
Lot Lizards

How many of you all have been propositioned in the parking lot of a no extras club? The first time it happened to me was outside Scarlett's on Telegraph North side of Toledo. I was approached by a sweet young thing wanting to chat etc. I could not decide whether she was trying to get me to proposition her, or get me away from my vehicle so her friends could jump me. I did not take her up because she looked to young (she looked 18 or 19 in the dim light of the parking lot so may have been younger) I was more of a rooky back then and could not tell whether it was a scam or not and did not want to risk being mugged. I have also been propositioned in truck stops while fueling. Once by a spinner that was in very short cut-offs and small spaghetti top that was wanting to trade a ride for .... I also passed because she looked to be about 15 goin on 25. (Mann Act)
Have you ever been and where have you been propositioned for PFP besides online, inside a club or bar.


  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    It happened once to me, outside of a normal bar. I met the girl in the bar. I posted about it, if you are curious:

  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    I've been propositioned in a no extras club to fuck in her car in the parking lot.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    2 or 3 times in the parking lot of the Extended Say America just 2 blocks away from the Columbia Platinum Plus. I knew the lizards from the club. It was just a matter of who's room we used.
  • K
    9 years ago
    I was frequently approach in the parking lot of a club in the aera. Management has implemented a rule that the dancers cannot go into the parking lot or smoking area with customers. It has happen very often in newark when the ladies are out side smoking
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    No, but I have been propped in the parking lots of several cheap, sleazy motels nearby airports over the years. First time I was just turning around changing direction and I got whistled down by a head poking out of a motel door. I waived her over, discussed particulars, but did not partake, suspecting meth-head and paranoid.

    Most recently, near Portland OR airport, I pulled into a motel parking lot to check my messages and map on my phone. I heard a tap on my window and the cutest twenty something was standing there. She had been sitting in a car with her "girlfriend". Eventually she agreed to come to MY hotel, which wasn't far, under the promise I would return her to her friend's car. Serendipitous!

    Since many SCs are in the shadow of airports around the country, I occasionally will made a slow circle through motel parking lots, just for the hell of it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    At my club dancers cannot go outside to smoke unless a bouncer is with them, and every dancer is escorted to their car when they leave. So they have a tight reign on the parking lot aspect of it.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    I used to spend a lot of time at truck stops. Some were well-run and had security. Others were like the Wild West: lot lizards, robberies, assaults, drugs. If you want lot lizards go to the Pilot in West Memphis, Arkansas, the TA in Ontario, California, or any of the truck stops near Lake Station, Indiana. I think I told a story on here years ago about calling the police after I saw a black guy pimping out what appeared to be an underage white girl at the Flying J in Amarillo.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    It happened to me after one lunchtime visit to OG in Vegas. Probably the ugliest woman in the U.S., if not the world.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    There's this one SC in Illinois that shares a lot with an adult bookstore where I had it happen. An old lady. Pass.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I saw it a few times at certain Dallas clubs and was propositioned a couple of times.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Never happened to me. I guess I'm not worth It. Lol
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I used to get approached a lot from 1995-2000 in parking lots, for all club visits 1995-1996, incl. my first club visit. Not so much any more.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Only twice, once in Dallas and once in Niagara Falls. Both looked like crack heads, but maybe it was just the parking lot lighting.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Maybe you need to shower.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    Once in Atlanta outside a smaller dive club beside Tattletales. Had to pass on that myself.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    Was heading to my car, leaving a club one night when a young woman approached me, told me she was on her way to a different club. When I told her I never went to her club she offered her number and said she also does private shows.

    Also, I've never experienced it myself, but I occasionally see guys sitting in their cars in strip club parking lots with a girl's head bobbing their laps.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Never been approached in a parking lot. This discussion is very informative - as I wasn't aware of the possibility of getting approached. I heard of the truck stop whores - but never expected that whores might work club parking lots for a bit of barely OTC action.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Use to be a strip club I regularly visited years ago, had used car lot next door. If girls told you to get a test ride in a (insert car here), meant to meet them behind that car in last row in 20 minutes.
  • Rabbit21
    9 years ago
    Once in Dallas around 2005. She was driving a nice car, but someone else was in the vehicle and I could not get a good look at the other person and was concerned about safety so I passed.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I've read posts about such things here on TUSCL. The encounters sound interesting.

    But where I live, I've never seen anything like that. Local LE is really tough on outdoor prostitution.

    Also, as I know the term Lot Lizards is intended to mean the women who work truck stops. They use the CB Radio and they call the guys and make bookings as they are driving in. Some have said that federal authorities are acting against them. Not good.

    I have seen discussions of this on television. The women sometimes did the sessions right there in the trucks. But the women did not look good.

  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    I had a dancer getting off her shift at the old 24K in ATL follow me to my car. Got a BJ out of it. That was about 20 years ago. Also hooked up with a girl outside a really bad, tiny, now closed club in Bumfuck Georgia. She was hanging out in the parking lot when I left.

    Over the years, I have seen hookers in a car cruising the parking lots of several clubs and also nearby streets. Never partook of the mobile hookers. Have also seen them working the sidewalk right outside of clubs, especially in downtown areas.
  • Bend7
    9 years ago
    Once by a very young girl (who was with a young guy ). I did not took up the offer because of her pimp ( pimp may be her friend)
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Yes, I was in the lot at a local club and a dancer was walking out as I was walking in. We said hello, and started talking. She told me she h adn't done too well working that afternoon and was leaving. I told her I could help her and we ended up taking a short ride in my car to a nearby side street. She gave me a decent BJ and I drove her back to the club. She left, and I went into the club.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    At least you guys have been offered services in exchange for money. At least 3 times I've been approached by crackheads just plain asking for money.

    The last time it happened, a woman in her 40's gave me sob story about needing to feed her kids. I've had it with these beggars so I said lets go inside and talk to the manager about helping you. I ducked back inside for a minute. When I came back out, she had disappeared. Lol
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    @Cashman1234: yes, Street Walkers (prostitutes) were very common in the '90s outside of strip clubs or in red light districts or near business hotels. Many cities have of course cleaned this up.

    And this makes sense in the days before rampant extras girls or OTC p4p girls. A PL might get all hot and bothered from dances inside the club, but he's still horny and unfulfilled when he leaves. Then the prostitute approaches him in the parking lot, and negotiates services and prices.

    Those encounters with street walkers almost scarred me for life the first few times I exited clubs when I was 18 and still in high school. Luckily I didn't grow up in a nice, leafy , affluent, sheltered neighborhood as someone like rickdugan's children, so I was used to seeing streetwalkers and shoo'ing them off as minor / teenager.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I used to live near a liquor store, and there came to be a girl who lived in her van and did prostitution, but she didn't stay around that long. Also, she was not that appealing. There had been a few neighborhood women who did that too. Again, not that appealing.

    Near a strip club I have never seen this. For one thing, LE is very tough here. Also, the strip club would not like this as it would result in aspersions being cast on them, and strip clubs are always at risk here.

    But as I know, Lot Lizard refers to the ones who work truck stops. And from what I have seen in news reports, they are not very attractive.



    Now in Moriarty New Mexico ( 30 miles East of Albuquerque ) the practice seems to be institutionalized in a truck stop with it's own strip club. The guys can live in their trucks and the women live in an onsite motel. To me this seems just like the NM version of what is legalized in NV.

    These girls from NYC went and danced in the strip club and made a video about it:

    Truck Stop Strippers

    But they did not go very far themselves and they seemed not to want to draw negative attention to the place. They leave it to you to figure it out.

    But with what they show of the women, they do not look very appealing to me.

    I do though want to visit that place, and probably that would be where a motorhome is welcome.

    Where we do have prostitution is in some bars on the main boulevards, and many of these are Mexican bars, though the hookers are not always Mexican. But the sessions have to be done somewhere else. And on these same boulevards SJPD is busting street hookers continually, and they don't need evidence that any law has been broken either. The whole thing stinks. But then there are neighborhood online groups full of people who seem to have nothing better to do but to photograph and report suspected street hookers.


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  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    @dominic77 - that makes sense - as its basically providing services to a horned up strip club customer. Smart business - or targeted marketing.

    The change in dancer offerings must have really hurt (OTC - p4p). If the parking lot is on club property - I'm sure the club would work to keep the lizards away.

    On the negative side - those horny customers could make an easy mark for a decent looking hooker and a guy to roll him. Probably not much cash left - but they could grab his credit cards - as I'm sure most customers don't want others to discover their club habit.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    @Cashman1234: I really have no idea what they (street walker prostitutes) charged - or if I used to know I have since forgot. Services they offered included hand jobs, blow jobs, titty fucks, and full service. Prices for this stuff was higher in the '90s than in the '10s today, thought.

    The prostitutes would often retreat back to the hotels nearby, or to the adult book or the 25 cent porn video booths. They moved around a lot. The owners would "shoo" the prostitutes away like flies, but they would eventually wander back. It was a loosing battle until police, city council, and the courts got involved. Many of them "actually looked good", like dancer good, until the life got to them. They would wear heels, mini dresses, and some jewelry, make-up, and door their hair. I think the ones who looked like that could bank. This was after the AIDS/HIV epidemic of the 1980s and early 1990s. AIDS/HIV took a lot of the rough looking prostitutes off the market (it killed them). Which changed supply and demand.

    One of the reasons dancers in the 1990s banked so damn much ($1K+ nights) was due to market conditions for sex (less prostitute supply due to AIDS, restrictions on pornography, the "extras" dancers weren't widespread yet). Nowadays we have BP escorts, tons of free internet porn, and rampant extras girls, plus incomes for the bottom 90% have fallen. So dancer income is down as a result. Or to make bank, the dancers have to do extras and OTC p4p. It is what it is.

    @SJG: I was only approached once by a "true" truck stop "lot lizard" where the lot lizard was attractive. It was summer 2000. I was 22 at the time. She offered a $50 blow job, asked if I was "interested in something more", then pulled up her shirt and started shaking her bare tits at me saying, "damn it's hot out. how can you work in long sleeves, lol" She was sort of 1-part fanning herself cool and 1-part trying to arouse me. The arousal almost worked, I actually considered the offer for a few seconds, then I came back to my senses.

    Once I dismissed her, she walked around for a few minutes, then ran back to a 2 door 1970s -looking buick regal, then sped off which what may have been her black pimp/boyfriend.

    If nothing, I enjoyed the free show. She was white, dirty blonde perm, still young, supple, and had nice Ds or DDs rack. It was a nice free show.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I used to be approached regularly by the lot lizard's, they seemed to be all over the place here in South Florida, but in the last 5-6 years I hardly ever see them anymore. I would guess that law enforcement drove most of them underground to places like Craig's list, The Village Voice personals and lots of other smaller local publications like here in Florida New Times, that coupled with the fact everybody has a smart phone they don't need to be on the streets as much which is probably safer for them and everybody else as well.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Sounds like they are a thing of the past. I'm sure there are still girls working the truck stops - and I'm sure they are quite skanky and possibly drug addicted too. The business model changed -
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Noticed some just down the street from Babes ATL; I have read in some reviews that area is known for prostitution.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ATL sounds like a real dive, I mean a dive strip club, but outdoors. Very high poverty and crime rates.

    As I hope to be there, it will be interesting. Never really been in any place like that before.

    @Dominic77, thanks for that Truck Stop Lot Lizard story. Maybe I'd of gone for her. :)


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  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Dominic77, Yeah, that one pulling up her tee-shirt and shaking her big tits at you, and out in the middle of a parking lot, she could be just my kind of girl.

  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    SJG, Given that she was bouncing them and rolling/swaying them. It was a very 3D visual image. I felt like I could reach out and touch them. Clearly she knew how to best market herself. It was incredible. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "I felt like I could reach out and touch them."

    I probably would have done more than just feel like I could. Blood might have stopped making it all the way to the big head, and so there is no telling what might have happened.

    You really know how to drive it in.

    And that girl sounds like a cheap slut, the kind I like best.

    Funny, your material is really getting me going. Whereas though they say that JS69 should be writing for Playboy and Penthouse, I always find his narratives to be not worth reading.

    Never thought about that comparison before.

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