She found me

avatar for Bigbiznezz
So I had an OTC one night stand experience with a stripper that I talked about in one of my revives for the Columbia, S.C. Scene this summer. Now mind you all she had was my phone number so she could call me and tell me when she was on her way to the hotel. She didn't have my name or any other information. How about yesterday she sent me a damn friend request on Facebook. WTF!!!! And my phone number is not linked to my Facebook. I'm really confused At how she remembered and found me.


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avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
A public phone number is all you need to find out all kinds of info on someone, unless you are John Smith in New York City.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Very easy even to reverse search cell phone numbers, through a number of for-pay websites that are well known to sexual service providers (and, evidentally, some strippers :).

It might have been even easier than that, though. If your phone number is somehow linked even to an old inactive WhatsApp, Voxer, Instagram, or whatever account, she might have gotten you in her "Suggested Contacts" list from any of those apps; and if you'd signed up with your name, she could then just search from there. I am constantly finding strippers in my WhatsApp, Facebook, and other lists.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Shit, she is in love! She got it bad
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Always use a burn phone ap.
avatar for RTP
9 years ago
Facebook is big brother. It is very sophisticated in mining data on phones and computers. I have had Facebook suggest my becoming friends with people who I still have no idea how they know I knew that person.
avatar for Aaron_hip
9 years ago
Just block her. No biggie.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Yeah, I doubt she went out of her way to track you down. You simply showed up on the people you might now feed.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Facebook suggests you become friends with anyone you looked at or anyone who looked at your profile even if it was just for a second. I believe if they are located near you they will stay on the suggested friends list longer than normal. If a gofundme page is linked to Facebook and I think they probably all are, if you use your Facebook email or Facebook name for an anonymous donation, Facebook will show you as anonymous but put you on the suggested friends list of whomever you gave to. Real anonymous. not.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
It's impossible to say how she found you without directly asking her. If you have friends in common, then your face may have come up in her "People you might know..." FB widget. (Note: if you want to keep your personal FB profile more private, then don't use your face/likeness in your profile picture, or any image of you in any album that is viewable by the public).

If you have a unique name (first, last, or both) then a simple search on FB or Google could lead to you. If she got a look at your driver's license (when your wallet was open) in front of her, then she could have seen it (Note: ensure that your name and other personal info are hidden when you open your wallet). When dealing with strippers, I use a small, front-pocket money clip wallet that holds nothing but cash and a few blank Avery business cards (good for exchanging contact info). I never bring my credit/debit cards into the club. My "real" wallet containing my ID never sees the light of neon.

If you're using your personal phone number (and have had that number for quite a while), then chances are that it links to you somewhere online. Enter your phone number into Google and do a search. Go ten or even twenty pages deep into that search. You might be surprised by what you find. (Note: always use a burner app or cash-purchased burner phone).

I could go on like this with different methods for quite some time. I once knew a very pretty bartender who was having a hard time with a persistent and increasingly-threatening stalker. All she had was his approximate age, the town he *probably* lived in, his profession, and the fact that he lived with his mother (of course). With that info, I found him in three hours and it required no black-hat (or grey hat) hacking. I handed his information off to her, she handed it to her boyfriend, who left the bar with that info and three of his buddies. Her stalking issues evaporated.

What you might worry about is this: if she's a stripper, then she could find her way to the club review listings on TUSCL. If your club review contains details of your encounter with her that she could recognize, then she might be able to connect your TUSCL identity with your personal identity. If you recycle your TUSCL profile name to other monger / strip club sites, then she could connect those dots as well. If that's a possibility, then you may want to contact the Founder about deleting or altering that review.

For SC and monger activities, I maintain a separate FB profile that is associated with a web-based email address that is entirely separate from my true identity. There is no level of precaution that guarantees your privacy, but there's a lot you can do restrict your discoverability to all but those who are pretty good at online sleuthing.

Good luck.

avatar for Bigbiznezz
9 years ago
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