
SJG-"Porter Stansberry fucked me in the ass while Ron Paul watched!"

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Has anyone else got a crazy ass PM like this from San Jose Guy. I keep hearing how we need to buy "hard" assets from him, and something about currency devaluation.


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If you drop your wallet in San Jose, better kick it over to Oakland before bending down to pick it up
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I have not sent any PM's to Meat72. I just checked for all of 2015.

    I have not said anything about hard assets or currency devaluation either.

    So I would suggest not listening to @Meat72. I would also suggest being on alert that their could be troll registrations in play here. This would not be new to TUSCL.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ it is too true, and others here on TUSCL have also told me you are hoping and waiting for an economic collapse of epic proportions based on your theory of the "pyramid scheme" that the government and Wall Street have concocted. It's even if your discussion posts, so you can't hide from your feelings.

    It's OK if you only admit to me your infatuation with Porter Stansberry and the "gloom and doom" theory that you're so in love with, but what I can't understand is why you take this chicken little stance? Are you selling something that requires protection?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, I am hoping for an economic collapse of epic proportions.

    After all, most innovation happens during busts. Some of the best things which happened in this country were during the Great Depression.

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @SJG: You WANT a depression? Dude, that's fucked
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @Dougster "@SJG: You WANT a depression? Dude, that's fucked"

    so is rape
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG, what do you plan on building when the economic collapse happens, and why wait for it to happen instead of doing it now?

    Can your old ass build anything other than the rhetoric you spin based on your confirmation bias? I suggest you watch the Ron Paul video again where he supports Porter Stansberry, whom was convicted of fray ding investors and has an identical view as you of the economic landscape.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I want people to stop feeding the bubbles.

    When the Great Depression started, it was not with the 1929 Stock Market Crash, it was when the auto making plants shut down. That then triggered plant closures way up stream. The unemployment rate went to like 25% to 30%.

    The thing about automobiles is that they are a soft demand. How long does an automobile last? It lasts as long as you want it too.

    It was during the Great Depression that the automobile spare parts industry developed.

    Automobiles are about status. People would drive them, rather than walk, to soup kitchen lines.

    But as a result of the Great Depression, lots of good changes happened, like the SEC and like Social Security, and like the Minimum Wage. We should be extending these protections, not dismantling them.

    We can deal with unemployment. After all, most paid employment produces absolutely nothing people need. It just uses resources. Probably the worst is just the gas used driving to work.

    We need an economic restructuring, not a boom or a bubble.

    Nothing that people actually needed was unavailable during the Great Depression.

    The first one of these global industrial crashes was around 1873. It was of course cased by over production, production beyond what could be consumed.

    The result was that a lame duck U.S. Grant Administration was pressured into ending Reconstruction in the South, far far too early. So the South and the West were to be a kind of internal third world. The South would be the consumers and the West would be the natural resource base. So nothing was actually solved. Capitalism is like this, always needed to appropriate new places and expand, instead of solving the problems it creates.

    But the basis for the crash had simply been that labor was in surplus. This is the basic issue, and it is all the more severe today. We have to develop some other system.

    Right now, we would be far far better of if we were right in the middle of another Great Depression. So bring it on!!

    Just watch out for leapers from the high rises.

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Sorry it should read "frauding investors" above.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Investors have already been frauded. And, you can't cheat an honest man, so I don't worry about it.

    Bring on the collapse! This is the only way that good things are ever going to happen.

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @SJG: I think you got it completely backwards. You need a society rich enough to pay for all your social programs. Depression will hurt the poorest the worse. Quote I heard was something like this "the depression was actually not that bad - providing you had a job".

    Other most famous product of the Depression: the National Socialist Party in Germany.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    The programs in place from the Great Depression helped keep us from repeating another prolonged depression as social safety nets. It worked as evident from the 2008 financial crisis as millions of people continued to get unemployment checks from the government back stop.

    Technology and its advances are heating up, and from what I hear especially in New York. This is positive because so much if our focus in that area comes from Silicon Valley. Innovation happens at a break neck pace dye to our constitution allowing for attempts at success and failure, except you're too blind to see from your bias.

    Just like how you want to make love to AMP girls as a better route than quickies at a strip club. That's pretty righteous of you.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    There was also the coup attempt against FDR. The US could have gone the same way as Germany.

    People suffer during the heights of these bubbles, as well as in the busts.

    Food was everywhere during the Great Depressions. Crude oil prices dropped so low that it was being dumped on the ground.

    Yes, even today though you have people who would support a fascist party just because their stocks lost 5% of their value. There are lots of fucked up people in this country, just like there were in Germany.

    But America's Great Depression was also the time people pulled together and started taking a hard look at things like the "Work Ethic".

    We elected someone and gave him a mandate to make some progressive reforms. We finally gave labor unions some legal status too.


    Utah Phillips - Hallelujah I'm a Bum
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I treat women nicely. It goes better if you can spend a little bit of time with them. It makes it easier for them to open up to you.

    "extras" approaches to sex acts and FS was always a bad idea.

    Much of what is done with technology is wrong headed, gambits for control of markets by controlling compatibility standards. Open approaches, expanding on the idea of Open Source Software, are much better.

    Bubbles, just to create jobs, are bad just as are bubbles to create speculator prophets. Only way out of it is an epic scale collapse. BRING IT ON!!

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @SJG: What do you think of Norway? (Before oil crashed.) A country wealthy enough to pay for "craddle to grave" socialism. Won't you prefer to see an evolution to something like that versus a depression and god knows who could rise up from the gutter to power?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    SJG: "Welcome to TUSCL. We need more women's voices here. "

    But we already have rickdugan and jester214 and steve229 (providing he didn't pull an alucard/yoda on us and will be back some day).
  • ime
    9 years ago
    SJG's moronity knows no bounds, he just picks something even when wrong and sticks with it, ha what a dumbass
  • ime
    9 years ago
    shit was SJG trying to get service by a male stripper? well that wouldn't be any type of surprise.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    "SJG's moronity knows no bounds"!! No shit. Did you read above in this discusion where he states that "food was everywhere during the Great Depression"?

    Hey SJG, are you willing to stick to those comments when knowing full well that the dust bowl had kicked in during the '30's driving people to pick up and move to locales such as San Jose and places out west? If you're so smart I suggest you read East of Eden by John Steinbeck and then give us your dissertation.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    --Original Message--

    Hey Meat72, if you are so sure of the upcoming economic prosperity that you and the ilk of people like Dougster are purporting, then I suggest you watch the videos from "RonPaulmessage97.com"! It is what will come of this broken system.

    I joined Porter and Ron recently at one of their speaking arrangements held in San Jose last month, and after the event we went to an AMP and rented out a roo, except no Asians joined us. Porter Stansberry fucked me in the ass while Ron Paul watched. It was done slowly and sensually as we kissed passionately for 30 minutes before entering me. Ron Paul directed every movement Porter made to me in play by play fashion.

    Next time we should have a TUSCL meet up at an AMP with Porter and Ron Paul.

    This was the end of a pretty fucked up PM I received from SJG. Any of you TUSCLers game for his shenanigans?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Steinbeck also wrote "Grapes of Wrath". A great movie also, that SJG should watch
  • hiroaki
    9 years ago
    SJG said he was gonna suck my dick from the back. I'm tryin' to see what that be like!
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    wow!!! first @Dancer95 and now @Rechthaberei. it kinda feels like déjà vu all over again. a psycho nut job on TUSCL sending creepy PMs to everyone he thinks is a female.

    i wonder why this seems soooo familiar. hmmmmm

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If you want to get fiucked, just short the Chinese market. I heard their market was down last night and then the government started buying up stocks in the last hour and it went up 5%. Apparently they want their market up for sept 3rd when they celebrate their victory over Japan.
    Then I wonder if they will fuck Americans bulls by selling everything they bought and devaluing their currency 5% a day for 4 days without announcing it. after they are done, they just say they wanted to get it over with quickly. shorts might sell too early Instrad of quadrupling their money.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Don't listen to these guys. They are making stuff up.

    I have welcomed female members, but mostly I do this because so many people on TUSCL are so rude, and they insult these women on their threads. I welcome them, but that is as far as it goes. I do not try to flirt with them.

    Rech, using an earlier handle, was presenting himself so that he sounded to me both female, and to be a stripper. I welcomed him/her. But that was as far as it went.

    So right now, going on as he is, Rech is a liar.

    hiroaki, don't know who this is, but I have never contacted them.

    hiroaki is a liar.

    And Meat72, people had to leave Oklahoma during the dustbowl because land owners were going broke. It was a draught, but it was also just plummeting food prices. Banks bought up the land and wanted to end the share cropping system and change to wage labor. It was this end of share cropping which forced people to leave, not the depression. People did not starve or go hungry during the depression. Food was so plentiful that they were throwing it into pits and burying it.

    It was only because FDR set up the Agriculture Dept to pay farmers to keep land out of production that this gross excess was contained.

    Destroying food, 1934 Upton Sinclair campaign

    And mikeya02, perhaps you might like to read Grapes of Wrath. It is good. That story does describe some people going hungry in an internment camp in California. But this is because of that camp, designed to force the Okies out. This was not caused by the Depression. It was caused by the sorts of people who were running California.

    It was actually Sam Goldwin of MGM studios that made films trying to scare Californian's about Okies.

    Goldwin was the biggest factor in the defeat of Upton Sinclair, running to the left of FDR in 1934, and his Production for Use program.

    Our Daily Bread (1934) - King Vidor

    It would be in the 1990's that Pete Wilson, former Mayor of San Diego, made films very similar to Sam Goldwin's, but this time trying to scare Californians about Mexican immigrants.

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    people didn't starve during the great depression? guess they didn't need those long lines at soup kitchens back then. no one was hungry. don't believe something if it seems completely unreliable.
  • hiroaki
    9 years ago
    lol just for the record, SJG definitely didn't offer to suck my dick, it's from this:

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “Don't listen to these guys. They are making stuff up.”

    yep just like déjà vu all over again. a psycho nut job on TUSCL sending creepy PMs to everyone he thinks is a female and then denying what everyone knows is true.

    but i’m still scratching my head. why oh why does this psycho seem so familiar? hmmmmm
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    And I scratch my head Phil, wondering why you go on day after day posting nothing but negative meta-narratives.

    Soup lines kept people fed. It helped them avoid spending what little money they might have had. No matter, people did not go hungry during the Great Depression.

    One often heard comment about it was, "I realized we didn't have any money left and I thought, how are we going to live? But then I went outside and saw that no one had any money, so it didn't matter."

    The Great Depression was the first time in our history when people's thinking started to change.

    Now true, there were some who were embarrassed to walk to the soup kitchens. They had to drive their cars, to keep up appearances. But people did not starve or go hungry.

    You guys should read Grapes of Wrath. They show Okies in California with nothing to eat, but they also show that that was because California authorities, completely unlawfully, put them into something akin to concentration camps. And then likewise, they worked for starvation wages picking fruit. That was because the farm operators deliberately set it up that way.

    After the book's publication Steinbeck was faced with death threats and the sheriff advised him to keep armed at all times.

    California authorities were frightened about the idea of non-employed poor people being out and about. So as Steinbeck shows, the only way to deal with sheriffs was to take a completely subordinate tone.

    No difference today, people can live with nothing, so long as they come across as pitiful and submissive, especially submissive to the Born Again Christians and their outreach ministries and their message.

    And then of course people like Mayor Sam Liccardo of San Jose give their name to corporate programs designed to make the poor look pitiful. Job readiness programs, but not actual jobs, and working for way less than the minimum wage, and Recovery Programs, instead of Restorative Justice Programs, and working to close down more neutral types of meal programs, and the city installing their own church pastors.

    What angered so many during the Great Depression in California was simply the amount of food which was being buried in pits or burned with petro fuels. Food was in gross surplus. So the only people who could have starved were the ones penned up in interment camps or labor camps.

    It is not much different today. There is an abundance of food. There is actually an abundance of most everything people need to live. The variable economy is the one which uses scarce resources to produce the things which people don't need.

    To learn more about this, I suggest Buckminster Fuller's Critical Path.


    Dizzy Gillespie
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG you do realize the food surplus was California regional specific, but most of the nation was not dealing with the surplus. Hence the migration out west looking for better opportunities.bhell pregnant women were hoarding chalk to supplement their diet because of lack of milk and calcium. This was a common occurrence throughout the middle of America.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    All the documentary films I have seen, and all the first hand survivors I've known, insist that there was ample food everywhere.

    Now fear yes, that was real. And "Gone with the Wind" was written during that period and it was so popular because it also was a tale of huge economic uncertainty.

    Yes, the fear was real. But actual hunger, and among people not penned up in internment camps or labor camps? Never heard of that.

    If you have a link about this hoarding of chalk, I would be interested to read it.

    Share croppers had to leave Oklahoma because the banks had bought the land and were going to bulldoze their houses. And then the top soil was blowing off because these new land owners were not planting and irrigating. But this did not mean that there was ever insufficient food to feed the actual inhabitants. It was all because the price of food had crashed. That was the issue, everywhere, the price of food crashed. It was not just California. Food was everywhere outside of cities, and soup kitchens feed people in the cities.

    There was no shortage of land, labor, or sunlight. So why would there be a food shortage. It doesn't take cash to grow food.

    What it did take though was FDR setting up the Dept Agriculture and paying farmers to keep land out of production, in order to stabilize food prices. It still works this way today.

    Jobs go away, because most jobs deal with the soft demand part of the economy, like automobiles and clothes. But anything anyone must have, like food, will still be there.

    If you have links which present another view, I would like to see them.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Let's watch this:

    Also one other comment, about Grapes of Wrath. It was always clear to me that the Joad Family was subjected to great and unnecessary risk by making the trek to California. While things may have looked bleak in Oklahoma, eventually one way or another things worked out. If they had stayed put they would have enjoyed more support from the community.

    But because of really rumors and a propaganda being put out by exploiters, they took the risk and used what little they had to migrate. As such they were seen as an outside threat and they were indeed treated badly. They put themselves into completely unfamiliar and inhospitable circumstances.

    This depiction is why Steinbeck faced death threats in California, not coming from Oklahoma.

  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "Steinbeck also wrote "Grapes of Wrath". A great movie also, that SJG should watch"

    I've never watched the entire movie. It was on late night Sunday night a few weeks ago and I started watching it but couldn't make it til the end. Hope to see it again.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    omg. san_jose_guy you are now officially the stupidest person on the planet. and honestly that isn’t hyperbole you are AS FUCKING STUPID AS STUPID CAN BE!

    san_jose_guy “There was no shortage of land, labor, or sunlight. So why would there be a food shortage. It doesn't take cash to grow food.”

    WATER! it takes WATER you retarded fuck! turns out that 10 years without rain kinda cuts into food production. who’d a thunk?

    not that it would do any good but instead of whining about how various web sites kicked your retarded ass off, and making up your own demented history and present day reality, why don’t you try watching actual film footage and actual first person interviews produced by Ken Burns and aired on PBS: ““American Experience – Surviving the Dust Bowl”Public Broadcasting Service. 2009-01-15. The Dust Bowl brought drought, dust, disease and death to the Midwest for nearly a decade.”


    my GAWD you are fucking STUPID!!!!

    and stop sending psycho PMs you moron
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    +1 Dr. Phil

    -25,000,000 SJG

    Dude is making shut up because he thinks it sounds good when he repeats it in his fucking head. The Dust Bowl was exacerbated because of unsound tilling and land stripping. Once proper techniques were placed it helped drought stricken areas survive better, but this was one of our lessons from the Depression. It wasn't one thing but several, however your depiction of Oklahoma top soil blowing away because of no one planting is quite suspicious. That is not why the bulldozers came. You framed this as the price of food dropped and therefore there was no profit, hence people quit working and was forced to move out because the banks had foreclosed them. That's not what happened, which is why we need to learn accurately from history. You my friend (if I can call you that-SJG) are no historian and will continue a life in limbo repeating mistakes, just because of your dimentia.

    It's not your fault SJG, you have a disease. Just be open to admitting it so someday you can accept clinical help. Or maybe you're just the biggest TUSCL troll ever?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I certainly would never send any PM's to a troll like DoctorPhil. People on TUSCL have been extremely rude when female members have first posted, so I have sent PM's welcoming them. But it has never been flirting, just a polite welcome and sometimes an apology for the rude TUSCL members. That is all. Don't listen to DoctorPhil or anyone else like him.

    Grapes of Wrath is probably the film which launched United Artists. The ending of the movie is not the same as the book. But either way, both are good.

    DoctorPhil wrote,

    WATER! it takes WATER you retarded fuck! turns out that 10 years without rain kinda cuts into food production. who’d a thunk?

    Big difference between having enough water to supply a cash crop, versus having enough water just to plant vegetables to feed local people and livestock. The drought would have caused prairie grass to die too, and so this caused the top soil to blow off.

    This loss of the cash crop and the collapse of farm produce prices broke many of the land owners, so banks were buying it up. Lots and lots of people lost their land during the Great Depression.

    These banks and new large scale owners wanted to end the share cropping system.

    But this does not mean that local people could not live off the land. A draught would not have gotten that bad that there was no water available for anything at all.

    Sure, there was economic disruption of all sorts, and people did suffer. But eventually people found out that there was no need for fear, because since no one had money, you didn't need it either.

    Meat72, the bulldozers were because these new large scale land owners wanted to make sure the share croppers left. So they bulldozed their houses. They did not leave because there was no food. This would not have been the case. Just about impossible for that to have happened. It is not that hard to live off of land, even during draughts.

    So people did suffer, but not because an economic collapse could ever go deep enough to effect the food supply. They suffered because of all the collateral aspects of economic dislocation, like being lured into a long and dangerous migration to California, where the prospects were actually just as uncertain, and to having their cash flow cut off, and having land change hands to people who were intent on ending share cropping and going to more mechanization and a wage labor system, and because of having to deal with law enforcement intent on driving them away.

    But food does not depend on such things. Food was in great abundance and usually just left sitting on the ground. This is what showed people that our economic system is wrong at core.

    Food was pilling up in California, and there would have been adequate food across the country. Just the market had collapsed so there was no money to be made in transporting it. But still, even in cities, provisions were made.

    It was during the Great Depression that people first came to question our economic system.

    We need to question it now, as it is wrong at core. If we can make gradual adjustments, it will be better. But the longer we keep propping up the present system, the greater the pain will be when it finally does collapse. So this means, the sooner we can start making radical changes, the better

    This documentary is good, things not much different today than in the run up to the Great Depression:

  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    This last post From SJG is circumstantial evidence that he was fucked in the ass by Porter Stansberry while Ron Paul watched. All signs point to go!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    People learned in the Great Depression that you don't need money to live, and that our system does not work.

    So FDR, by imposing reforms and controls, he actually saved Capitalism from itself.

    One thing which really scared the authorities was this. As some of these Okies, displaced by the collapse of share cropping, not directly by the draught, had been unlawfully herded into internment camps, some of them started pounding stakes into the ground and putting in a crop.

    It isn't that hard to live off the land, even in California's Southern Desert. This frightened the authorities as this meant that the people were claiming those spots as their patch and were planning on staying.

    And this was basically what the Upton Sinclair 1934 Gubernatorial Campaign was encouraging.

    So it was at this point that the authorities knew that they had to close the camps and again run the Okies out. The idea that poor people might claim land and not be available as source of cheap labor is very threatening to our system.

    It would also be in the Post War years that the South started to dismantle it's share cropping system in favor of mechanization and wage labor, and so poor blacks would be driven into large north eastern cities, where they would be lectured to about the self-reliance ethic and about how bad welfare is for poor people.

    Things are not likely to improve any until we have another Great Depression. And the longer we try to avoid this by pumping up new bubbles, the harder the hit is going to be.

    So I say, bring it on, and bring it on now!


    Duke Ellington, 1958
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    More evidence of SJG trolling after he initiated a PM to me and then denying his involvement. Thus crazy ass nut job has been in the Cali penitentiary system before and will likely return.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Troll Notice: Please ignore san_jose_gay / Meat72 / DoctorPhil, just a good for nothing worthless asshole.


    Barbara Dennerlein & Tony Monaco play together "Swing the Blondes" @ Eddie Lang Jazz Festival 2011
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Good for nothing worthless asshole who refuses to believe the market is going to crash, unlike you who've been calling for the market collapse since July 2014!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I don't believe Ron Paul watched )
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Lol, just because my thread is as relevant today as it was 7 years ago and everything f else is just as juvenile on the discussion board.

    Stfu, SJG!
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Back to the days when I basically didn't know anyone or post much if at all.
    It's good to see posts from some people that haven't posted in years, the REAL DrPhil, Mikeyao2, etc
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    SJG responses were prior to putting me on ignore and announcing it to everyone! He at one time supported me, then ignores, and then engages with threats. A real keyboard koward!
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    How’s that privacy firewall LloydSchoene?
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    LloydSchoene’s privacy wall blows.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Hey meat..

    you are still trying to build siege scaffolds to attack the privacy of my f2f life.
    His f2f life is private and very well protected.
    Shouldn't be that hard to understand.
    You know nothing about it.
    What you have demonstrated in times past is that you like giving yourself a concussion by running into his privacy wall.

    the creep maintains a 2000' dead zone in front of his privacy wall.
    Nothing alive is in there. Siege scaffolds get burnt down. Corpses and Zombies get incinerated.

    Got it? Lol
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    So he wanted a collapse. Then when the shut downs came he went bat shit crazy about it.....
  • JimGassagain
    2 years ago
    ^^ Bacon!!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    SJG Your reaction to pandemic mitigation efforts and the fallout of the pandemic are the complete opposite of what you propose here.

    Just like how you talk about the need for ubi housing and health care then go nutjob republican attacking Newsom.

    Or when you talk about seducing stripper hoes but just describe buying gfes.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Was Ron Paul masked and vaxed when this occurred?

    This type of threesome can get very messy - and lots of fluids can be exchanged during the spit roasting of a San Jose vagrant.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Cashman you must be talking from experience. Coz you're a fucking nutcase too
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Icee! Ma doggy style n-gga! We still on to meet out back - on the down low?

    I promise to use lube this time! Your sweet ass got so sore when I used spit yesterday…

    I enjoy it so much when you call me Bubba!
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Wow, Cashman is running circles around Icee! He is dominating him left and right, mentally and physically. Tripping him up, controlling his emotions, making him misspell constantly. Icee you cant compete with Cashman, and you should show more respect to your elders! He’s almost 60 years old you don’t call people that old nutcase even if they insult you.
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