
Wow long but seriously a good watch


This video is awesome. I have talked about it before but this really brings home the life of a dancer. Its a little ghetto but so is life. Everyone no matter what job or life we live has a little ghetto to it. Its about the hustle and money. My only complaints is the part where the dancer says she prays. Well I can tell you that number one that's probably bs and number 2 I never seen anything higher care about me. if I had a dollar for everytime I got invited to church inside the strip club while working by a customer I could probably retire. No higher power came to comfort me the first night I stripped so none is coming to congratulate the stripper I am now that is confident and proud. Sorry that was a bit of a tangent but anywho watch this video its good.


  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    It is good, poledancer83, thanks for sharing.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    Careful, fellas, don't click link. I TYPED in link, got a "video does not exist" message. Probably an infected link to bogus site.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    you typed it wrong then dumb ass. I just clicked it and it went right to the video. Its not infected your just a dumbass
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    poledancer83, i wouldn't be calling someone a dumb ass or dumbass if i used your instead of you're in doing so. :)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Lol I wanted to point that out.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Video link works but it is 1.11 hours long. I'm not really into ghetto stuff but I did fast forward into it. The link probably will be restricted after a day or two. YouTube restricts everything sexual related after a few days typically. I remember YouTube restricting a video link I posted with no nudity but it was an educational how to plumbing video for the kitchen sink or related taught by a pretty girl with hot legs. Someone restricted to 18 or over only so you have to log in to see it. I stopped posting most links to YouTube after that and don't even bother to report anything to YouTube anymore after they restricted that. I don't believe I should have to log in to YouTube to see over 18 material and haven't in a year or two. I just don't watch YouTube if they restrict it.
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    No, I typed it in correctly. It may well be restricted to adult sign ins only. Would you be so kind as to post the title of the video so that I can type it in the YT search engine ? When clicking your picture links in the past, I've often got various "warnings" which leads me to believe that something fishy is going on with the links. When in doubt, type, don't click.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Method man strip club. With a hyphen in the name.
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago

    maybe we should get together and point things out to each other. :P
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
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