
OTC Logistical problems

layin low but staying high
I'm having trouble setting up OTC with my new dancer. 18 has no car, and has legal problems borrowing a car. She lives in the boonies so there's no uber, and not much in the way of nearby hotel options. Going to her home also doesn't seem like an option -- still getting the details but I think she lives with or near relatives.

This girl is a great fuck and I'm determined to work this out. She rides to the club with another stripper who works the same shifts but borrowing that girl's car for OTC is problematic. I considered buying this girl a cheap car but with her record the insurance would cost more than the car.

So is there any OTC get together option I'm missing? I thought of just having sex itc although that's much less fun, and she doesn't like it because the club takes a cut of her $.

She's of legal age, so no underage sex jokes are necessary.


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    3-way with dancer and her friend.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Jack, I like the way you think. The friend is not as pretty but she's cute and just as young. I'm not sure of the dynamic between them but money has a tendency to make all things possible.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Take her back to where ever you are staying.
  • K
    9 years ago
    Pick her up before work, drop her at the club when the date is ocer. The other dancer takes her home
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Could be a plot line for "Meet the Parents 4"
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    That's why it's better to fuck homeless women you can drop them of wherever you like.
    Actually John I think you like all of the drama for some weird reason, I personally wouldn't even bother.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Actually I hate the drama. But I love an uncovered complete GFE with a gorgeous 18 year old. I'll put up with quite a bit of drama to get that.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    I used to think I hate the drama too. Now I'm not so sure. A good friend, who knows all about my real life and my strip club life, recently pointed out that I ALWAYS go after women who lead to drama in my life; wives, girlfriends, and strippers.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    You fucking love the drama. You come on here every single day whining about it.

    Youre lucky I like you or I'd bust your balls more than I bust Juicy's.

    heres my suggestion:
    Do OTC with her after her shift at the club. Habe her hang out with you until the followibg night and take her back to the club, drop her off for her next shift.

    Ive done this before, a lot of dancers like that idea, staying in a nice hotel is like a vacation fkr them.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, that's a great suggestion. There's a nice hotel two blocks from her club. Thanks
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    That's a logical solution - but not as much fun as buying her a pony! No need for insurance - can park it anywhere - keeps the grass (no not that kind of grass) short - and she could add a lady Godiva act to her stage show! Girls love ponies!!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    John, Shailynn has a great suggestion and that is what I would do.

    Others you might consider include 1. Hire a driver for her - cheaper than buying her a beater car. 2. Have her move in with you. 3. Have her travel everywhere with you. 4. Rent her an apartment near the club. 5. Pay her stripper friend to drive her. 6. Pick her up at the club and take her home the next day. 7. Pick her up at home and drop her off at the club. 8. Fuck her in the car. 9. Buy a motor home and park it at the club. 10. Pick up a nice tent at the local Cabela's and use the park down the street from the SC, or the park on the way to her place. 11. Start fucking her hot mom and then move in with both of them and have access to both of them. 12. Start fucking her stripper friend and move in with both of them. 13. Start fucking her stripper friend and move both of them in with you. 14. Rent an obscenely expensive condo and move her, her mom, and her stripper friend into it and have orgies every night you are not traveling to see The DS, or the new hot MILF.

    That's all I have. Send pictures....

  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    A pony is also a good suggestion. Roller skates, a skate board, bicycle, good pair of running shoes or hiking boots.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    ^^^ maybe the best of both worlds - a moped?
  • ArtCollege
    9 years ago
    Plenty of fish in the sea. (And most smell like fish.)
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    "3-way with dancer and her friend"

    Before I even finished reading your OP this what EXACTLY what popped into my head. It's a win-win.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Well that didn't go as planned...lol

    Set them up as a permanent 3-way and that way she always has a driver so no more worries on your part on logistics. If you're thinking about buying her a car or some other transportation solution simply spend that money on the other stripper and get double the fun.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Corvus, absolutely fucking amazing list of options. Thanks guys. I do really really want this one.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Shailynn wrote, "You fucking love the drama. You come on here every single day whining about it."

    An extremely insightful comment about JS69 post marriage.

    And JS69 was the one who was making horrible fun of me over Purple Dress Car Washing Donna, and our first intense GFE session in the AMP room. He is a million times more involved with his DS's than I ever was with any AMP girl.

  • rick33
    9 years ago
    -Become an Uber driver and barter
    -Buy a golf cart
    -Buy the old ford electric car (car-like)
    -Rent a condo instead of Hotel if this will be ongoing..
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I like shailyn's idea and I also like the idea of picking her up before the club , doing OTC and dropping her off at the club and letting another dancer take her home.
  • Ugluck75
    9 years ago
    My girlfriend is a stripper without a car too. She rides from co-workers and taxis to & from work. Unfortunately I cannot give her rides as I live out of town. We sleep together at a hotel one night a week when I come to visit. My plan is to keep romancing her until she falls madly in love with me, quits stripping and moves in with me. In a few weeks she is coming to visit me and I plan to show her a great time and hopefully preview our life together.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    ^^ delusional get help
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Another vote for 3-way with the friend. Other than that, take her OTC after her shift and then send her home by uber or cab.
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