Game Of Thrones / hottest babe / season finale

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.

Holy cow that was a good season finale.

I'm wondering if Cersi is gonna regret using all the "green stuff" when those ships show up on her doorstep sometime during the next season?

On a side note, who do you think has been the hottest girl (dead or alive)?

I'd have to go with the Starks son "bride" Lady Talisa that was killed at the red wedding. she was a nurse and was beautiful. She did some nude scenes, anytime a hot female character dies I get upset because I'm not gonna get to see her boobs anymore.

Lady Talisa

Not the most flattering photos but best I could find


last comment
avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

The sand snake chick who was flashing titties at Bronn last season was pretty good.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 yrs ago

Don't forget the khaleesi! Emilia Clarke will certainly be featured in the final two seasons and she's hot as can be! Drakaris!

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Yeah she's a beauty. So is her female advisor (I never can keep up with all their names).

Those are the two hottest ones that are still alive.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

Talisa Maegyr was played by Oona Chaplin, who is the daughter of [frequently nude] actress Geraldine Chaplin and the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin! Her grandmother, also named Oona Chaplin, was the daughter of the famous playwright Eugene O'Neill, author of "Long Day's Journey Into Night".

Of possibly greater interest to this discussion board than her illustrious lineage, Oona's fetching backside appeared in several episodes in season 3 of "Game of Thrones" and is even featured on the Celebrity Anus page of the highly esteemed website

Here is a nice face shot of Oona in an article from the Telegraph about how some actress (almost certainly Emilia Clarke) refused to do any more topless scenes after season 2):

Mind you, Oona has no trouble "getting her kit off", but in fact her only topless movie scene, as far as I know, was in "Aloft":

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

My personal favorite on "Game of Thrones" is Nathalie Emmanuel, who plays Missandei, translator for Daenaerys Targaryen:

That is one fine St Lucian - Dominican - English sista!

avatar for JamesSD
8 yrs ago

Now that she's I'll take Sophie Turner aka Sansa.

The youngest sand snake is damn hot too.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

The red-headed wildling Ygritte (Rose Leslie) had the hottest body on Game of Thrones. I paused and watched her nude scene several times.
Ramsay's mistress Myranda (Charlotte Hope) is a close second. Alas, my two favorites had only brief single nude scenes and are dead, never to be seen again. Tyrion's who're wasn't bad either. I could take or leave any of the remaining main characters.

avatar for jester214
8 yrs ago

No way could I choose.

I'm a little disappointed with the show as a whole right now. They drug their feet on a few plot lines and now they're rushing everything so they can be done in two shortened seasons.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Jester did you watch them season finale? Any true fan could have no complaints after that.

avatar for Daybreaker
8 yrs ago

Cersei is a sitting duck!

I'm glad someone else mentioned Myranda. She was sexy and evil. Ladyboner! I loved Ramsay. But yeah, Khaleesi and her advisor. Mmmm.

avatar for Daybreaker
8 yrs ago

"Your gods have forsaken you. This is your god now." BEST.

avatar for jester214
8 yrs ago

I've watched the show from the beginning, I read the books long before there was a hint of a TV show. I watched the finale and it was very good. I'm still disappointed overall. If you don't think they're rushing then you're not paying attention.

You realize there's probably less than 15 episodes left and Daenerys still hasn't gotten to Westeros?

avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

I don't even consider the tv series and books the same thing, too many missing parts and important characters and story lines missing. Still like the show for what it is.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 yrs ago

WARNING- I clicked on the link in MrDuece's post above and my Safari app became infected with a virus. Proceed with caution!

avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 yrs ago

Danni's translator Missendei is one of the hottest women I've ever seen on tv. Hope they come up with a lesbian scene for those two next season.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

^^^^ damn - I gotta worry about getting the clap at a strip club and now I gotta worry about a virus on my smartphone from talking about strippers.

Shit is too complicated!!!!

Thanks for the warning

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

Sorry about the bad link, folks. Avoid !

avatar for a21985
8 yrs ago

I was always partial to Ros the whore, but she unfortunately didn't last very long.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Is shailynn no longer a queer whale? Now he's gay for John Cena?

Just fuckin with ya, S.

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