
"Why do you guys come here and buy a couple drinks and sit at the bar?"

This is what a stripper yelled at me across the bar last night. I don't actually do that. I was watching the game and waiting for another stripper. Still I felt offended she would accuse me of being a rock. Anybody have any similar experiences?


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Ugh, is there anything less sexy than an overentitled, frustrated stripper? Luckily, club management at the better clubs doesn't tolerate such 'tude from the talent.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    I have very calmly and directly told such a dancer that I am the customer and I can choose to do what I want (well, within reason) once I pay my cover and step inside the club..
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I always go to my fave clubs to spend. But once in a while, none of my faves are there, and I just find the lineup unattractive. The veterans know I usually spend, so they don't bother me ... in fact, some will come by and just hang out and drink with me for half an hour. But once in a while a new girl will see that I've been at the bar for a while, and while the "club culture" in my fave club is that the girls do NOT yell at customers about being "furniture", she'll ask me why I'm just sitting at the bar -- and I know what she's implying. If I were a dick, I might tell her the real answer, "I came here with the intention to spend, but found the lineup so unattractive that I'm drinking whiskeys hoping one of you comes out of focus far enough that I'd be willing to do a dance".

    It happened to me just recently that I went to the club, and was not at all attracted to the lineup. At one point, a girl came over and wanted to sit down. I was upfront as usual ... "You're very welcome to sit and drink with me, but I won't be buying dances". She replied that the other customers in the club weren't buying dances either, but since they also weren't buying drinks, mine was the best offer she'd gotten. So, we sat and drank together, she was a super fun and charming drinking buddy. So, even though we'd come to a clear agreement -- I was buying her drinks but nothing else -- I tipped her for her time when I left. And that's the difference between an over-entitled unprofessionally run club, and one that's developed a bit more customer service oriented atmosphere... the girl made the best of the situation, got drinks and made some $, not to mention the scintillating conversation :) That's the kind of club atmosphere I like, the girls find ways to make themselves attractive to customers, instead of blaming customers for their own lack of desirability.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    "That's the kind of club atmosphere I like, the girls find ways to make themselves attractive to customers, instead of blaming customers for their own lack of desirability"

    to subra That is a great line that should posted on the pink site and every time one of those super entitled dummies approach, with their piss poor attitude it should read out loud for all to hear.
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    I've had that happen before. After she said that to me. Another stripper walked up to the bar. so I hit her up for ld's . As we were heading to the couch room I flipped off the other dancer.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I've been called racist for turning down dances.

    You'd be justified complaining to management.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Many of the Latina-heavy Miami SCs have supa-aggressive tip-walks – as I’ve mentioned b/f; not only do many of the dancers do a tip-walk post their stage-set; many dancers go around all-night long asking for tips making PLs think they just got-off stage.

    I spend well but not into tipping unless the dancer is my type – so I often don’t cave like many other PLs that start handing out singles every 30 seconds (and yeah; in these clubs with the supa-aggressive tip-walk; you don’t end-up tipping one girl per-song; you will actually get approached by 5 or 6 girls in the course of just one-song asking for “a tip for their dance”).

    Anyway – a while back this skinny-Latina asked me for a tip for doing nothing more-than taking the effort to walk-up to me to ask me for one – when I said “no” her response was “then why do come here for” – entitled w.r.t. her would be an understatement.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    As Subra mentioned; it seems it’s part entitlement and part frustration.

    IMO most-dancers I’d venture to say do not particularly like getting-nude in front of strangers and being groped by strangers – it appears to me that in their mind if they are going to do this that they def better get paid no matter what – i.e. “if I’m gonna demean myself I sure as hell better make a lot of $$$ doing-it”.

    Many dancers may also suffer, consciously or subconsciously; from GPS – in their minds loser custies should be/feel “honored” to just be in their (dancer’s) presence and it should be an “honor” for these loser-custies that these dancers even take the time to talk to them (custies) so how could these losers have the gall to not pay me (dancer) since o/w I would never give them the time of day.

    I can def see a dancer getting frustrated at 75 to 80% of custies just hanging-out and not giving them $$$.

    It sucks to not get what you want – they go thru the trouble of dolling themselves up and looking their best and they don’t get rewarded for it.

    As I’ve posted in the past; in many aspects strip-clubs are bizarro-world (the opposite of the real-world)– e.g. in the real-world at a bar for example; dudes come-up to the ladies and try to pick them up and often it fails – I assume when a dancer is at a civvy bar/club she does not say yes to every guy that approaches them – likewise in SC bizarro-world the custy is not going to say yes to every girl that approaches him – but – I’ve learned that logic is not a strong-suit for many women and even less strippers.

    Of course – these comments do not apply to all strippers – just a good # of them IMO.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    I know a few strippers with this attitude and have done the said things here.

    I admit some nights if its slow I can be annoyed with people who are not tipping and just sitting at the bar with their buddies drinking. (These are the ones who just immediately go to the bar and don't even bother to glance at the girls and most of the time have already done some heavy drinking) I never show my frustration out right like most strippers would. Usually I will take a moment and then walk up to the guys at the bar and introduce myself. (sometimes these types of guys sit at the bar for the sole purpose of wanting the girls to come to them and they will not budge until it happens or they will drink their fill and leave.) I then will sit with them or the group and chat for a while. If things go well one will buy me a drink and I eventually will get the group to come watch me dance on stage when my turn comes.

    I have had some very rude customers though. I worked at Jills one night and there were way too many girls per customer. I didn't do bad that night as I chose an older gentlemen to talk to at the very beginning of the night who faked being new there but it was obvious to how the staff treated him that he was a regular and he was use to getting lucky. (He really wanted to eat me out in the VIP we did) He got a couple lap dances and a VIP plus got me 3 or more drinks and tipped me for my time talking with him. After he left I was bored and not in the best of moods stage tips were extremely poor and after my first customer left (he apparently lived over an hour a way) I had nothing left to do since all the customers were taken with a girl on both sides of them. I sat in a corner for hours until a few more guys came in.

    After waiting so long with nothing to do I was now cold and tired and bored so not the best mood but tried to be cheerful anyway. I waited a few moments when they came in and watched as a few girls of all sizes went up to the group and tried to press them for dances. The girls were flirting as much as they could and the guys though enjoying the attention were not taking the bait. I figured it wasn't worth my time but after they left the group alone I decided to go up and introduce myself. All of them were friendly except for the one who seemed to be in charge of what the group was doing for the night. They were all only spending on beer and the one who seemed to be in charge told me he wasn't going to spend anything. I talked with him for a few more minutes after he stated this but then politely told him I hope he has a good time tonight and excused myself to go sit alone again. (I didn't really want to stick around cause he had a poor attitude)

    Well I guess it must have made him feel bad or something cause he insisted I sit with him. I did and tried to talk more, but this guy just would not talk about anything. He only would give one word answers to stuff and wouldn't say anything about himself. Really leaving nothing to talk about, kinda hard to talk when only one person is doing the talking and the other wont chime in. For most of the conversation he was just rude about everything or just really acting like a jerk. I was thankful when he finally left.

    I had only one other customer in the night and we didn't get any dances but he was very pleasant to talk with and he told me he wasn't going to buy anything cause he had no money left but he was pleasant to talk to so I stayed and chatted with him for a good while. He tipped me a very large amount for talking to him. I found out later he was a regular of a different dancer I knew and knowing her it made since on why he was waiting. She gets pretty freaky and I honestly feel she does extras but not 100% she is also a thicker girl but shes pretty and can do real good pole work.
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