This would be a fi(r)st

ItsmytimeI’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
I've never tried this in the VIP, but I suppose someone out there has done it. For us virgins, here are the instructions...
I've never tried this in the VIP, but I suppose someone out there has done it. For us virgins, here are the instructions...
last commentWell now JS69 has a new sex act to do with his DS1.
Thanks for the guide, but I already know how to do this, since every time I'd find a cute dancer I liked at Bogarts or Henrys in Detroit, Rech had already fucked her and my dick wasn't big enough, so I had to fist her instead.
Holy shit
Well Missionary said it was dead on here tonight. Here's some reading he can catch up on and maybe he can try this out on one of the trannys at Rhino next time he's in Vegas.
The other guides and toys on the web site are well beyond normal, but hey, to each his/her own.
Lots of fun, very intense. But stay away from my butt (and I will pass on the toys thank you)
Itsmytime, do you want to fist her or have her fist you?
I'm not sure I consider either to be brilliant, but I'd prefer the former!