
Cashless Society

There are those that are pushing toward a cashless society for safety and convenience. The government claims it is pushing it because of the expense of printing money and to be able to shut down criminal enterprise. The banks say they are pushing it for the same reasons.
In reality it is to control the last thing left in your life your have a slight amount of control over: your cash.
The government and banks as well as goggles, facebut, twater and others want to track your every movement for reasons of their own(targeted adverts).
The government wants to tax you and know everything that you do and the banks want to be able to charge transaction fees to make money. Now if the bank charge fees people just use cash for small purchases. The government hates cash because you can save it and they have a hard time finding it to steal it. The government wants to know if your purchase subversive publications like National Review, Field and Stream, 1984, Fahrenheit 451,the Bible, a copy of The Magna Carta or God forbid a copy of the most subversive of all the DC the Constitution!(notice it did not mention the kor-an or The Communist Manifesto as they are government officially approved reading).
Also having no cash gives the government the power to track everything you do including behind closed doors. They will know when, where, what brand, and how many condoms you buy. They will know if your girlfriend has a yeast infection or if you have jock itch by your purchases.
These are the very people that are pushing for a cashless society to make the "world safer" when in reality it it is to control you and tax you. Imagine the cops being able to track how many drinks you purchased at a bar one evening by simply running your license plate--you are guilty before you are pulled over even if you never consumed those drinks or how much you paid a dancer. It would be the end of PFP.
Cashless is bad!!


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Just put a UPC on my wrist and call it a day.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I agree.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    I agree.
    I will not give up my cash. (Unless it's to a fine ass stripper). ;)
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Electronic transactions will be used in the future for the Government to deprive of us of independence.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    The government is concerned if we have negative interest rates here, bank runs will happen and banks will get into trouble. Solution, get rid of cash so people can't do bank runs. Banks want to be able to charge us to keep "cash" or emoney in their banks if we go to negative rates.

    Then there are people salivating over the possibility of taxing every single transaction you do like give cash to a stripper, automatic tax with emoney, give cash to a relative to buy something, oops, you get taxed with emoney.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I hope you guys know I was being sarcastic on the barcode.

    Shark hunter makes a good point. No cash and every transaction would be electronic and therefore taxed? It would be interesting to see how much new revenue that would generate. Would it wipe out the national debt in a decade or would it not be that significant?
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Amen. Vote libertarian.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    About thirty or forty years ago at the beginning of the ATM revolution and people were starting to pontificate about the cashless society, I politely demurred. For instance, if the government, or even a talented hacker, could simply delete your card's number and you would be SOL, unable to travel, pay your rent or even get a cup of coffee. They could track you by what pay toilet you used! Heck, they could even lock the door and detain you in place. Brave New World indeed.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "I hope you guys know I was being sarcastic on the barcode. "

    How about a microchip? Deep down they look at us as their pets, but with revenue generating abilities.
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    This is scary. The last thing I want is the government having more control over me.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    It doesn't worry me at all. I don't stockpile cash - and I don't stockpile silver and gold coins. I don't use cash exclusively - but I'm not concerned at all. If the government is looking at me - they will get bored quickly!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Well, shit !! There goes the billions I've got stashed away. At least that's what my IRS buddies think.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "Well, shit !! There goes the billions I've got stashed away. At least that's what my IRS buddies think."

    vincemichaels, does that mean you have a few billion in your mattress at home? Brilliant!

    You do know that drawing Obama's face in crayon on a piece of paper and writing $1,000,000 in the corner does not create a one million dollar bill that you can actually spend. So if you've made a few thousand of those and stuffed them in your mattress you still aren't a billionaire!
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Obama would cash it id you promise to give 1/2 to his campaign(that he gets to keep since he can't run again)
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