
A club's rapidly declining talent level

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
My favorite local club has always been a dive and has never been a place to find an abundance of 9s and 10s to please the eye. However, they have always had plenty of 6s & 7s (occasionally 8s) that are willing to go the extra mile to make up for it.

However the talent level has been dropping quickly lately. They used to advertise on Facebook with some of the solid 6-7 level dancers like this young lady that represented the quality you would find at the club.

Now the quality has dropped so bad they are forced to advertise with washed up 2s like this.

Because of this I have been forced to greatly reduce the frequency of my SC visits because I now have to drive an extra hour each way to the better quality (and pricier) clubs in Dayton.

I'm hoping my local club can get back to what it used to be, but I'm not sure if this is a possibility or not. Have you ever seen a club that has fallen so low make a come back? Or should I just give up that hope and accept the new reality of driving longer, paying more an clubbing less?


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    The first girl is more like a 4 or 5. The second girl is a 0. If those were my options in the strip club, I simply wouldn't go.
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    I realize the 1st girl would be a 4 or 5 in most areas, but in a town like Cincinnati that's what passes as a 6 unfortunately.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Larry, in Ohio, the first girl is sadly a 6 and the second girl is a 2. You don't want to see what horribly disfigured / obese woman would pass for a 1 or a 0 around here.


    --> http://i.imgur.com/0Ijt1.jpg

    --> http://www.realmendrinkwhiskey.com/how-t…

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Sucks for you guys. I would consider saving and seeing what the talent in Lexington or Louisville looks like and go less often.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Good to know. I guess I won't be going to Ohio anytime soon lol.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Larry, one of my favorite dives in youngstown, ohio(other side of ohio, closer to pittsburgh) has much better talent on average, than these examples(along with the dogs that are typical in any dive). I don't think this is typical for all of ohio. Or maybe it is, Idk.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    that sucks, whodey

    I guess I've been lucky in this regard. there have been a small handful of times I visited a club and was sorely disappointed with the dancer quality, but it's never been something I've experienced on a consistent basis. Usually if I go to a club there's gonna be dancers who appeal to me, even its only a few
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    You get what you pay for I guess. How cheap is this playpen dive?
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Looks like my kind of club. I'd enjoy the first if she provided great mileage. I have to agree on the second though. OUCH.
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    Chess, the normal vip rate is $150/30min but with the right girl you can usually get the rate cut to the $100-125 range and despite the openness of the layout its ultra high mileage with an has an appetite satisfying menu.

    Flagooner, the first definitely gives great mileage and I have always left satisfied after a vip session. Luckily, I've never been drunk enough to find out about the 2nd.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    LOL! Those pictures are hilarious!

    I wouldn't go at all. What's the point?

    The hot women are probably on vacation or working less since they figure that summer sucks. Only the fuglies work consistently.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Money sucks at the clubs during the summer. The good talent is either on vacation with their boyfriends, pimps, or sugar daddies. Then they come back and do OTC with their stable of regular PLs
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Having to pay $150 just to get some dances w/ mediocre talent is a bitter PL-pill to swallow ($150 for dance even w/ good talent is rough IMO) - don't they have regular dances with good mileage?

    w.r.t. talent change; who knows what really goes on behind the scenes in strip-clubs; poor talent could be:

    + summer-time as Bavarian mentioned and the girls travel and decide to work less (also some have kids that are out of school so they spend more time tending to them and less time in the clubs)

    + poor management driving the good dancers away and only the fuglies don't have a choice and stay

    + club may be having financial issues and it seems many clubs in this situation resort to increasing prices including the dancer fees and thus driving the better dancers that have options away

    Some clubs go downhill and stay there - others can come back - only time will tell - I'd say save your $$$ if you don't feel you're getting your money's worth - SCs are an expensive hobby thus one should not be pissing their $$$ away in subpar SCs - and you should have tried to get some of the dancers' digits that you like so they could fill you in on what's up and perhaps get together w/ them either OTC or at another club.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    $100(or even $125) for 30 minutes high mileage is actually great value. But not so much considering the talent. Most(mostly non dives) clubs charge $200+ for 30 minutes but that's usually for better talent too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ yeah - I guess it *is* good-value if one is into the dancer and willing to drop $150 on her instead of spreading it around - but in some places one can get FS for that not to mention if one commits $150 just for dances and she turns out to be a dud you're out major $$$ whereas if it's just one dance then one is out just the one-dance cost.
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    Papi - they have regular lapdances for $20 and they come with a good grind and plenty of 2 way contact but nothing "extra." I prefer the vip because it's a better value in my opinion given the level of service.

    Hopefully it is just a seasonal downturn and it will get back to normal as fall approaches. But I have a bad feeling that the last decent club near Cincinnati may finally be dying.

    I have just been skipping the club lately because I don't usually have the time to drive 90 minutes to Dayton or 2 hours each way to Lexington. This is limiting me to once or twice a month istead of once or twice a week.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I think you have to give it a break and come back at points to see if things improve. You don't have to spend money when you go if the talent isn't there. One of the divier clubs her in Phoenix the talent level is all over the map. Sometimes the talent is pitiful and then just a month later it's solid. Turnover is too great in this industry to completely write off a club. Imo
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I'm usually a spread it around guy depending on how many im into so I rarely do vip, but I do ocassionally if pickings are slim. I agree though it sucks spending anything more than the price of one dance on a dud, which is why a test drive is a good idea. Of the 2 or 3 times I took a dancer to vip w/o a test drive, one was money well spent, another was borderline rob(sapphire in vegas, stay away from vip in vegas!) and another was just bad. And outside of the southern states maybe, $150 for fs will not be much in the looks department.
    But back to the topic. I say pop in every so often or follow the reviews to see if anything changes. With that talent youre probably better off going less often to dayton. I think we shouldn't encourage sub par talent to keep stripping.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    Whodey, I can understand what you're going through. My former favorite club has gone that route, too. I don't know if they ever had anyone above a 7, but many of their former dancers had positive attributes which made getting someone low on the rating scale tolerable. Nowadays, it isn't even worth going to and it's a serious question as to whether someone will actually be dancing when I show up. And I doubt it will change as long as the current owner is in charge. If the old owner were still around, it might improve, but unfortunately, you cannot revive the dead.
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