 251
2008 Barack Obama (Democrat) – 365 John McCain (Republican) – 173
2012 Barack Obama (Democrat) – 332 Mitt Romney (Republican) – 206

Wow! How many times have I said to myself "this is the best we can do? And, yet, somehow the Republic survives. Seriously, from this vantage point looking backward, how many would you vote for again, if you could? Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Reagan? Is that it?? Goldwater, Ford, Dukakis, Mondale, Dole??? Are you kidding me?? Maybe this country just needs a new nominating procedure. Maybe the whole country should vote in the primary on the same day so that Iowa, New Hampshire and a handful of states don't have so much influence on the outcome?

I don't know -- God Bless America (and no place else)!
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
^^^Interesting post, but I only count two real losers -- Wallace and Goldwater. Only Wallace would compare to Trump in awfulness.

To those of you who think that Hillary is a deep blue leftest, Hillary was a "Goldwater Girl" when in high school.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
McCain and especially Romney were not that bad, even for us Dems
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Did Trump mention Nuclear proliferation or encouraging other nations to obtain nuclear weapons to defend themselves? Should the U.S. be concerned about nuclear proliferation?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
To Pensoin King you are right in your statement that republic survives I too am optimistic as far as that goes and among the presidents and candidates you listed there were some that had great accomplishments, Eisenhower built the interstate highway system, Kennedy got us to the moon and beyond even though he didn't live to see his vision become reality, Reagan won the Cold War, yet the nominating process makes it seem that great progress is impossible my own personal opinion is that the amount of money in the system creates total chaos and makes a partisan contest become all out warfare, so I do agree with the very good points that you made.
In the end no matter who wins, the sun will rise in the morning and we humans will progress, sometimes at great speed, sometimes at a snails pace but I have no fear, the republic will survive and even thrive.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
I think we'll muddle through, we've had crooks in office, we've had philanderers, we've had courageous men, we may have a woman this time around, we've gotten what we deserved. His tone was fatalistic, over and over he told us how bad things are. He promises good things, I certainly hope so, we need some good. We are a blessed country, we are the leader. God help us all vote our conscience and let the chips fall as they will.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Partisanship has its' place, the crowd got carried away and attempted to deny the woman her First Amendment rights, regrettably. Hopefully, the gendarmes were trying to protect her.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
It is amazing to me how many times in my lifetime Americans got it right!

I am hard pressed to identify a specific election loser that I imagine (from this vantage point) would have been better than the winner . . .
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
I can hardly wait until the Donald starts Tweeting tonight during the Democratic convention. Let's see what dumbass things he says.
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