Glitter Gulch, definition of "tourist trap" to close in June.

North Carolina
Just read that Glitter Gulch or Girls of Glitter Gulch the strip club smack in the middle of Las Vegas's Fremont Street Experience has been purchased and will close in June.
This place was not a good club at all in my opinion. It was an interesting one. Smack dab in the middle of downtown Las Vegas's most popular tourist spot this place had to get more foot traffic than any other club I can think of.
I'm a little sad to see it go, not because I would go in, but because it was another piece of downtown Las Vegas that I found interesting.
last commentI went to glitter gulch once. Even by Vegas standards it was a tourist trap. All I can say is good riddance.
Been there a few times. Had some good times, and some bad times......but mostly bad. My last visit there was in December and it wasn't too bad, since I knew exactly what to expect. Met a pair of complete ROB's that thought that they had met a real rube (surprise!), but also found a gal who was genuinely sweet and should never have been working there.
Adios, GGG.
Walked by it many times, but never went in. When guys are standing out front begging you to come in, you know it is a bad sign. Downtown Las Vegas needs an upgrade. This is good first step.
I haven't been to Las Vegas in many years, but always preferred gambling in the Fremont St. area instead of the Strip. Like VBD, I walked by GGG many times and it always had a bad vibe. Looked like a pure hustle joint and judging by almost all TUSCL reviews of the club, it is.
This club, with its iconic cowgirl outside, could have been great. Instead it was the worst club I have ever been to in Vegas. I wonder if it is being converted into something else.
The people who bought it already own some casinos down there. The D and Golden Gate I believe. They also bought some stuff along with glitter gulch that will give them that entire stretch of property between binion's and Main Street, so I suspect they'll build a whole new casino on that area.