Comments from Random Members
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
I know there are a shit load of TUSCL members who probably join just for the club review and that info, so it still sorta freaks me out when I see random members names I don't recognize commenting on the discussion board :)
I know this is a "anyone-can-be-here" place, but after the whole Ashley Madison breach, when random post shit I feel super exposed.
Is it only me?
I know this is a "anyone-can-be-here" place, but after the whole Ashley Madison breach, when random post shit I feel super exposed.
Is it only me?
Having said that, I get what you're saying. A few weeks back there was a guy that made his first comment after beinh a member for years. I forgot the thread topic, but it was kind of a weird thread to make your very first comment.
(1) GACA
(2) MOtor
No use in reviewing clubs already adequately covered.Discussions are at times just jabs at another member, wasted time and space. Other times I have no knowledge / opinion on the subject at hand. Posting in " MESSAGE" forum has, at times, gotten stupid.
So..........I just read what is written, at times either shaking my head, or nodding in silent agreement.
It'd be interesting if TUSCL had a feature like SW that shows how many people are currently viewing – but IDK how accurately that can be determined.
Show of hands: how many of you would be willing to put your little spineless willies into a lioness' mouth?