
OTC question

I might be overthinking this, but here's the situation.

At one of my local clubs, there's this sexy older black stripper (probably mid 30's). She seems to have her head on straight. She's in school, and she's planning on opening up her own gym (she's a workout warrior). I've gotten dances with her a few different times. Enjoyable enough, but it's a no extras club, and it's a low contact club (no two way contact).

Obviously I want more. I was thinking of approaching OTC with her. I've done the fuckbuddy thing with a couple girls in the past. This time I want no headaches, I just want it to be business this time, P4P.

Sounds simple enough.

The problem is she doesn't seem like the kind of woman that would be open to OTC, she seems to have too much respect for herself etc. I don't want her to lose respect for me if I ask her about OTC. I also don't want her to call over the manager or something.

My question is how do you approach OTC with a stripper that you don't think is open to OTC?

I was thinking maybe acting like I'm drunk when I ask her lol.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Get drunk for real then ask.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago

    This system has some elements that apply to your situation.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Jesus age Christ - you know how many strippers tell me every time I step foot in a strip club that they are in college and planning on opening their own business?

    If you met that same stripper at the age of 20, 30 or 40 it would be the same exact story. Only difference? She had 12 credit hours at 20, 18 credit hours at 30 and 27 credit hours at 40.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Just ask. She'll either be open to it or not. She's lost some respect for you the moment that you stepped foot in the club by yourself.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    A follow up question is: in your experiences, do you find older women more receptive to OTC than the younger girls?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Larry, she sounds like a good one to me! Just approach her in a 100% civilian manner. Flirt with her, try to get her outside. Don't turn it into a business transaction until when and if she steers it that way. And when and if she does ask for money, make it like the money is because you want to take care of her and because you are concerned for he well being.

    Never ask a girl prostitution type stuff, "Do you do outside dates, are you available outside."

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Don't be such a pussy.

    "I don't want her to lose respect for me if I ask her about OTC."

    Why does it matter? You want to fuck her. She's a stripper. Ask her. She gets asked multiple times every day.

    If she says no, you are in the same spot you were before asking.

    If she says no, she probably doesn't have any respect for you anyway. You are a PL after all, just like me.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No, it makes a huge difference if you talk to her as though she is a pro. Always talk to her as a total civilian.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    It is just me, or is SJG actually making some sense?

    The overriding response seems to be "just ask".
    How do you guys ask them? Are you blunt and say, "do you have sex for money"?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    NO, NO, NO! do not ever ask a girl about sex for money, ever! Not in any situation whatsoever.

    Most guys go into an AMP and they get HJ.

    I on the other hand get a mind blowing girl friend audition with intense DFKing, and DATY, FIV, and BJ, and a girl who really lets go during FS, and makes it clear she wants more than anything for me to take her home with me. I get this because I have never treated her like a prostitute.

    Just get your girl seated and compliment her looks or what she has selected to wear. Tell her about yourself, what you do for a living, where you are from, etc. Tell her your marital status of available. Tell her all the things a girl will want to know and would expect to hear in a civilian situation, but will not ask in a sex work environment. Tell her anyway, so she does not have to ask. You can always present yourself better if you are not being questioned. Anticipate her questions and answer them.

    If you can get hands on friendly, front room make out session in that club, then go for it. Otherwise just talk.

    Never try to use money to persuade her to do anything, as that is a horrible insult. If she is hesitant about anything, never offer money!

    If she tries to get you into the dance booth, but w/out the front room makeout session, then tell her, "I'd like to get to know you so we can start seeing each other outside." See how she reacts.

    In the end you probably will do some dances with her, but mostly just to flatter her, unless it can be FS. FS gets women, understandably.

    Then after things have gone as far ITC as seems likely, just tell her, "I want us to get to know each other so we can start sleeping together."

    Or, "I want to take you out to eat, what time can I take you our of here?" Even beautiful women with level heads still need to eat. And if you plan to be fucking her all night, you have to assume responsibility for feeding her.

    And always once you have given her your info, and a biz card with a personal telephone number and described to her where you live, ask her, "And so do you live here in (city)? Do you live alone?"

    This is to detect the presence of kids or an SO. She will understand this. If she acts like no SO, then press on and try to get her into the sack. If she has kids, just politely ask who takes care of them, this is showing respect for her outside affairs and obligations.

    If she has an SO, just stay calm and see what happens. It could be fake.

    Latinas seem the most likely to invent false SO's. Its just their culture. One with two kids was telling me, "I'm one of the ones who got lucky. I'm engaged to be married."

    Was she telling me the truth? Absolutely not. But she was telling me her hopes and dreams and this became patently obvious on future visits to her club.

    The girl will sense that though not interrogating her, you are interviewing her, and she will appreciate this, as again it means that you are not looking for just a hooker.

    If she seems green light, but it still isn't actually happening. Find out when her next shift is and promise her that you will be there. Girls love regulars, they love reliability. Then when you see her, again try to close on getting her off site, like to eat. She will understand that eating can be a prelude to getting fucked all night.

    Good Luck, Feel Free to Brag.


    Joey DeFrancesco Trio Live at Toronto Sky Festival July 2015
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"The problem is she doesn't seem like the kind of woman that would be open to OTC, she seems to have too much respect for herself etc."

    It doesn't matter what she "seems like" -- you have no idea whether or not she's the kind of woman who would be open to OTC with you (doesn't matter if she's open to OTC with anyone else, you're the only one you want her to go OTC with). There's a pretty good chance that to some extent or other, her persona is crafted to what she'll think will attract you anyway. I OTC almost exclusively with girls in no-extras clubs, at least some shocked me with their willingness to go OTC.

    -->" I also don't want her to call over the manager or something."

    Huh. Are there really clubs where this happens?

  • K
    8 years ago
    "Huh. Are there really clubs where this happens?"
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I'm inexperienced when it comes to OTC, but I get the point, "just ask".

    As I said in a earlier comment, how do you guys ask for OTC? Are you blunt, "do you have sex for money"? How do you phrase it?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So much trolling, so I repost:

    NO, NO, NO! do not ever ask a girl about sex for money, ever! Not in any situation whatsoever.

    Most guys go into an AMP and they get HJ.

    I on the other hand get a mind blowing girl friend audition with intense DFKing, and DATY, FIV, and BJ, and a girl who really lets go during FS, and makes it clear she wants more than anything for me to take her home with me. I get this because I have never treated her like a prostitute.

    Just get your girl seated and compliment her looks or what she has selected to wear. Tell her about yourself, what you do for a living, where you are from, etc. Tell her your marital status of available. Tell her all the things a girl will want to know and would expect to hear in a civilian situation, but will not ask in a sex work environment. Tell her anyway, so she does not have to ask. You can always present yourself better if you are not being questioned. Anticipate her questions and answer them.

    If you can get hands on friendly, front room make out session in that club, then go for it. Otherwise just talk.

    Never try to use money to persuade her to do anything, as that is a horrible insult. If she is hesitant about anything, never offer money!

    If she tries to get you into the dance booth, but w/out the front room makeout session, then tell her, "I'd like to get to know you so we can start seeing each other outside." See how she reacts.

    In the end you probably will do some dances with her, but mostly just to flatter her, unless it can be FS. FS gets women, understandably.

    Then after things have gone as far ITC as seems likely, just tell her, "I want us to get to know each other so we can start sleeping together."

    Or, "I want to take you out to eat, what time can I take you our of here?" Even beautiful women with level heads still need to eat. And if you plan to be fucking her all night, you have to assume responsibility for feeding her.

    And always once you have given her your info, and a biz card with a personal telephone number and described to her where you live, ask her, "And so do you live here in (city)? Do you live alone?"

    This is to detect the presence of kids or an SO. She will understand this. If she acts like no SO, then press on and try to get her into the sack. If she has kids, just politely ask who takes care of them, this is showing respect for her outside affairs and obligations.

    If she has an SO, just stay calm and see what happens. It could be fake.

    Latinas seem the most likely to invent false SO's. Its just their culture. One with two kids was telling me, "I'm one of the ones who got lucky. I'm engaged to be married."

    Was she telling me the truth? Absolutely not. But she was telling me her hopes and dreams and this became patently obvious on future visits to her club.

    The girl will sense that though not interrogating her, you are interviewing her, and she will appreciate this, as again it means that you are not looking for just a hooker.

    If she seems green light, but it still isn't actually happening. Find out when her next shift is and promise her that you will be there. Girls love regulars, they love reliability. Then when you see her, again try to close on getting her off site, like to eat. She will understand that eating can be a prelude to getting fucked all night.

    Good Luck, Feel Free to Brag.


    Are you specifically wanting to keep it in the P4P range? If so that is entirely different than what I wrote about. If you insist that it be P4P, then maybe just get to know her in all the ways I suggested, and then subtly shift the conversation to money. Like ask her if she makes enough money to pay her bills and be saving some. And then suggest that she needs someone to take care of her, meaning you. So you are offering her the job of being your mistress.

    But I strongly suggest not doing this until when and if she steers it to money.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^Yeah I just want to keep it P4P

    Also as I stated in a earlier comment, in your experience are the older women more receptive to OTC compared to the younger girls?
  • K
    8 years ago
    How do I ask?
    I keep it simple.
    Would you like to meet up sometime outside the club.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Are you blunt,"


    --> "do you have sex for money"?

    Never. What the fuck business of it is mine if she has sex for money -- hell, what the fuck do I care? I've almost certainly had sex for money, with (brand new) strippers who "don't have sex for money". Don't puss out and ask her vague questions, or questions that are none of your business (e..g., what she does or doesn't do for money with other customers). I'm not sure what I usually say, it just rolls trippingly off the tongue, but probably something along the lines of, "would you be willing to meet me outside the club? We'll have fun -- drinks and then a hotel room?"
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Usually yes, and even more so if she is black, as blacks are a disadvantaged minority.

    Lots of young girls do the softer core version of such work, for quick money and for adventure. But they are still saving something for their marriageability.

    But eventually they know that they have to decide, retire, or become a full on sex-workers.

    So yes, this one's age and race indicate that she is probably going to give you what you want. But this does not mean that she usually serves as a hooker or that you should EVER directly treat her as such.

    So you can set up P4P with her, but without emphasizing that the money pays for sex. So like I said, you lead it to the point, "You need someone to take care of you." Of if she asks you to talk about money you say, "Are you going to let me take care of you? That's what I want."

    This makes it like you and she will be waking up together in the mornings regularly, while she gets help paying her rent.

    Help paying rent or mortgage is how it is often phrased when dealing with semi-pros.

    Most women who decline prostitution do so because they know they will get treated badly. But you aren't going to do that and you can make that clear to her right off.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Jesus get The SJG brothers started and they won't stop, that was a world record of posts I had to skip over to read a normal one.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "Would you like to meet up outside the club?" sounds like I want to hang out with her for drinks for free.

    I was thinking something that would make it clear that money and sex will be involved.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    "Would you like to meet up outside the club," sounds to *you* like you want to meet for drinks. She's a stripper, so to *her*, it sounds like you want to fuck. She might ask what you mean, or she might just assume.

    Be nice about it.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    @gmd. Exactly.

    Don't overthink it. Just see how open she is to meeting you outside the club and take it from there. If she is up for it, she wouldn't be at all surprised at your intentions.

    It's not like you're meeting her in a library or supermarket.
  • K
    8 years ago
    "sounds like I want to hang out with her for drinks for free"
    She's a stripper. If you ask her for the time of day she expects to get paid.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Ignore the SJG brothers and just read my system. It answers all questions.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I just remembered an incident. I held the door for a dancer entering the club. She turned to me and held her tits together for and tip.
  • K
    8 years ago
    Sorry, my post got cut shirt. I can't be that I am too drunk.

    If a dancer expects a tip for the privilege of holding the door for her, she damn well expects any suggestion you meet up to be an offer for p2pp
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I forgot to mention that the second time I saw her, I asked for her number, and she didn't give it to me.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I'll echo what the vets said with just ask. I asked two different strippers this past week and each denied, one was SS the day of. Anyway, its out of the way now and on the table too. So i look at it as no more visiting the club with intentions of just targeting these specific strippers.
    On another note, I asked a stripper about what was on/off limits in VIP and worked like a charm, because I would have never known she was down based on her mediocre lap dances.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    It's a lot easier if you are in a high contact club. Then you simply ask her if she'd like to take the action OTC so the house doesn't take any of her money. In a low/no contact club it is trickier. You can ask her if she's ever considered "dancing" OTC so that she keeps all the money. If she's receptive, you can start leaning in with more direct suggestions about something more than dancing. Don't be ambiguous. Nothing is worse than walking away and you each are on a different page.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    @lopaw. Nice tactics.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    lopaw +1
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Like sanjose guy has been saying.... strike up a conversation with her. Don't get all overtly sexual..... talk to her like you would a girl in a bar, coffee shop, etc. You can even ask about her job.... dancing... ask her about crazy ass stories. Trust me all dancers have them. Then when it moves up to a lap dance....

    Here is a line that has worked for me multiple times.....

    As she is giving you a good dance with good grindage. you say, " WOW... this is awesome it is making me think I need to take you home with me tonight." See you are not asking for P4P, you are not bringing up money, she is getting you excited as hell..... Lots of dancers take it as a complement because you are excited. Then you need to see how she reacts. If she is down for P4P..... they will bring it up. If she wants to see you OTC with out pay.... she will give you her number.....If they are not you wont be offending them. They will say something along the lines or..... I don't date customers, etc.

    It is such a simple line that can get you so far.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    ".... it is making me think I need to take you home with me tonight."

    Bad move. She probably heard something like that a dozen times a night. You gotta start off more creative than that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    However you ask (plenty of good approaches above... experiment), you'll discover that 99.999999% of the dancers will be cool even if they turn you down. Most of them don't want to involve management in their business any more than you do, and most don't want to burn wallets... errr... bridges.

    The worst you may get is some awkwardness (so what) or you might get some snotty attitude because you're "one of those guys" (again, so what). At that point, move on.

    This is why strip clubs have more than one stripper.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    "Bad move. She probably heard something like that a dozen times a night. You gotta start off more creative than that."

    I disagree (respectfully). Seeking out the one OTC line that a dancer has never heard before is a quest for a rainbow unicorn. And, even if you find that unique line, she'll still say 'no' if she's not an OTC girl.

    Both the ask (and everything leading up to the ask) really hinges on whether you're being a dick, being creepy, and whether you're the sort of guy she accepts for P4P. I think that everything else is static.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I appreciate all the insight.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I like to use the method when things are getting hot in a dance and slow down for a minute then say something like "sooo have you ever thought about getting together with a guy like me outside of here?". That question leads into her receptiveness to OTC.

    If she says yes then "so what exactly would you be willing to do if we met outside of here?". She'll either say the hang out thing, go into a menu or say I dunno.

    If she says I dunno you say something like "What do you think about us getting together at a hotel to have some fun? I'll make it worth your while!"

    I'm not going to go into every possible yes/no but hopefully this gives you an idea of what works for me.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Obviously lots of opinions on this and lots of methods. Just need to choose what feels right for yourself Larry.

    For myself I like the totally civilian or at least quasi civilian approaches.

    Good Luck

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