
A win for pot heads on Family Feud....


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Very funny, and a sign of the times. Legalization is coming.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    The future is here
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    Everyone knows the number one answer would be an extra friendly stripper.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    OMG that was SO funny on SO many levels!!!
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I am old enough to have grown up with weed all through school and it was across all ages, socio-economic groups.
    I have seen the young recreational user grow out of its use and ones that still use. A large portion of the ones that use still are much less successful than the non users. In my opinion it is a myth that pot = booze. The occasional or even weekly alcohol use is flushed out the next day and you pay a price(hangover) whereas pot stays in your system for weeks impairing your judgement even after weekend use.
    If I were an employer: positive drug test(including THC and alcohol) = should immediate termination with no unemployment consideration.
    If you are an employer and this is not your policy you will not be able to afford workman's compensation insurance(require by law to protect against on the job injuries).
    This is my problem with legalization. Once it is legal nationwide how do you police impaired driving, impaired at workplace or impairment in any of hundreds of dangerous activities(public swimming pools, amusement parks, bicycles on the street, etc.).
    If you are forced to hire(due to nondiscrimination laws) a regular pot user and that person injures himself or someone else who will be held responsible..answer = the employer. Catch 22- you are forced by law to hire an at risk individual even though you know he or she is likely to show up impaired but are not allowed to "discriminate against the dope-head" but by law are held responsible for their actions while they are in your employment- Catch 22.
    Say good bye to any small business that tries employ more than just the owner.
    Since large businesses get special treatment by the political class they will likely have loop holes set up just for them they can slime through.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Hey TT, did you know the FBI no longer drug tests people for it's computer hacking/anti-hacking work because all the best people test positive for pot?
  • hiroaki
    8 years ago
    Hmm, let's see..cannabis has been used for food, medicine, fuel and cloth making since 3000 years before Jesus Christ walked the Earth, all over the world. Surely it's a bunch of old American business men that really know what's best for us. Surely.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    TT, hard for me to imagine how somebody can get everything wrong so thoroughly on an issue.

    First, any employer can fire even the most occasional pot smoker. Even in states where recreational use is legal, there are no job protections for pot smokers. Your concerns about employers being forced to hire pot smokers are illusory.

    Second, while thc remains in the bloodstream for days or weeks, there is no meaningful impairment after several hours. If you think otherwise you don't have much if any experience smoking weed.

    Third, the impairment caused by alcohol is far more dangerous than weed. People high on weed who drive miss their turns. People drunk on alcohol who drive kill.

    Any argument you can make against the legalization of weed applies with much equal or greater force to alcohol. For example, while heavy smokers of weed tend to be less productive than non-smokers, alcoholics do far damage to their lives and to the lives of others around them than do heavy users of weed. There is no rational reason to oppose the legalization of weed if you support the legal use of alcohol.

    Oh yeah. Notwithstanding your support, the propaganda in Refer Madness is a joke. You try to make it the basis for public policy.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I don't see legalizing pot (and all drugs for that matter) as a safety issue at all; I see it as a right to privacy. Impaired driving is already a crime, as the thousands of DUI arrests attest to. I don't see the harm to society sitting in a safe environment and smoking pot? Could I be more productive? Well, I do a lot of productive things when I smoke so who's to say?

    The overdose death toll from pot is zero. Alcohol causes many, many deaths a year, as do a whole host of useless prescription drugs. Pot laws were started as a racial tool and if one looks at black vs. white arrests for pot use, the statistics bear that out. Twice in my life a cop caught me with pot, and both times he let me go. I figure because I'm white; if I were black I'm sure I would have been arrested.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "whereas pot stays in your system for weeks impairing your judgement even after weekend use."

    Um... WHAT???

    For normal use (smoking), the effects of marijuana last a few hours... For edible use, maybe a day. But it does not impair your judgment for the duration that it stays in your body. Traces of THC (the ingredient in weed that gets you high) can stay in the body for weeks, sometimes months... Stored in your fat cells. They won't be "impairing your judgment" at all at that time. Speaking of impairment, alcohol intoxication is way more impairing than weed (and manyyy other drugs), to the point when comparing the two is laughable to me.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I agree with rockstar666 completely... Adding on to your fact stated that there have been zero OD/deaths from marijuana as opposed to the deaths from alcohol and prescription drug use, we can look at over the counter meds as well. People die from adverse reactions to Tylenol and aspirin... So a (good) argument can be made that marijuana is safer than even Tylenol & aspirin, which are completely legal and even a child can buy.
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