How long do your OTC "'relationships" last and how do you break them off ?

I've had an ongoing OTC thing with one of my favorite dancers. I've talked about her on here before. She is 20 blonde and a 9 to make a long story short. I really have no problems with her at all. She has actually become less bitch and more sweetheart since we started hooking up. it has been almost a year now. If i have any issue at all it is that she depends on me for at least 1 hook up a month. I actually think it is her share of the rent on an apt with her roommate. this is the first time i have had an ongoing monthly hook up. I mean I have known strippers for years and had several get togethers but never "monthly"..LOL My question is how long do you folks usually let these things go on? And as hot as she is there may come a day when i want to move on at least from the monthly hook up's. And how is the best way to do that?


  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've been "hooking up" with my ATF at least weekly for about 6 years. She's been fantastic in the sack and I've generally enjoyed her company. About 6 or 8 months ago I told her that for a variety of reasons I wouldn't be able to keep seeing her with the same frequency. She didn't believe me and kept after me for the same level of funding ($2000 -$2500 per month). I started not returning her messages and when we would get together, I'd still enjoy her favors, but emphasized that the $$ was drying up. She contacted an old customer who had continued seeing her occasionally and had helped her out financially without anything in return. He had been seeing another dancer very regularly and my ATF knew the other gal had gone into rehab, so she shifted her attention from me to him and now he's paying for her apartment. He bought her a car, etc.
    I'm falling in lust with a new and younger dancer, but my ATF will always be my ATF and we'll see each other occasionally.
    It's all about communication and respect. I'm extracting myself from a "relationship" with a 30 year old who was 24 when we started. We're still friends, we still fuck, but no where near the frequency. And I no longer will be the first phone call for bail, the first call for transport from detox to rehab, etc. Gee, I'll miss it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I'm not much of an OTCer so can't really give 1st-hand advice – IME “breaking-up” w/ a chick when she has done nothing wrong/bad-to-you; is kinda tough; at least it usually is for me – but; it can't go on forever; you can either take the wimpy way out and make up some excuse about your finances or just be straight-up w/ her – dancers *do* dump PLs out of the blue all the time – perhaps give her a parting-gift (i.e. a nice extra-tip for the last-hurrah; or give her 2-months “notice” if she depends on your dough and don't break it off suddenly when she may be depending-on/expecting your income). In the end it's your right to move-on and she knows that even if she tries to guilt-trip/SS you.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Although I fuck strippers 2-4 times per week, I've only been doing it for about a year and a half. So I really haven't had time for any really long term relationships. The DS was my longest. She and I fucked every week, sometimes several times a week, for almost a year until she dumped me. There might be news about her soon, but I can't share yet. Video girl and I have been going for about 9 months. She's great, but I've got so many providers that she's getting somewhat squeezed out. It'll be hard to dump her cause she is very dependent upon my money. The rest I've been seeing for less than six months.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It's hard to keep two people happy forever so one of you will likely call it quits or stop seeing each other very much at some point either after one day or several years. If things work for you, I'd say enjoy it while it lasts. Many people move after 4 to 7 years, strippers maybe more often.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    In most of my OTC repeat adventures the stripper eventually flakes out, and after several "fuck ups" on her part they kinda get the hint that I am "done with the drama." Granted I am doing this as an out of towner - not in my own city.

    As for you, and as you say she seems "dependent" on your monthly contribution, I would probably say "I can't do this for an extended time or I would like to do this once every OTHER month." I would probably use the "financial strain" as an excuse. I originally was thinking that you could say "you have a time constraint" but if just meeting you once a month is paying her share of the rent she would probably do everything she can to accommodate your schedule which would blow your excuse up.

    If you just want to get rid of her period, and not worry about rekindling the relationship down the road then use whatever excuse you can. If you're afraid of her talking shit on you at a club you like to frequent don't worry about that, other strippers will forget any rumors (true or untrue) they hear about you when you're offering them money.

  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    My question is how long do you folks usually let these things go on? And as hot as she is there may come a day when i want to move on at least from the monthly hook up's. And how is the best way to do that?

    "It's all about communication and respect"

    “breaking-up w/ a chick when she has done nothing wrong/bad-to-you; is kinda tough; at least it usually is for me – but; it can't go on forever"

    "It's hard to keep two people happy forever"

    Me and my ATF lasted 5 years from start to finish.

    I've had other favorites last from a one night stand to 12 months.

    I normally move on for these reasons

    #1 she gives me no sex
    #2 she increases her price
    #3 she starts drama in the club or outside
    #4 i get board and need variety

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ hey retard, he asked how to break it off, not "how did your relationships end!"
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    My longest relationship has been with my ATF, and it has lasted 6 years off and on. A couple years ago I just told her I wasn't going to deal with her any more. I found a new girl for OTC, and she was the sweetest girl I've ever paid for sex. But she ended it with me when she got a boyfriend with a real job and quit stripping. Then I've had a number of dancers who would come to my house, but I never felt I had enough of a relationship to need to break anything off. I'm back to fucking my ATF again once a week and some other strippers as well. I think it will just naturally end when it ends.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    ^^^ hey retard, he asked how to break it off, not "how did your relationships end!"

    Lol figured he might enjoy my story : )
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    My OTCs have always been one-and-done meet-ups. No need to worry about any drama.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    PG, you are missing out on the chance for more personalized service. I like having time to train them on the many ways to most effectively pleasure me. Like video girl, I have now taught her how to give my ultimate blow job. She does all the things I most desire every time without me even asking. It's kinda like being a sex coach.
  • the mighty quinn
    9 years ago
    so many factors come in play here. My first OTC I was 18, she said she was mid 20s. Last time with her was 15 years later. A few have "been there done that" next, not to repeat.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    It all really depends. The biggest thing to remember is that it is a transaction based relationship, especially to her. Remember that even if she may feel a connection to you, to her you are a financial asset, first and foremost, and if a bigger fish should come along she would have no problem cutting you loose to spend time with him. To you, if she no longer is making you happy or if someone else should come along, you need to do what will make you the happiest. That being said, don't burn any bridges with her, for if down the road other things don't work out, it's always great to have a fall back.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    For those who are too timid to break up with a stripper, hers a service to help you.…
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    "PG, you are missing out on the chance for more personalized service. I like having time to train them on the many ways to most effectively pleasure me. Like video girl, I have now taught her how to give my ultimate blow job. She does all the things I most desire every time without me even asking. It's kinda like being a sex coach."

    John, that may be true, but remember: I'm just a lowly pizza guy. I'm lucky to clear $20k a year. I just don't make the money that a lot of you guys do.

    And with the shit that's hit my family this year, I just don't have the time to travel any more. I don't have time for much of anything for myself any more.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    so that a retatrd on here understands, ending and breaking off a relationship are the same thing to many people.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    You can be direct and blunt or subtle and let things drift apart.
    I usually prefer subtle unless she did something to tick me off.
    I got several unplanned bj's by one girl wanting me to stay friendly with her.
    After each bj, I thought, I can wait to end things.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The no sex and no affection or anything is a great reason to drop a girl especially if she does not respond after spending money traveling with her. I can understand just being friends if you're not spending money which I wasn't with one dancer but then when I did and she remained cold, friends no more. I became cold towards her and never called her again. I never gave her my number so she never knew what happened to me. At some point, you realize someone is wasting your time and you're not getting much out of the relationship.
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