
Detroit News: Police: Man used fake $100 bill for lap dance

Estado de Mexico
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:04 AM
From Detroit News: Police: Man used fake $100 bill for lap dance Stephen C. Gidcumb, 32, kept counterfeit equipment, money in parents basement, authorities said. [view link] Why are you still living at home with your parents? Know which is sadder, living with the parents or that they agreed to the search?


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    A couple years back my ATF showed me an older style $100 bill and wondered if it was real. I looked at it closely, felt the paper and said it sure seems real. She was afraid to spend it, so I offered her $80 for it. I could see her mind working: Take the $80 or risk having $100 or nothing. She took the risk, and sure enough it was real, at least according to the store she spent it in.
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    He should of spread the wealth, then maybe his parents wouldn't of given consent!
  • aroundtown
    8 years ago
    Look at his mug, lol. [view link]
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Trying to pass fake $100's in a strip club is stupid. The people that work there may not be Rhodes Scholars but they handle more cash than a bank teller and are way more likely to spot a fake bill than the average shmuck. The guy is lucky they only arrested him. Many club bouncers would have beaten the crap out of him before calling the cops. What PO's me is that the Feds are not charging him even though he had counterfeiting equipment. I guess the government is more interested in stealing from us that worrying about a fellow thief [after all it was only a stripper, so much for equal treatment under the law, what would have happened if he would have tried to pay his tax bill with funny money?].
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