
PP Greenville

Avatar for bang69
bang69North Carolina

Has any one been to PP Greenville yet. if so what was it like


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Avatar for sharkhunter

I was wondering the same thing.


According to the link, no longer topless, no contact allowed between customers and dancers, sheriffs office and soliticor allowed access to video which will be everywhere at any time.

pasties and air dances only is what I was thinking. There was a girl doing a two for one for me one weekend at club Lust that kept her top on the while first song, hopefully she took a job over there. sounds like an ideal place for most of the stripper web girls. Guys give them money and they never have to take their top off or come into contact with any of the guys.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Can the club make money on drinks and admission cover charges if only a handful of people visit? the other clubs get packed late at night so some overflow will likely go over there.

Maybe someone can tell us cover charges, how much miller lite costs and everything else.

It might still be better than Godivas as far as drinking beer and watching.

I can't imagine the girls making much money unless the club pays them to work there.

Avatar for shadowcat

$5 a dance would be too much. They will probably fail within a year. The bigger question is will this relax the rules a bit in the Columbia clubs?

Avatar for chessmaster

Pasties and air dances? They won't last long unless they get all supermodel types there. And still might not last.

Avatar for bang69

Sounds like its going to end up like Xcapades in Asheville, NC. Closing with in a year

Avatar for sharkhunter

Anyone go? I heard it was boring but that was at least second or third or more hand information.

Avatar for just_the_nuts

Sounds like its going to end up like Xcapades in Asheville, NC. Closing with in a year

I agree

We need a tuscl meeting At PP guys

Avatar for Ironcat

I plan to take one for the team and go this week, just to see what is up.

Avatar for just_the_nuts

I've been thinking about it as well, but we both know that we both will bounce over to Lust lol

Avatar for Quemafia

I'm sure there will be a lot of dancers there being the reopening and all. Platinum west was the same way when they opened. But dances will be low mileage. And judging from the last review it's just pasties.

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