have i ever told you i used to be in the skulls and bones?

avatar for DoctorPhil.
back when i was a student. even then i was a space geneious and my professors knew it


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I am The Batman

And my great-great grandfather was the founder
Spelling genius wrong just makes you look stupid.
And calling it "the" skull and bones probably means you're lying about that, too.
Skibum is right about Phil's spelling of "Genius". Others have made the call as well.
If you ask me, its time to give our "Space GenEIOUS"(sic) a lesson in orbital mechanics and escape velocity.

My left fist takes a LINEAR jab at Uncle Phil's Solar Plexus, in a slightly upward angle which achieves lift off. Remember, its what my boot camp drill instructor once told me: Don't aim at the target, Aim BEYOND the Target so greater velocity is reached on impact.

At Impact Phil's body buckles and the force carries him off the ground. Stage one accomplished. Next the booster phase-

My right fist performs an uppercut with a parabolic arc connecting with his chin with a crunch, again aimed not at the zone of impact but describing an elliptical orbit around my shoulder blade. Phil's face ejects matter (blood, tooth fragments, a little saliva and bile, possible bone fragments) which spew from his mouth like the impact shower of a meteor hitting an asteroid. The continual velocity of the strike launches Phil into a higher trajectory, escape velocity maintained toward the full moon above bleak arid hills with howling Coyotes. To the Moon, Phil! To the Moon!

Having achieved liberation from the effects of Earth gravity, I guess Phil is now entitled to dub himself a "Space GenEIOUS" ((sic)- there's the ugly red squiggle in my browser comment window again from the SPELL CHECKER which Phil apparently never learned to use -hint, hint). I, however, will call him a Space Cadet, as it seems to fit.

Note: The previous lesson plan was a virtual simulation. It may not work in actual earth gravity. It works very well in Loony Tunes cartoons and has been theorized to work in Jackie Gleason re-runs. It would probably work better for a theoretical launch from lunar gravity back to earth or solar orbit.

-----Footnote: Naturally I expect to hear an insipid reply linking me with Mikey and several other preposterous accounts and for the record actually checking valid dates of account creation, clubs visited, writing styles and range of opinion are probably more useful for establishing veracity rather than some arcane bozo 'algorithm'. Don't know about those guys, I just know I wrote this little scenario '4 the l0lz' ;)
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