
Stripper fucking experts

layin low but staying high
Recent posts have reminded me that many tusclers are masters at fucking strippers. Almost nobody, including the so called pick up artists, get the kind of pussy we get. Most PLs are completely clueless. And unlike me, some of you are also masters at getting it cheap.

I'm proud to be associated with some of you. And I'm not even high yet. But I am in a very good mood cause the DS is on her way. Gonna be a very good night.


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I actually have come to respect your strategy. There's a couple relatively clean hotties I'm pretty sure would spread their legs for $600.

    I don't even think youre driving up the price of pussy, because in four years DS I will almost certainly lower her prices and access level. Someone has to be the one to help them do their first OTC!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    John, you say DS is on her way over? Sounds like she drives/has a car. Maybe she can help you overcome the logistical issues with 18 girl?

    Just saying.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    For the most part, I don't knock you for over paying strippers. You've never said what you really pay your DS's so I can't assume anything.

    I will give you an example of over paying that I am experiencing. Right now there's a stripper I usually see at a club in Detroit. It's an upscale club and her standard rate is $300. Of course you can get much cheaper in Detroit and probably cheaper in that particular club. The first night I met her I paid $300 and she rocked my world, and me being a little tipsy, gave her a $100 tip. Over paying at it's finest, and it has backfired greatly because every time I see her she expects $400. I never complain, because the service is excellent, she knows what I like, she's always flawless in the hygiene department, had never rushed me and I like her personality. Yeah, I can go down the road and bang some skank for under $200, but I will not get the same service.

    Most of the time you get what you pay for, sometimes you get lucky and get a bargain.
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    Very well put Shailynn. I've fallen into that " trap" of overpaying myself ($100 for two dances-don't ask), horny and drunk are a bad combination.
  • K
    9 years ago
    is it really over paying if you get excellent service ? That extra 100 gets you
    1. No hassle. When is the last time you had to wait for her or negotiate?
    2. You get exactly what you want
    3. Good hygiene is very important and often over looked by many women.
    4. Personality. You enjoy her company and her services.

    IMO overpaying would be giving 400 to one of those skanks.
    Compare it to a burger. Sure you can get one off the Micky D's dollar menu but does it compare to the made to order burger at your favorite pub? One fills a quick need and is forgotten an hour later. The other is satisfying and memorable.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    My ATF once confided in me that she was flabbergasted at how much I was willing to give her for just an hour or two of sex. I responded with, "It kept you answering the phone, didn't it?"
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS posted: "And unlike me, some of you are also masters at getting it cheap. "

    For the most part, I think that getting hot stripper pussy on the cheap is as much a function of geography as anything else. Guys like shadow aren't having retrograde ejaculations in hot strippers' mouths for $100 in places like NYC, Boston or L.A. no matter how many pieces of candy he offers the dancers.

    I also think that local mongers are at a natural advantage over those who travel. In fact, what I payed when I first visited the area that I live in now was substantially more than I pay now for the same services with similar girls. I'm now paying 40 to 50% less than I paid as a traveling hound to this locale. Part of this is a function of having experience in the market and understanding what other girls are charging. Another part is that fact that girls seem to be more straight up with guys who are local and known quantities in their clubs.

    When I travel to other places, I'm sure that I still overpay, but there isn't much help for it as I don't have enough detailed intel in most of these places to fine tune the number. Some years ago, through research and experience in different cities, I came to the conclusion that $300 for a full hour OTC was a very reasonable offer in all but a few very expensive cities and this continues to be the case. In really cheap parts of the south (outside of where I live), I use $250 in the same way. At the very least, in most places I am not overpaying by more than $100 or so and I have the option to take my time or even for a second nut if I am able.

    But in my experience, keeping oneself from being fleeced requires discipline and the willingness to walk away. Most girls who are serious and need the money will come around if you are being reasonable and don't insult them with your response. I've lost count of how many times pie-in-the-sky offers for $500 became agreements for $300 - just by telling each girl, calmly and with kindness, that she is coming in high for the area but that I'd be willing to go to $300, which I'm confident is still pretty good "for these parts."

    But have fun with DS and don't let whatever you are smoking, and that young pussy, fuck up your head too much. ;)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It's a lot cheaper just to have sex with the girls that ask you without even mentioning the topic. Free bj's to warm you up. I used to just say no thanks most of the time. I'm still not sure why some girls think it's ok just to go up to a guy they don't know and ask to go have sex and actually think he's going to drop everything and go fuck her. I guess that is the younger generation. I guess the younger guys here just say ok. I will never hook up with a fugly though. I haven't been getting offers for sex from strange girls in the last two years so I may be losing something but clubs in general aren't as fun as they used to be before someone started shutting them all down. I may consider taking vacations out of state where strip clubs are still fun.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I just bought a new set of Taylor Mades. Best irons on earth. They are a true 10. Anyone else can also buy them, so owning them is nothing special and nothing 500,000 other people haven't done. The idea that paying women for sex makes us special is fucking inane. I like hot women, I like sex, but the idea that 1/2 hour of sex with someone who is pretending for money being special seems absurd. I like it, so I do it. Same reason I ski, golf, play poker, drink too much and get high. Drives me fucking batshit crazy to see anyone post that what we do is special. Ya know why? Cz its not. Not even remotely.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"For the most part, I think that getting hot stripper pussy on the cheap is as much a function of geography as anything else. "

    I think that has to be part of it. In this area, despite being one of the most expensive areas in the country, the SC scene is not strong and in particular, dayshift is incredibly slow at many clubs -- and the slowest dayshifts are where I try to find my girls.

    That said, all things being equal: to the extent that I can get any g-2, I still pay less for OTC than many guys, even my own friends and backchannel contacts in the local PL community. I know of several cases where guys paid literally triple what I did, for the exact same girl. And that's definitely not because I'm so young or handsome; I tend to think (and I know many here disagree) you can absolutely tilt things in your favor, a number of ways, that can have huge impact on your fee. Of course, just as a numbers game, I've just stumbled across some amazing deals (I've told the story several times of the OTC girl whose odd living predicament made OTC so appealing she charged me very little, and sometimes nothing at all, for overnights)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, how long are you going to keep living the way you do, spending most of your time and money overpaying young strippers? And for how long are going to keep on using marijuana?


    Anthony Burgess and Malcom McDowell, analysis of Clockwork Orange

    Illuminati Symbolism in Clockwork Orange

    Stanley Kubrick

    Wendy Williams


    3 Tuning Schemes Compared
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG ^^^^ how long are you going to keep putting links after your posts which nobody probably ever clicks onto? Seems like a big waste of time for someone leading a revolution for sexual equality.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    What we do seems pretty special to me. Each time a gorgeous 18-19 year old spreads her legs and invites me inside her low mileage tight little pussy without a cover, it feels very special. It is even more special as I feel her cum and then I deposit my love deep inside her. When I worship the breasts of my DS as I did last night, the perfect combination of size, shape, and feel, it's extraordinarily special. When an amazingly gorgeous young woman worships my penis and allows me to fuck her mouth and cum deep down her throat, it is exceptionally special.

    If you took a survey of guys and told them the depths of depravity that we go to with beautiful young women, 90% would think it was special. The other 10% would be gay.

    SJG, I might get a civie gf. The jury is still out on that one. But the only way anybody will take strippers and my weed is if they can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Just sharing what ever I am listening to. Even if you don't, I still need to stay broadly informed, as I have big undertakings planned.

  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS posted: "...It is even more special as I feel her cum and then I deposit my love deep inside her. When I worship the breasts of my DS as I did last night, the perfect combination of size, shape, and feel, it's extraordinarily special..."

    I think I just threw up in my own mouth.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Rick, grease a nearby bouncer and I'm sure he'll give you a cup to spit in
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, now you're regurgitating troll crap the same way I'm regurgitating my dinner after that post. ;)

    But all kidding aside (and assuming any of this is real), a the end of the day she is just a stripper who is selling pussy. While this is nice, neither her pussy nor the fact that she is selling it are particularly unique. Half the population of this country has them and there is an abundance of those women are selling access to them in the U.S. Even bareback services are not that difficult to find, especially nowadays. So while you are having a good time, you may want to be careful about over-romanticizing what this is.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Rick Dougster would have agreed with you.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    How many feel like I do that JS69 is a middle aged guy in the process of self-destructing?

  • Timbuck12
    9 years ago
    I don't think anyone can be considered a "master" if they're paying to get it. That doesn't require any skill or charm, just cash. No offense meant by this, just an opinion.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Timbuck12 +20

    Actually I would say that it is a little bit more complicated than that. Some guys use the European Mistress System, and so they keep their women on retainer. But it is not just P4P, it is a relationship having some similarity to a marriage.

    But your point is very well taken, and in particular with how JS69 tries to act like he does not have a relationship with the women.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Tim, for ordinary sex workers that is very true. For gorgeous young things that have never fucked for money before, and aren't at all sure if they want to, it takes a lot more.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Then John, why don't you come out and admit then that you are turning on the charm and getting under their skin and that it is not 100% money? And why don't you stop calling them strippers, as you see them outside the strip club?

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    It's kind of hard to agree when you all pay while the rest of the PLs go for free. Like comparing apples and oranges. Not to mention you folks pay BIG. Not just a $15 drink then get sex but you're dropping $300 MINIMUM, Really different worlds between the folks here and the rest of the PL world.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Agreed!

    Money can be used with women in different ways, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. But P4P is too expensive to be a long term solution to anything. Even for someone with unlimited money, it is too lopsided of a relationship to be a long term solution.

    And remember, JS69's highly paid DS did for a time leave him, and without explaining why, for a civilian boyfriend.


    Philip Glass - Akhnaten
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    She got pregnant, too. ^^^^
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    JS69- I mean no disrespect, but when strippers tell you you're the first one they've fucked for money, they're lying. Plain and simple.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Larry, that makes no sense. Everything has to start somewhere. Thus, every stripper who fucks for money had a first time. They weren't born having fucked for money.

    I was the first person to fuck DS I and DS II for money. And I am the only person to have fucked DS II for money. I would bet my life on the truth of those two statements.

    Those statements are not true for the vast majority of strippers who sell sex, including most strippers that I've fucked. But they are true for those two.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, I remember your very first posts about your DS. You ended up asking her if she had "ever done a full contact lap dance before."

    Then she gave you an excellent BBBJTCIMWS dance.

    While I can't specifically speak to her OTC history, I can see that she was playing you from the very start, and I don't see any reason to assume it has stopped since.

  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    SJG may be right.

    John it's something like this.

    John: I'll give you 400 bucks for sex
    DS: No, I don't do that
    And then after a week or so of trying to get her to agree
    John: I'll give you 800 bucks
    DS: I've never done this with anyone else, you'll be the first one

    While it might seem you were her first one, really she was just being smart. The more someone wants something, the more that person will pay for it. I think the DS sensed it pretty early with you, and she sensed you have a lot of money to spend.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Larryfisherman, you have the right idea... Except the DS actually sucked JS's dick in VIP the first night she met him lol... It didn't take him a week.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    ever have a women pay you for sex? No? That's too bad....because NEITHER HAVE I....T_T....or have I?
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    The lol was at Nina's post.
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